@@ -1,2 +1,12521 @@
+function getTarget() {
+ if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
+ return window;
+ }
+ if (typeof globalThis !== "undefined") {
+ return globalThis;
+ }
+ if (typeof global !== "undefined") {
+ return global;
+ }
+ if (typeof my !== "undefined") {
+ return my;
+ }
+class Socket {
+ constructor(host) {
+ this.sid = "";
+ this.ackTimeout = 5e3;
+ this.closed = false;
+ this._ackTimer = 0;
+ this._onCallbacks = {};
+ this.host = host;
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.connect();
+ }, 50);
+ }
+ connect() {
+ this._socket = uni.connectSocket({
+ url: `ws://${this.host}/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=websocket`,
+ multiple: true,
+ complete(res) {
+ }
+ });
+ this._socket.onOpen((res) => {
+ });
+ this._socket.onMessage(({ data }) => {
+ if (typeof my !== "undefined") {
+ data = data.data;
+ }
+ if (typeof data !== "string") {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (data[0] === "0") {
+ this._send("40");
+ const res = JSON.parse(data.slice(1));
+ this.sid = res.sid;
+ } else if (data[0] + data[1] === "40") {
+ this.sid = JSON.parse(data.slice(2)).sid;
+ this._trigger("connect");
+ } else if (data === "3") {
+ this._send("2");
+ } else if (data === "2") {
+ this._send("3");
+ } else {
+ const match = /\[.*\]/.exec(data);
+ if (!match)
+ return;
+ try {
+ const [event, args] = JSON.parse(match[0]);
+ this._trigger(event, args);
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error("Vue DevTools onMessage: ", err);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this._socket.onClose((res) => {
+ this.closed = true;
+ this._trigger("disconnect", res);
+ });
+ this._socket.onError((res) => {
+ console.error(res.errMsg);
+ });
+ }
+ on(event, callback) {
+ (this._onCallbacks[event] || (this._onCallbacks[event] = [])).push(callback);
+ }
+ emit(event, data) {
+ if (this.closed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._heartbeat();
+ this._send(`42${JSON.stringify(typeof data !== "undefined" ? [event, data] : [event])}`);
+ }
+ disconnect() {
+ clearTimeout(this._ackTimer);
+ if (this._socket && !this.closed) {
+ this._send("41");
+ this._socket.close({});
+ }
+ }
+ _heartbeat() {
+ clearTimeout(this._ackTimer);
+ this._ackTimer = setTimeout(() => {
+ this._socket && this._socket.send({ data: "3" });
+ }, this.ackTimeout);
+ }
+ _send(data) {
+ this._socket && this._socket.send({ data });
+ }
+ _trigger(event, args) {
+ const callbacks = this._onCallbacks[event];
+ if (callbacks) {
+ callbacks.forEach((callback) => {
+ callback(args);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+let socketReadyCallback;
+getTarget().__VUE_DEVTOOLS_ON_SOCKET_READY__ = (callback) => {
+ socketReadyCallback = callback;
+let targetHost = "";
+const hosts = "".split(",");
+setTimeout(() => {
+ uni.request({
+ url: `http://${"localhost"}:${__VUE_DEVTOOLS_TEST_PORT__}`,
+ timeout: 1e3,
+ success() {
+ targetHost = "localhost";
+ initSocket();
+ },
+ fail() {
+ if (!targetHost && hosts.length) {
+ hosts.forEach((host) => {
+ uni.request({
+ url: `http://${host}:${__VUE_DEVTOOLS_TEST_PORT__}`,
+ timeout: 1e3,
+ success() {
+ if (!targetHost) {
+ targetHost = host;
+ initSocket();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+}, 0);
+function throwConnectionError() {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ if (!targetHost) {
+ throw new Error("未能获取局域网地址,本地调试服务不可用");
+ }
+ }, (hosts.length + 1) * 1100);
+function initSocket() {
+ getTarget().__VUE_DEVTOOLS_SOCKET__ = new Socket(targetHost + ":8098");
+ socketReadyCallback();
+var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
+(function() {
+ var __webpack_modules__ = {
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/hook.js": (
+ /*!***************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/hook.js ***!
+ \***************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.installHook = void 0;
+ function installHook(target, isIframe = false) {
+ const devtoolsVersion = "6.0";
+ let listeners = {};
+ function injectIframeHook(iframe) {
+ if (iframe.__vdevtools__injected)
+ return;
+ try {
+ iframe.__vdevtools__injected = true;
+ const inject = () => {
+ try {
+ iframe.contentWindow.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_IFRAME__ = iframe;
+ const script = iframe.contentDocument.createElement("script");
+ script.textContent = ";(" + installHook.toString() + ")(window, true)";
+ iframe.contentDocument.documentElement.appendChild(script);
+ script.parentNode.removeChild(script);
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ };
+ inject();
+ iframe.addEventListener("load", () => inject());
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ let iframeChecks = 0;
+ function injectToIframes() {
+ if (typeof window === "undefined")
+ return;
+ const iframes = document.querySelectorAll("iframe:not([data-vue-devtools-ignore])");
+ for (const iframe of iframes) {
+ injectIframeHook(iframe);
+ }
+ }
+ injectToIframes();
+ const iframeTimer = setInterval(() => {
+ injectToIframes();
+ iframeChecks++;
+ if (iframeChecks >= 5) {
+ clearInterval(iframeTimer);
+ }
+ }, 1e3);
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target, "__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__")) {
+ if (target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.devtoolsVersion !== devtoolsVersion) {
+ console.error(`Another version of Vue Devtools seems to be installed. Please enable only one version at a time.`);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ let hook;
+ if (isIframe) {
+ const sendToParent = (cb) => {
+ try {
+ const hook2 = window.parent.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;
+ if (hook2) {
+ return cb(hook2);
+ } else {
+ console.warn("[Vue Devtools] No hook in parent window");
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.warn("[Vue Devtools] Failed to send message to parent window", e);
+ }
+ };
+ hook = {
+ devtoolsVersion,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line accessor-pairs
+ set Vue(value) {
+ sendToParent((hook2) => {
+ hook2.Vue = value;
+ });
+ },
+ // eslint-disable-next-line accessor-pairs
+ set enabled(value) {
+ sendToParent((hook2) => {
+ hook2.enabled = value;
+ });
+ },
+ on(event, fn) {
+ sendToParent((hook2) => hook2.on(event, fn));
+ },
+ once(event, fn) {
+ sendToParent((hook2) => hook2.once(event, fn));
+ },
+ off(event, fn) {
+ sendToParent((hook2) => hook2.off(event, fn));
+ },
+ emit(event, ...args) {
+ sendToParent((hook2) => hook2.emit(event, ...args));
+ },
+ cleanupBuffer(matchArg) {
+ var _a;
+ return (_a = sendToParent((hook2) => hook2.cleanupBuffer(matchArg))) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false;
+ }
+ };
+ } else {
+ hook = {
+ devtoolsVersion,
+ Vue: null,
+ enabled: void 0,
+ _buffer: [],
+ store: null,
+ initialState: null,
+ storeModules: null,
+ flushStoreModules: null,
+ apps: [],
+ _replayBuffer(event) {
+ const buffer = this._buffer;
+ this._buffer = [];
+ for (let i = 0, l = buffer.length; i < l; i++) {
+ const allArgs = buffer[i];
+ allArgs[0] === event ? this.emit.apply(this, allArgs) : this._buffer.push(allArgs);
+ }
+ },
+ on(event, fn) {
+ const $event = "$" + event;
+ if (listeners[$event]) {
+ listeners[$event].push(fn);
+ } else {
+ listeners[$event] = [fn];
+ this._replayBuffer(event);
+ }
+ },
+ once(event, fn) {
+ const on = (...args) => {
+ this.off(event, on);
+ return fn.apply(this, args);
+ };
+ this.on(event, on);
+ },
+ off(event, fn) {
+ event = "$" + event;
+ if (!arguments.length) {
+ listeners = {};
+ } else {
+ const cbs = listeners[event];
+ if (cbs) {
+ if (!fn) {
+ listeners[event] = null;
+ } else {
+ for (let i = 0, l = cbs.length; i < l; i++) {
+ const cb = cbs[i];
+ if (cb === fn || cb.fn === fn) {
+ cbs.splice(i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ emit(event, ...args) {
+ const $event = "$" + event;
+ let cbs = listeners[$event];
+ if (cbs) {
+ cbs = cbs.slice();
+ for (let i = 0, l = cbs.length; i < l; i++) {
+ try {
+ const result = cbs[i].apply(this, args);
+ if (typeof (result === null || result === void 0 ? void 0 : result.catch) === "function") {
+ result.catch((e) => {
+ console.error(`[Hook] Error in async event handler for ${event} with args:`, args);
+ console.error(e);
+ });
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(`[Hook] Error in event handler for ${event} with args:`, args);
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._buffer.push([event, ...args]);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Remove buffered events with any argument that is equal to the given value.
+ * @param matchArg Given value to match.
+ */
+ cleanupBuffer(matchArg) {
+ let wasBuffered = false;
+ this._buffer = this._buffer.filter((item) => {
+ if (item.some((arg) => arg === matchArg)) {
+ wasBuffered = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ return wasBuffered;
+ }
+ };
+ hook.once("init", (Vue) => {
+ hook.Vue = Vue;
+ if (Vue) {
+ Vue.prototype.$inspect = function() {
+ const fn = target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_INSPECT__;
+ fn && fn(this);
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ hook.on("app:init", (app, version, types) => {
+ const appRecord = {
+ app,
+ version,
+ types
+ };
+ hook.apps.push(appRecord);
+ hook.emit("app:add", appRecord);
+ });
+ hook.once("vuex:init", (store) => {
+ hook.store = store;
+ hook.initialState = clone(store.state);
+ const origReplaceState = store.replaceState.bind(store);
+ store.replaceState = (state) => {
+ hook.initialState = clone(state);
+ origReplaceState(state);
+ };
+ let origRegister, origUnregister;
+ if (store.registerModule) {
+ hook.storeModules = [];
+ origRegister = store.registerModule.bind(store);
+ store.registerModule = (path, module, options) => {
+ if (typeof path === "string")
+ path = [path];
+ hook.storeModules.push({
+ path,
+ module,
+ options
+ });
+ origRegister(path, module, options);
+ {
+ console.log("early register module", path, module, options);
+ }
+ };
+ origUnregister = store.unregisterModule.bind(store);
+ store.unregisterModule = (path) => {
+ if (typeof path === "string")
+ path = [path];
+ const key = path.join("/");
+ const index = hook.storeModules.findIndex((m) => m.path.join("/") === key);
+ if (index !== -1)
+ hook.storeModules.splice(index, 1);
+ origUnregister(path);
+ {
+ console.log("early unregister module", path);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ hook.flushStoreModules = () => {
+ store.replaceState = origReplaceState;
+ if (store.registerModule) {
+ store.registerModule = origRegister;
+ store.unregisterModule = origUnregister;
+ }
+ return hook.storeModules || [];
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ {
+ uni.syncDataToGlobal({
+ });
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(target, "__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__", {
+ get() {
+ return hook;
+ }
+ });
+ if (target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK_REPLAY__) {
+ try {
+ target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK_REPLAY__.forEach((cb) => cb(hook));
+ target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_HOOK_REPLAY__ = [];
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error("[vue-devtools] Error during hook replay", e);
+ }
+ }
+ const {
+ toString: toStringFunction
+ } = Function.prototype;
+ const {
+ create,
+ defineProperty,
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
+ getOwnPropertyNames,
+ getOwnPropertySymbols,
+ getPrototypeOf
+ } = Object;
+ const {
+ hasOwnProperty,
+ propertyIsEnumerable
+ } = Object.prototype;
+ const SUPPORTS = {
+ SYMBOL_PROPERTIES: typeof getOwnPropertySymbols === "function",
+ WEAKSET: typeof WeakSet === "function"
+ };
+ const createCache = () => {
+ return /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
+ }
+ const object = create({
+ add: (value) => object._values.push(value),
+ has: (value) => !!~object._values.indexOf(value)
+ });
+ object._values = [];
+ return object;
+ };
+ const getCleanClone = (object, realm) => {
+ if (!object.constructor) {
+ return create(null);
+ }
+ const prototype = object.__proto__ || getPrototypeOf(object);
+ if (object.constructor === realm.Object) {
+ return prototype === realm.Object.prototype ? {} : create(prototype);
+ }
+ if (~toStringFunction.call(object.constructor).indexOf("[native code]")) {
+ try {
+ return new object.constructor();
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ return create(prototype);
+ };
+ const getObjectCloneLoose = (object, realm, handleCopy, cache) => {
+ const clone2 = getCleanClone(object, realm);
+ for (const key in object) {
+ if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) {
+ clone2[key] = handleCopy(object[key], cache);
+ }
+ }
+ const symbols = getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
+ if (symbols.length) {
+ for (let index = 0, symbol; index < symbols.length; index++) {
+ symbol = symbols[index];
+ if (propertyIsEnumerable.call(object, symbol)) {
+ clone2[symbol] = handleCopy(object[symbol], cache);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return clone2;
+ };
+ const getObjectCloneStrict = (object, realm, handleCopy, cache) => {
+ const clone2 = getCleanClone(object, realm);
+ const properties = SUPPORTS.SYMBOL_PROPERTIES ? [].concat(getOwnPropertyNames(object), getOwnPropertySymbols(object)) : getOwnPropertyNames(object);
+ if (properties.length) {
+ for (let index = 0, property, descriptor; index < properties.length; index++) {
+ property = properties[index];
+ if (property !== "callee" && property !== "caller") {
+ descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property);
+ descriptor.value = handleCopy(object[property], cache);
+ defineProperty(clone2, property, descriptor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return clone2;
+ };
+ const getRegExpFlags = (regExp) => {
+ let flags = "";
+ if (regExp.global) {
+ flags += "g";
+ }
+ if (regExp.ignoreCase) {
+ flags += "i";
+ }
+ if (regExp.multiline) {
+ flags += "m";
+ }
+ if (regExp.unicode) {
+ flags += "u";
+ }
+ if (regExp.sticky) {
+ flags += "y";
+ }
+ return flags;
+ };
+ const {
+ isArray
+ } = Array;
+ const GLOBAL_THIS = (() => {
+ if (typeof self !== "undefined") {
+ return self;
+ }
+ if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
+ return window;
+ }
+ if (typeof __webpack_require__2.g !== "undefined") {
+ return __webpack_require__2.g;
+ }
+ if (console && console.error) {
+ console.error('Unable to locate global object, returning "this".');
+ }
+ })();
+ function clone(object, options = null) {
+ const isStrict = !!(options && options.isStrict);
+ const realm = options && options.realm || GLOBAL_THIS;
+ const getObjectClone = isStrict ? getObjectCloneStrict : getObjectCloneLoose;
+ const handleCopy = (object2, cache) => {
+ if (!object2 || typeof object2 !== "object" || cache.has(object2)) {
+ return object2;
+ }
+ if (typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && object2 instanceof HTMLElement) {
+ return object2.cloneNode(false);
+ }
+ const Constructor = object2.constructor;
+ if (Constructor === realm.Object) {
+ cache.add(object2);
+ return getObjectClone(object2, realm, handleCopy, cache);
+ }
+ let clone2;
+ if (isArray(object2)) {
+ cache.add(object2);
+ if (isStrict) {
+ return getObjectCloneStrict(object2, realm, handleCopy, cache);
+ }
+ clone2 = new Constructor();
+ for (let index = 0; index < object2.length; index++) {
+ clone2[index] = handleCopy(object2[index], cache);
+ }
+ return clone2;
+ }
+ if (object2 instanceof realm.Date) {
+ return new Constructor(object2.getTime());
+ }
+ if (object2 instanceof realm.RegExp) {
+ clone2 = new Constructor(object2.source, object2.flags || getRegExpFlags(object2));
+ clone2.lastIndex = object2.lastIndex;
+ return clone2;
+ }
+ if (realm.Map && object2 instanceof realm.Map) {
+ cache.add(object2);
+ clone2 = new Constructor();
+ object2.forEach((value, key) => {
+ clone2.set(key, handleCopy(value, cache));
+ });
+ return clone2;
+ }
+ if (realm.Set && object2 instanceof realm.Set) {
+ cache.add(object2);
+ clone2 = new Constructor();
+ object2.forEach((value) => {
+ clone2.add(handleCopy(value, cache));
+ });
+ return clone2;
+ }
+ if (realm.Buffer && realm.Buffer.isBuffer(object2)) {
+ clone2 = realm.Buffer.allocUnsafe ? realm.Buffer.allocUnsafe(object2.length) : new Constructor(object2.length);
+ object2.copy(clone2);
+ return clone2;
+ }
+ if (realm.ArrayBuffer) {
+ if (realm.ArrayBuffer.isView(object2)) {
+ return new Constructor(object2.buffer.slice(0));
+ }
+ if (object2 instanceof realm.ArrayBuffer) {
+ return object2.slice(0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ // promise-like
+ hasOwnProperty.call(object2, "then") && typeof object2.then === "function" || // errors
+ object2 instanceof Error || // weakmaps
+ realm.WeakMap && object2 instanceof realm.WeakMap || // weaksets
+ realm.WeakSet && object2 instanceof realm.WeakSet
+ ) {
+ return object2;
+ }
+ cache.add(object2);
+ return getObjectClone(object2, realm, handleCopy, cache);
+ };
+ return handleCopy(object, createCache());
+ }
+ }
+ exports.installHook = installHook;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/backend.js": (
+ /*!**************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/backend.js ***!
+ \**************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.getCatchedGetters = exports.getCustomStoreDetails = exports.getCustomRouterDetails = exports.isVueInstance = exports.getCustomObjectDetails = exports.getCustomInstanceDetails = exports.getInstanceMap = exports.backendInjections = void 0;
+ exports.backendInjections = {
+ instanceMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
+ isVueInstance: () => false,
+ getCustomInstanceDetails: () => ({}),
+ getCustomObjectDetails: () => void 0
+ };
+ function getInstanceMap() {
+ return exports.backendInjections.instanceMap;
+ }
+ exports.getInstanceMap = getInstanceMap;
+ function getCustomInstanceDetails(instance) {
+ return exports.backendInjections.getCustomInstanceDetails(instance);
+ }
+ exports.getCustomInstanceDetails = getCustomInstanceDetails;
+ function getCustomObjectDetails(value, proto) {
+ return exports.backendInjections.getCustomObjectDetails(value, proto);
+ }
+ exports.getCustomObjectDetails = getCustomObjectDetails;
+ function isVueInstance(value) {
+ return exports.backendInjections.isVueInstance(value);
+ }
+ exports.isVueInstance = isVueInstance;
+ function getCustomRouterDetails(router) {
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "router",
+ display: "VueRouter",
+ value: {
+ options: router.options,
+ currentRoute: router.currentRoute
+ },
+ fields: {
+ abstract: true
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomRouterDetails = getCustomRouterDetails;
+ function getCustomStoreDetails(store) {
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "store",
+ display: "Store",
+ value: {
+ state: store.state,
+ getters: getCatchedGetters(store)
+ },
+ fields: {
+ abstract: true
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomStoreDetails = getCustomStoreDetails;
+ function getCatchedGetters(store) {
+ const getters = {};
+ const origGetters = store.getters || {};
+ const keys = Object.keys(origGetters);
+ for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ const key = keys[i];
+ Object.defineProperty(getters, key, {
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: () => {
+ try {
+ return origGetters[key];
+ } catch (e) {
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return getters;
+ }
+ exports.getCatchedGetters = getCatchedGetters;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/bridge.js": (
+ /*!*************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/bridge.js ***!
+ \*************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.Bridge = void 0;
+ const events_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! events */
+ "../../node_modules/events/events.js"
+ );
+ const raf_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./raf */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/raf.js"
+ );
+ const BATCH_DURATION = 100;
+ class Bridge extends events_1.EventEmitter {
+ constructor(wall) {
+ super();
+ this.setMaxListeners(Infinity);
+ this.wall = wall;
+ wall.listen((messages) => {
+ if (Array.isArray(messages)) {
+ messages.forEach((message) => this._emit(message));
+ } else {
+ this._emit(messages);
+ }
+ });
+ this._batchingQueue = [];
+ this._sendingQueue = [];
+ this._receivingQueue = [];
+ this._sending = false;
+ }
+ on(event, listener) {
+ const wrappedListener = async (...args) => {
+ try {
+ await listener(...args);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(`[Bridge] Error in listener for event ${event.toString()} with args:`, args);
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ };
+ return super.on(event, wrappedListener);
+ }
+ send(event, payload) {
+ this._batchingQueue.push({
+ event,
+ payload
+ });
+ if (this._timer == null) {
+ this._timer = setTimeout(() => this._flush(), BATCH_DURATION);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Log a message to the devtools background page.
+ */
+ log(message) {
+ this.send("log", message);
+ }
+ _flush() {
+ if (this._batchingQueue.length)
+ this._send(this._batchingQueue);
+ clearTimeout(this._timer);
+ this._timer = null;
+ this._batchingQueue = [];
+ }
+ // @TODO types
+ _emit(message) {
+ if (typeof message === "string") {
+ this.emit(message);
+ } else if (message._chunk) {
+ this._receivingQueue.push(message._chunk);
+ if (message.last) {
+ this.emit(message.event, this._receivingQueue);
+ this._receivingQueue = [];
+ }
+ } else if (message.event) {
+ this.emit(message.event, message.payload);
+ }
+ }
+ // @TODO types
+ _send(messages) {
+ this._sendingQueue.push(messages);
+ this._nextSend();
+ }
+ _nextSend() {
+ if (!this._sendingQueue.length || this._sending)
+ return;
+ this._sending = true;
+ const messages = this._sendingQueue.shift();
+ try {
+ this.wall.send(messages);
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (err.message === "Message length exceeded maximum allowed length.") {
+ this._sendingQueue.splice(0, 0, messages.map((message) => [message]));
+ }
+ }
+ this._sending = false;
+ (0, raf_1.raf)(() => this._nextSend());
+ }
+ }
+ exports.Bridge = Bridge;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/consts.js": (
+ /*!*************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/consts.js ***!
+ \*************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.HookEvents = exports.BridgeSubscriptions = exports.BridgeEvents = exports.BuiltinTabs = void 0;
+ (function(BuiltinTabs) {
+ BuiltinTabs["COMPONENTS"] = "components";
+ BuiltinTabs["TIMELINE"] = "timeline";
+ BuiltinTabs["PLUGINS"] = "plugins";
+ BuiltinTabs["SETTINGS"] = "settings";
+ })(exports.BuiltinTabs || (exports.BuiltinTabs = {}));
+ (function(BridgeEvents) {
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_SUBSCRIBE"] = "b:subscribe";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_UNSUBSCRIBE"] = "b:unsubscribe";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_READY"] = "f:ready";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_LOG_DETECTED_VUE"] = "b:log-detected-vue";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_REFRESH"] = "b:refresh";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TAB_SWITCH"] = "b:tab:switch";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_LOG"] = "b:log";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_RECONNECTED"] = "f:reconnected";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TITLE"] = "f:title";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_APP_ADD"] = "f:app:add";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_APP_LIST"] = "b:app:list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_APP_LIST"] = "f:app:list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_APP_REMOVE"] = "f:app:remove";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_APP_SELECT"] = "b:app:select";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_APP_SELECTED"] = "f:app:selected";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_SCAN_LEGACY_APPS"] = "b:app:scan-legacy";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_TREE"] = "b:component:tree";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_TREE"] = "f:component:tree";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_SELECTED_DATA"] = "b:component:selected-data";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_SELECTED_DATA"] = "f:component:selected-data";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_EXPAND"] = "b:component:expand";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_EXPAND"] = "f:component:expand";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_SCROLL_TO"] = "b:component:scroll-to";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_FILTER"] = "b:component:filter";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_MOUSE_OVER"] = "b:component:mouse-over";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_MOUSE_OUT"] = "b:component:mouse-out";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_CONTEXT_MENU_TARGET"] = "b:component:context-menu-target";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_EDIT_STATE"] = "b:component:edit-state";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_PICK"] = "b:component:pick";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_PICK"] = "f:component:pick";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_PICK_CANCELED"] = "b:component:pick-canceled";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_PICK_CANCELED"] = "f:component:pick-canceled";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_INSPECT_DOM"] = "b:component:inspect-dom";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_INSPECT_DOM"] = "f:component:inspect-dom";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_RENDER_CODE"] = "b:component:render-code";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_RENDER_CODE"] = "f:component:render-code";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_UPDATED"] = "f:component:updated";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_EVENT"] = "f:timeline:event";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TIMELINE_LAYER_LIST"] = "b:timeline:layer-list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_LAYER_LIST"] = "f:timeline:layer-list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_LAYER_ADD"] = "f:timeline:layer-add";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TIMELINE_SHOW_SCREENSHOT"] = "b:timeline:show-screenshot";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TIMELINE_CLEAR"] = "b:timeline:clear";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TIMELINE_EVENT_DATA"] = "b:timeline:event-data";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_EVENT_DATA"] = "f:timeline:event-data";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TIMELINE_LAYER_LOAD_EVENTS"] = "b:timeline:layer-load-events";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_LAYER_LOAD_EVENTS"] = "f:timeline:layer-load-events";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TIMELINE_LOAD_MARKERS"] = "b:timeline:load-markers";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_LOAD_MARKERS"] = "f:timeline:load-markers";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_MARKER"] = "f:timeline:marker";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_LIST"] = "b:devtools-plugin:list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_LIST"] = "f:devtools-plugin:list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_ADD"] = "f:devtools-plugin:add";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_SETTING_UPDATED"] = "b:devtools-plugin:setting-updated";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_LIST"] = "b:custom-inspector:list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_LIST"] = "f:custom-inspector:list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_ADD"] = "f:custom-inspector:add";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_TREE"] = "b:custom-inspector:tree";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_TREE"] = "f:custom-inspector:tree";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_STATE"] = "b:custom-inspector:state";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_STATE"] = "f:custom-inspector:state";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_EDIT_STATE"] = "b:custom-inspector:edit-state";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_ACTION"] = "b:custom-inspector:action";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_NODE_ACTION"] = "b:custom-inspector:node-action";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SELECT_NODE"] = "f:custom-inspector:select-node";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_STATE_ACTION"] = "b:custom-state:action";
+ })(exports.BridgeEvents || (exports.BridgeEvents = {}));
+ (function(BridgeSubscriptions) {
+ BridgeSubscriptions["SELECTED_COMPONENT_DATA"] = "component:selected-data";
+ BridgeSubscriptions["COMPONENT_TREE"] = "component:tree";
+ })(exports.BridgeSubscriptions || (exports.BridgeSubscriptions = {}));
+ (function(HookEvents) {
+ HookEvents["INIT"] = "init";
+ HookEvents["APP_INIT"] = "app:init";
+ HookEvents["APP_ADD"] = "app:add";
+ HookEvents["APP_UNMOUNT"] = "app:unmount";
+ HookEvents["COMPONENT_UPDATED"] = "component:updated";
+ HookEvents["COMPONENT_ADDED"] = "component:added";
+ HookEvents["COMPONENT_REMOVED"] = "component:removed";
+ HookEvents["COMPONENT_EMIT"] = "component:emit";
+ HookEvents["COMPONENT_HIGHLIGHT"] = "component:highlight";
+ HookEvents["COMPONENT_UNHIGHLIGHT"] = "component:unhighlight";
+ HookEvents["SETUP_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN"] = "devtools-plugin:setup";
+ HookEvents["TIMELINE_LAYER_ADDED"] = "timeline:layer-added";
+ HookEvents["TIMELINE_EVENT_ADDED"] = "timeline:event-added";
+ HookEvents["CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_ADD"] = "custom-inspector:add";
+ HookEvents["CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SEND_TREE"] = "custom-inspector:send-tree";
+ HookEvents["CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SEND_STATE"] = "custom-inspector:send-state";
+ HookEvents["CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SELECT_NODE"] = "custom-inspector:select-node";
+ HookEvents["PERFORMANCE_START"] = "perf:start";
+ HookEvents["PERFORMANCE_END"] = "perf:end";
+ HookEvents["PLUGIN_SETTINGS_SET"] = "plugin:settings:set";
+ HookEvents["FLUSH"] = "flush";
+ HookEvents["TRACK_UPDATE"] = "_track-update";
+ HookEvents["FLASH_UPDATE"] = "_flash-update";
+ })(exports.HookEvents || (exports.HookEvents = {}));
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/edit.js": (
+ /*!***********************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/edit.js ***!
+ \***********************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.StateEditor = void 0;
+ class StateEditor {
+ set(object, path, value, cb = null) {
+ const sections = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split(".");
+ while (sections.length > 1) {
+ object = object[sections.shift()];
+ if (this.isRef(object)) {
+ object = this.getRefValue(object);
+ }
+ }
+ const field = sections[0];
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(object, field, value);
+ } else if (this.isRef(object[field])) {
+ this.setRefValue(object[field], value);
+ } else {
+ object[field] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ get(object, path) {
+ const sections = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split(".");
+ for (let i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
+ object = object[sections[i]];
+ if (this.isRef(object)) {
+ object = this.getRefValue(object);
+ }
+ if (!object) {
+ return void 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return object;
+ }
+ has(object, path, parent = false) {
+ if (typeof object === "undefined") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const sections = Array.isArray(path) ? path.slice() : path.split(".");
+ const size = !parent ? 1 : 2;
+ while (object && sections.length > size) {
+ object = object[sections.shift()];
+ if (this.isRef(object)) {
+ object = this.getRefValue(object);
+ }
+ }
+ return object != null && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, sections[0]);
+ }
+ createDefaultSetCallback(state) {
+ return (obj, field, value) => {
+ if (state.remove || state.newKey) {
+ if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
+ obj.splice(field, 1);
+ } else {
+ delete obj[field];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!state.remove) {
+ const target = obj[state.newKey || field];
+ if (this.isRef(target)) {
+ this.setRefValue(target, value);
+ } else {
+ obj[state.newKey || field] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ isRef(ref) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ setRefValue(ref, value) {
+ }
+ getRefValue(ref) {
+ return ref;
+ }
+ }
+ exports.StateEditor = StateEditor;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/env.js": (
+ /*!**********************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/env.js ***!
+ \**********************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.initEnv = exports.keys = exports.isLinux = exports.isMac = exports.isWindows = exports.isFirefox = exports.isChrome = exports.target = exports.isBrowser = void 0;
+ exports.isBrowser = typeof navigator !== "undefined" && typeof window !== "undefined";
+ exports.target = exports.isBrowser ? window : typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof my !== "undefined" ? my : {};
+ exports.isChrome = typeof exports.target.chrome !== "undefined" && !!exports.target.chrome.devtools;
+ exports.isFirefox = exports.isBrowser && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > -1;
+ exports.isWindows = exports.isBrowser && navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") === 0;
+ exports.isMac = exports.isBrowser && navigator.platform === "MacIntel";
+ exports.isLinux = exports.isBrowser && navigator.platform.indexOf("Linux") === 0;
+ exports.keys = {
+ ctrl: exports.isMac ? "⌘" : "Ctrl",
+ shift: "Shift",
+ alt: exports.isMac ? "⌥" : "Alt",
+ del: "Del",
+ enter: "Enter",
+ esc: "Esc"
+ };
+ function initEnv(Vue) {
+ if (Vue.prototype.hasOwnProperty("$isChrome"))
+ return;
+ Object.defineProperties(Vue.prototype, {
+ $isChrome: {
+ get: () => exports.isChrome
+ },
+ $isFirefox: {
+ get: () => exports.isFirefox
+ },
+ $isWindows: {
+ get: () => exports.isWindows
+ },
+ $isMac: {
+ get: () => exports.isMac
+ },
+ $isLinux: {
+ get: () => exports.isLinux
+ },
+ $keys: {
+ get: () => exports.keys
+ }
+ });
+ if (exports.isWindows)
+ document.body.classList.add("platform-windows");
+ if (exports.isMac)
+ document.body.classList.add("platform-mac");
+ if (exports.isLinux)
+ document.body.classList.add("platform-linux");
+ }
+ exports.initEnv = initEnv;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js": (
+ /*!************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/index.js ***!
+ \************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) {
+ var __createBinding = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) {
+ if (k2 === void 0)
+ k2 = k;
+ var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
+ if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
+ desc = {
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: function() {
+ return m[k];
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
+ } : function(o, m, k, k2) {
+ if (k2 === void 0)
+ k2 = k;
+ o[k2] = m[k];
+ });
+ var __exportStar = this && this.__exportStar || function(m, exports2) {
+ for (var p in m)
+ if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports2, p))
+ __createBinding(exports2, m, p);
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./backend */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/backend.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./bridge */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/bridge.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./consts */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/consts.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./edit */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/edit.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./env */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/env.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./plugin-permissions */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/plugin-permissions.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./plugin-settings */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/plugin-settings.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./shared-data */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shared-data.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./shell */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shell.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./storage */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/storage.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./transfer */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/transfer.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./util */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/util.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./raf */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/raf.js"
+ ), exports);
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/plugin-permissions.js": (
+ /*!*************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/plugin-permissions.js ***!
+ \*************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.setPluginPermission = exports.hasPluginPermission = exports.PluginPermission = void 0;
+ const shared_data_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./shared-data */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shared-data.js"
+ );
+ (function(PluginPermission) {
+ PluginPermission["ENABLED"] = "enabled";
+ PluginPermission["COMPONENTS"] = "components";
+ PluginPermission["CUSTOM_INSPECTOR"] = "custom-inspector";
+ PluginPermission["TIMELINE"] = "timeline";
+ })(exports.PluginPermission || (exports.PluginPermission = {}));
+ function hasPluginPermission(pluginId, permission) {
+ const result = shared_data_1.SharedData.pluginPermissions[`${pluginId}:${permission}`];
+ if (result == null)
+ return true;
+ return !!result;
+ }
+ exports.hasPluginPermission = hasPluginPermission;
+ function setPluginPermission(pluginId, permission, active) {
+ shared_data_1.SharedData.pluginPermissions = {
+ ...shared_data_1.SharedData.pluginPermissions,
+ [`${pluginId}:${permission}`]: active
+ };
+ }
+ exports.setPluginPermission = setPluginPermission;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/plugin-settings.js": (
+ /*!**********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/plugin-settings.js ***!
+ \**********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.getPluginDefaultSettings = exports.setPluginSettings = exports.getPluginSettings = void 0;
+ const shared_data_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./shared-data */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shared-data.js"
+ );
+ function getPluginSettings(pluginId, defaultSettings) {
+ var _a;
+ return {
+ ...defaultSettings !== null && defaultSettings !== void 0 ? defaultSettings : {},
+ ...(_a = shared_data_1.SharedData.pluginSettings[pluginId]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {}
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getPluginSettings = getPluginSettings;
+ function setPluginSettings(pluginId, settings) {
+ shared_data_1.SharedData.pluginSettings = {
+ ...shared_data_1.SharedData.pluginSettings,
+ [pluginId]: settings
+ };
+ }
+ exports.setPluginSettings = setPluginSettings;
+ function getPluginDefaultSettings(schema) {
+ const result = {};
+ if (schema) {
+ for (const id in schema) {
+ const item = schema[id];
+ result[id] = item.defaultValue;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ exports.getPluginDefaultSettings = getPluginDefaultSettings;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/raf.js": (
+ /*!**********************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/raf.js ***!
+ \**********************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.raf = void 0;
+ let pendingCallbacks = [];
+ exports.raf = typeof requestAnimationFrame === "function" ? requestAnimationFrame : typeof setImmediate === "function" ? (fn) => {
+ if (!pendingCallbacks.length) {
+ setImmediate(() => {
+ const now = performance.now();
+ const cbs = pendingCallbacks;
+ pendingCallbacks = [];
+ cbs.forEach((cb) => cb(now));
+ });
+ }
+ pendingCallbacks.push(fn);
+ } : function(callback) {
+ return setTimeout(function() {
+ callback(Date.now());
+ }, 1e3 / 60);
+ };
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shared-data.js": (
+ /*!******************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/shared-data.js ***!
+ \******************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.SharedData = exports.watchSharedData = exports.destroySharedData = exports.onSharedDataInit = exports.initSharedData = void 0;
+ const storage_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./storage */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/storage.js"
+ );
+ const env_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./env */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/env.js"
+ );
+ const internalSharedData = {
+ openInEditorHost: "/",
+ componentNameStyle: "class",
+ theme: "auto",
+ displayDensity: "low",
+ timeFormat: "default",
+ recordVuex: true,
+ cacheVuexSnapshotsEvery: 50,
+ cacheVuexSnapshotsLimit: 10,
+ snapshotLoading: false,
+ componentEventsEnabled: true,
+ performanceMonitoringEnabled: true,
+ editableProps: false,
+ logDetected: true,
+ vuexNewBackend: false,
+ vuexAutoload: false,
+ vuexGroupGettersByModule: true,
+ showMenuScrollTip: true,
+ timelineTimeGrid: true,
+ timelineScreenshots: true,
+ menuStepScrolling: env_1.isMac,
+ pluginPermissions: {},
+ pluginSettings: {},
+ pageConfig: {},
+ legacyApps: false,
+ trackUpdates: true,
+ flashUpdates: false,
+ debugInfo: false,
+ isBrowser: env_1.isBrowser
+ };
+ const persisted = ["componentNameStyle", "theme", "displayDensity", "recordVuex", "editableProps", "logDetected", "vuexNewBackend", "vuexAutoload", "vuexGroupGettersByModule", "timeFormat", "showMenuScrollTip", "timelineTimeGrid", "timelineScreenshots", "menuStepScrolling", "pluginPermissions", "pluginSettings", "performanceMonitoringEnabled", "componentEventsEnabled", "trackUpdates", "flashUpdates", "debugInfo"];
+ const storageVersion = "6.0.0-alpha.1";
+ let bridge;
+ let persist = false;
+ let data;
+ let initRetryInterval;
+ let initRetryCount = 0;
+ const initCbs = [];
+ function initSharedData(params) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ bridge = params.bridge;
+ persist = !!params.persist;
+ if (persist) {
+ {
+ console.log("[shared data] Master init in progress...");
+ }
+ persisted.forEach((key) => {
+ const value = (0, storage_1.getStorage)(`vue-devtools-${storageVersion}:shared-data:${key}`);
+ if (value !== null) {
+ internalSharedData[key] = value;
+ }
+ });
+ bridge.on("shared-data:load", () => {
+ Object.keys(internalSharedData).forEach((key) => {
+ sendValue(key, internalSharedData[key]);
+ });
+ bridge.send("shared-data:load-complete");
+ });
+ bridge.on("shared-data:init-complete", () => {
+ {
+ console.log("[shared data] Master init complete");
+ }
+ clearInterval(initRetryInterval);
+ resolve();
+ });
+ bridge.send("shared-data:master-init-waiting");
+ bridge.on("shared-data:minion-init-waiting", () => {
+ bridge.send("shared-data:master-init-waiting");
+ });
+ initRetryCount = 0;
+ clearInterval(initRetryInterval);
+ initRetryInterval = setInterval(() => {
+ {
+ console.log("[shared data] Master init retrying...");
+ }
+ bridge.send("shared-data:master-init-waiting");
+ initRetryCount++;
+ if (initRetryCount > 30) {
+ clearInterval(initRetryInterval);
+ console.error("[shared data] Master init failed");
+ }
+ }, 2e3);
+ } else {
+ bridge.on("shared-data:master-init-waiting", () => {
+ bridge.send("shared-data:load");
+ bridge.once("shared-data:load-complete", () => {
+ bridge.send("shared-data:init-complete");
+ resolve();
+ });
+ });
+ bridge.send("shared-data:minion-init-waiting");
+ }
+ data = {
+ ...internalSharedData
+ };
+ if (params.Vue) {
+ data = params.Vue.observable(data);
+ }
+ bridge.on("shared-data:set", ({
+ key,
+ value
+ }) => {
+ setValue(key, value);
+ });
+ initCbs.forEach((cb) => cb());
+ });
+ }
+ exports.initSharedData = initSharedData;
+ function onSharedDataInit(cb) {
+ initCbs.push(cb);
+ return () => {
+ const index = initCbs.indexOf(cb);
+ if (index !== -1)
+ initCbs.splice(index, 1);
+ };
+ }
+ exports.onSharedDataInit = onSharedDataInit;
+ function destroySharedData() {
+ bridge.removeAllListeners("shared-data:set");
+ watchers = {};
+ }
+ exports.destroySharedData = destroySharedData;
+ let watchers = {};
+ function setValue(key, value) {
+ if (persist && persisted.includes(key)) {
+ (0, storage_1.setStorage)(`vue-devtools-${storageVersion}:shared-data:${key}`, value);
+ }
+ const oldValue = data[key];
+ data[key] = value;
+ const handlers = watchers[key];
+ if (handlers) {
+ handlers.forEach((h) => h(value, oldValue));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function sendValue(key, value) {
+ bridge && bridge.send("shared-data:set", {
+ key,
+ value
+ });
+ }
+ function watchSharedData(prop, handler) {
+ const list = watchers[prop] || (watchers[prop] = []);
+ list.push(handler);
+ return () => {
+ const index = list.indexOf(handler);
+ if (index !== -1)
+ list.splice(index, 1);
+ };
+ }
+ exports.watchSharedData = watchSharedData;
+ const proxy = {};
+ Object.keys(internalSharedData).forEach((key) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(proxy, key, {
+ configurable: false,
+ get: () => data[key],
+ set: (value) => {
+ sendValue(key, value);
+ setValue(key, value);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ exports.SharedData = proxy;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shell.js": (
+ /*!************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/shell.js ***!
+ \************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/storage.js": (
+ /*!**************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/storage.js ***!
+ \**************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.clearStorage = exports.removeStorage = exports.setStorage = exports.getStorage = exports.initStorage = void 0;
+ const env_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./env */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/env.js"
+ );
+ const useStorage = typeof env_1.target.chrome !== "undefined" && typeof env_1.target.chrome.storage !== "undefined";
+ let storageData = null;
+ function initStorage() {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ if (useStorage) {
+ env_1.target.chrome.storage.local.get(null, (result) => {
+ storageData = result;
+ resolve();
+ });
+ } else {
+ storageData = {};
+ resolve();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ exports.initStorage = initStorage;
+ function getStorage(key, defaultValue = null) {
+ checkStorage();
+ if (useStorage) {
+ return getDefaultValue(storageData[key], defaultValue);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ return getDefaultValue(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)), defaultValue);
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getStorage = getStorage;
+ function setStorage(key, val) {
+ checkStorage();
+ if (useStorage) {
+ storageData[key] = val;
+ env_1.target.chrome.storage.local.set({
+ [key]: val
+ });
+ } else {
+ try {
+ localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(val));
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.setStorage = setStorage;
+ function removeStorage(key) {
+ checkStorage();
+ if (useStorage) {
+ delete storageData[key];
+ env_1.target.chrome.storage.local.remove([key]);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ localStorage.removeItem(key);
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.removeStorage = removeStorage;
+ function clearStorage() {
+ checkStorage();
+ if (useStorage) {
+ storageData = {};
+ env_1.target.chrome.storage.local.clear();
+ } else {
+ try {
+ localStorage.clear();
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.clearStorage = clearStorage;
+ function checkStorage() {
+ if (!storageData) {
+ throw new Error("Storage wasn't initialized with 'init()'");
+ }
+ }
+ function getDefaultValue(value, defaultValue) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/transfer.js": (
+ /*!***************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/transfer.js ***!
+ \***************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.stringifyStrictCircularAutoChunks = exports.parseCircularAutoChunks = exports.stringifyCircularAutoChunks = void 0;
+ const MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE = 512 * 1024;
+ function encode(data, replacer, list, seen) {
+ let stored, key, value, i, l;
+ const seenIndex = seen.get(data);
+ if (seenIndex != null) {
+ return seenIndex;
+ }
+ const index = list.length;
+ const proto = Object.prototype.toString.call(data);
+ if (proto === "[object Object]") {
+ stored = {};
+ seen.set(data, index);
+ list.push(stored);
+ const keys = Object.keys(data);
+ for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ try {
+ value = data[key];
+ if (replacer)
+ value = replacer.call(data, key, value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ value = e;
+ }
+ stored[key] = encode(value, replacer, list, seen);
+ }
+ } else if (proto === "[object Array]") {
+ stored = [];
+ seen.set(data, index);
+ list.push(stored);
+ for (i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
+ try {
+ value = data[i];
+ if (replacer)
+ value = replacer.call(data, i, value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ value = e;
+ }
+ stored[i] = encode(value, replacer, list, seen);
+ }
+ } else {
+ list.push(data);
+ }
+ return index;
+ }
+ function decode(list, reviver) {
+ let i = list.length;
+ let j, k, data, key, value, proto;
+ while (i--) {
+ data = list[i];
+ proto = Object.prototype.toString.call(data);
+ if (proto === "[object Object]") {
+ const keys = Object.keys(data);
+ for (j = 0, k = keys.length; j < k; j++) {
+ key = keys[j];
+ value = list[data[key]];
+ if (reviver)
+ value = reviver.call(data, key, value);
+ data[key] = value;
+ }
+ } else if (proto === "[object Array]") {
+ for (j = 0, k = data.length; j < k; j++) {
+ value = list[data[j]];
+ if (reviver)
+ value = reviver.call(data, j, value);
+ data[j] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function stringifyCircularAutoChunks(data, replacer = null, space = null) {
+ let result;
+ try {
+ result = arguments.length === 1 ? JSON.stringify(data) : JSON.stringify(data, replacer, space);
+ } catch (e) {
+ result = stringifyStrictCircularAutoChunks(data, replacer, space);
+ }
+ if (result.length > MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE) {
+ const chunkCount = Math.ceil(result.length / MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE);
+ const chunks = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++) {
+ chunks.push(result.slice(i * MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE, (i + 1) * MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE));
+ }
+ return chunks;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ exports.stringifyCircularAutoChunks = stringifyCircularAutoChunks;
+ function parseCircularAutoChunks(data, reviver = null) {
+ if (Array.isArray(data)) {
+ data = data.join("");
+ }
+ const hasCircular = /^\s/.test(data);
+ if (!hasCircular) {
+ return arguments.length === 1 ? JSON.parse(data) : JSON.parse(data, reviver);
+ } else {
+ const list = JSON.parse(data);
+ decode(list, reviver);
+ return list[0];
+ }
+ }
+ exports.parseCircularAutoChunks = parseCircularAutoChunks;
+ function stringifyStrictCircularAutoChunks(data, replacer = null, space = null) {
+ const list = [];
+ encode(data, replacer, list, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
+ return space ? " " + JSON.stringify(list, null, space) : " " + JSON.stringify(list);
+ }
+ exports.stringifyStrictCircularAutoChunks = stringifyStrictCircularAutoChunks;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/util.js": (
+ /*!***********************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/util.js ***!
+ \***********************************/
+ /***/
+ function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) {
+ var __importDefault = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod) {
+ return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : {
+ "default": mod
+ };
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.isEmptyObject = exports.copyToClipboard = exports.escape = exports.openInEditor = exports.focusInput = exports.simpleGet = exports.sortByKey = exports.searchDeepInObject = exports.isPlainObject = exports.revive = exports.parse = exports.getCustomRefDetails = exports.getCustomHTMLElementDetails = exports.getCustomFunctionDetails = exports.getCustomComponentDefinitionDetails = exports.getComponentName = exports.reviveSet = exports.getCustomSetDetails = exports.reviveMap = exports.getCustomMapDetails = exports.stringify = exports.specialTokenToString = exports.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = exports.MAX_STRING_SIZE = exports.SPECIAL_TOKENS = exports.NAN = exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY = exports.INFINITY = exports.UNDEFINED = exports.inDoc = exports.getComponentDisplayName = exports.kebabize = exports.camelize = exports.classify = void 0;
+ const path_1 = __importDefault(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! path */
+ "../../node_modules/path-browserify/index.js"
+ ));
+ const transfer_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./transfer */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/transfer.js"
+ );
+ const backend_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./backend */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/backend.js"
+ );
+ const shared_data_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./shared-data */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shared-data.js"
+ );
+ const env_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./env */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/env.js"
+ );
+ function cached(fn) {
+ const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ return function cachedFn(str) {
+ const hit = cache[str];
+ return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str));
+ };
+ }
+ const classifyRE = /(?:^|[-_/])(\w)/g;
+ exports.classify = cached((str) => {
+ return str && ("" + str).replace(classifyRE, toUpper);
+ });
+ const camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g;
+ exports.camelize = cached((str) => {
+ return str && str.replace(camelizeRE, toUpper);
+ });
+ const kebabizeRE = /([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;
+ exports.kebabize = cached((str) => {
+ return str && str.replace(kebabizeRE, (_, lowerCaseCharacter, upperCaseLetter) => {
+ return `${lowerCaseCharacter}-${upperCaseLetter}`;
+ }).toLowerCase();
+ });
+ function toUpper(_, c) {
+ return c ? c.toUpperCase() : "";
+ }
+ function getComponentDisplayName(originalName, style = "class") {
+ switch (style) {
+ case "class":
+ return (0, exports.classify)(originalName);
+ case "kebab":
+ return (0, exports.kebabize)(originalName);
+ case "original":
+ default:
+ return originalName;
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getComponentDisplayName = getComponentDisplayName;
+ function inDoc(node) {
+ if (!node)
+ return false;
+ const doc = node.ownerDocument.documentElement;
+ const parent = node.parentNode;
+ return doc === node || doc === parent || !!(parent && parent.nodeType === 1 && doc.contains(parent));
+ }
+ exports.inDoc = inDoc;
+ exports.UNDEFINED = "__vue_devtool_undefined__";
+ exports.INFINITY = "__vue_devtool_infinity__";
+ exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY = "__vue_devtool_negative_infinity__";
+ exports.NAN = "__vue_devtool_nan__";
+ exports.SPECIAL_TOKENS = {
+ true: true,
+ false: false,
+ undefined: exports.UNDEFINED,
+ null: null,
+ "-Infinity": exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
+ Infinity: exports.INFINITY,
+ NaN: exports.NAN
+ };
+ exports.MAX_STRING_SIZE = 1e4;
+ exports.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 5e3;
+ function specialTokenToString(value) {
+ if (value === null) {
+ return "null";
+ } else if (value === exports.UNDEFINED) {
+ return "undefined";
+ } else if (value === exports.NAN) {
+ return "NaN";
+ } else if (value === exports.INFINITY) {
+ return "Infinity";
+ } else if (value === exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
+ return "-Infinity";
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ exports.specialTokenToString = specialTokenToString;
+ class EncodeCache {
+ constructor() {
+ this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a result unique to each input data
+ * @param {*} data Input data
+ * @param {*} factory Function used to create the unique result
+ */
+ cache(data, factory) {
+ const cached2 = this.map.get(data);
+ if (cached2) {
+ return cached2;
+ } else {
+ const result = factory(data);
+ this.map.set(data, result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ clear() {
+ this.map.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ const encodeCache = new EncodeCache();
+ class ReviveCache {
+ constructor(maxSize) {
+ this.maxSize = maxSize;
+ this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ this.index = 0;
+ this.size = 0;
+ }
+ cache(value) {
+ const currentIndex = this.index;
+ this.map.set(currentIndex, value);
+ this.size++;
+ if (this.size > this.maxSize) {
+ this.map.delete(currentIndex - this.size);
+ this.size--;
+ }
+ this.index++;
+ return currentIndex;
+ }
+ read(id) {
+ return this.map.get(id);
+ }
+ }
+ const reviveCache = new ReviveCache(1e3);
+ const replacers = {
+ internal: replacerForInternal,
+ user: replaceForUser
+ };
+ function stringify(data, target = "internal") {
+ encodeCache.clear();
+ return (0, transfer_1.stringifyCircularAutoChunks)(data, replacers[target]);
+ }
+ exports.stringify = stringify;
+ function replacerForInternal(key) {
+ var _a;
+ const val = this[key];
+ const type = typeof val;
+ if (Array.isArray(val)) {
+ const l = val.length;
+ if (l > exports.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) {
+ return {
+ _isArray: true,
+ length: l,
+ items: val.slice(0, exports.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE)
+ };
+ }
+ return val;
+ } else if (typeof val === "string") {
+ if (val.length > exports.MAX_STRING_SIZE) {
+ return val.substring(0, exports.MAX_STRING_SIZE) + `... (${val.length} total length)`;
+ } else {
+ return val;
+ }
+ } else if (type === "undefined") {
+ return exports.UNDEFINED;
+ } else if (val === Infinity) {
+ return exports.INFINITY;
+ } else if (val === -Infinity) {
+ return exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ } else if (type === "function") {
+ return getCustomFunctionDetails(val);
+ } else if (type === "symbol") {
+ return `[native Symbol ${Symbol.prototype.toString.call(val)}]`;
+ } else if (val !== null && type === "object") {
+ const proto = Object.prototype.toString.call(val);
+ if (proto === "[object Map]") {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => getCustomMapDetails(val));
+ } else if (proto === "[object Set]") {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => getCustomSetDetails(val));
+ } else if (proto === "[object RegExp]") {
+ return `[native RegExp ${RegExp.prototype.toString.call(val)}]`;
+ } else if (proto === "[object Date]") {
+ return `[native Date ${Date.prototype.toString.call(val)}]`;
+ } else if (proto === "[object Error]") {
+ return `[native Error ${val.message}<>${val.stack}]`;
+ } else if (val.state && val._vm) {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => (0, backend_1.getCustomStoreDetails)(val));
+ } else if (val.constructor && val.constructor.name === "VueRouter") {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => (0, backend_1.getCustomRouterDetails)(val));
+ } else if ((0, backend_1.isVueInstance)(val)) {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => (0, backend_1.getCustomInstanceDetails)(val));
+ } else if (typeof val.render === "function") {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => getCustomComponentDefinitionDetails(val));
+ } else if (val.constructor && val.constructor.name === "VNode") {
+ return `[native VNode <${val.tag}>]`;
+ } else if (typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && val instanceof HTMLElement) {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => getCustomHTMLElementDetails(val));
+ } else if (((_a = val.constructor) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) === "Store" && val._wrappedGetters) {
+ return `[object Store]`;
+ } else if (val.currentRoute) {
+ return `[object Router]`;
+ }
+ const customDetails = (0, backend_1.getCustomObjectDetails)(val, proto);
+ if (customDetails != null)
+ return customDetails;
+ } else if (Number.isNaN(val)) {
+ return exports.NAN;
+ }
+ return sanitize(val);
+ }
+ function replaceForUser(key) {
+ let val = this[key];
+ const type = typeof val;
+ if ((val === null || val === void 0 ? void 0 : val._custom) && "value" in val._custom) {
+ val = val._custom.value;
+ }
+ if (type !== "object") {
+ if (val === exports.UNDEFINED) {
+ return void 0;
+ } else if (val === exports.INFINITY) {
+ return Infinity;
+ } else if (val === exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
+ return -Infinity;
+ } else if (val === exports.NAN) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ return val;
+ }
+ return sanitize(val);
+ }
+ function getCustomMapDetails(val) {
+ const list = [];
+ val.forEach((value, key) => list.push({
+ key,
+ value
+ }));
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "map",
+ display: "Map",
+ value: list,
+ readOnly: true,
+ fields: {
+ abstract: true
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomMapDetails = getCustomMapDetails;
+ function reviveMap(val) {
+ const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ const list = val._custom.value;
+ for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ const {
+ key,
+ value
+ } = list[i];
+ result.set(key, revive(value));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ exports.reviveMap = reviveMap;
+ function getCustomSetDetails(val) {
+ const list = Array.from(val);
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "set",
+ display: `Set[${list.length}]`,
+ value: list,
+ readOnly: true
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomSetDetails = getCustomSetDetails;
+ function reviveSet(val) {
+ const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
+ const list = val._custom.value;
+ for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ const value = list[i];
+ result.add(revive(value));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ exports.reviveSet = reviveSet;
+ function basename(filename, ext) {
+ return path_1.default.basename(filename.replace(/^[a-zA-Z]:/, "").replace(/\\/g, "/"), ext);
+ }
+ function getComponentName(options) {
+ const name = options.displayName || options.name || options._componentTag;
+ if (name) {
+ return name;
+ }
+ const file = options.__file;
+ if (file) {
+ return (0, exports.classify)(basename(file, ".vue"));
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getComponentName = getComponentName;
+ function getCustomComponentDefinitionDetails(def) {
+ let display = getComponentName(def);
+ if (display) {
+ if (def.name && def.__file) {
+ display += ` <span>(${def.__file})</span>`;
+ }
+ } else {
+ display = "<i>Unknown Component</i>";
+ }
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "component-definition",
+ display,
+ tooltip: "Component definition",
+ ...def.__file ? {
+ file: def.__file
+ } : {}
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomComponentDefinitionDetails = getCustomComponentDefinitionDetails;
+ function getCustomFunctionDetails(func) {
+ let string = "";
+ let matches = null;
+ try {
+ string = Function.prototype.toString.call(func);
+ matches = String.prototype.match.call(string, /\([\s\S]*?\)/);
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ const match = matches && matches[0];
+ const args = typeof match === "string" ? match : "(?)";
+ const name = typeof func.name === "string" ? func.name : "";
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "function",
+ display: `<span style="opacity:.5;">function</span> ${escape(name)}${args}`,
+ tooltip: string.trim() ? `<pre>${string}</pre>` : null,
+ _reviveId: reviveCache.cache(func)
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomFunctionDetails = getCustomFunctionDetails;
+ function getCustomHTMLElementDetails(value) {
+ try {
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "HTMLElement",
+ display: `<span class="opacity-30"><</span><span class="text-blue-500">${value.tagName.toLowerCase()}</span><span class="opacity-30">></span>`,
+ value: namedNodeMapToObject(value.attributes),
+ actions: [{
+ icon: "input",
+ tooltip: "Log element to console",
+ action: () => {
+ console.log(value);
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ };
+ } catch (e) {
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "HTMLElement",
+ display: `<span class="text-blue-500">${String(value)}</span>`
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getCustomHTMLElementDetails = getCustomHTMLElementDetails;
+ function namedNodeMapToObject(map) {
+ const result = {};
+ const l = map.length;
+ for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ const node = map.item(i);
+ result[node.name] = node.value;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function getCustomRefDetails(instance, key, ref) {
+ let value;
+ if (Array.isArray(ref)) {
+ value = ref.map((r) => getCustomRefDetails(instance, key, r)).map((data) => data.value);
+ } else {
+ let name;
+ if (ref._isVue) {
+ name = getComponentName(ref.$options);
+ } else {
+ name = ref.tagName.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ value = {
+ _custom: {
+ display: `<${name}` + (ref.id ? ` <span class="attr-title">id</span>="${ref.id}"` : "") + (ref.className ? ` <span class="attr-title">class</span>="${ref.className}"` : "") + ">",
+ uid: instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__,
+ type: "reference"
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ type: "$refs",
+ key,
+ value,
+ editable: false
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomRefDetails = getCustomRefDetails;
+ function parse(data, revive2 = false) {
+ return revive2 ? (0, transfer_1.parseCircularAutoChunks)(data, reviver) : (0, transfer_1.parseCircularAutoChunks)(data);
+ }
+ exports.parse = parse;
+ const specialTypeRE = /^\[native (\w+) (.*?)(<>((.|\s)*))?\]$/;
+ const symbolRE = /^\[native Symbol Symbol\((.*)\)\]$/;
+ function reviver(key, val) {
+ return revive(val);
+ }
+ function revive(val) {
+ if (val === exports.UNDEFINED) {
+ return void 0;
+ } else if (val === exports.INFINITY) {
+ return Infinity;
+ } else if (val === exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
+ return -Infinity;
+ } else if (val === exports.NAN) {
+ return NaN;
+ } else if (val && val._custom) {
+ const {
+ _custom: custom
+ } = val;
+ if (custom.type === "component") {
+ return (0, backend_1.getInstanceMap)().get(custom.id);
+ } else if (custom.type === "map") {
+ return reviveMap(val);
+ } else if (custom.type === "set") {
+ return reviveSet(val);
+ } else if (custom._reviveId) {
+ return reviveCache.read(custom._reviveId);
+ } else {
+ return revive(custom.value);
+ }
+ } else if (symbolRE.test(val)) {
+ const [, string] = symbolRE.exec(val);
+ return Symbol.for(string);
+ } else if (specialTypeRE.test(val)) {
+ const [, type, string, , details] = specialTypeRE.exec(val);
+ const result = new env_1.target[type](string);
+ if (type === "Error" && details) {
+ result.stack = details;
+ }
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ return val;
+ }
+ }
+ exports.revive = revive;
+ function sanitize(data) {
+ if (!isPrimitive(data) && !Array.isArray(data) && !isPlainObject(data)) {
+ return Object.prototype.toString.call(data);
+ } else {
+ return data;
+ }
+ }
+ function isPlainObject(obj) {
+ return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Object]";
+ }
+ exports.isPlainObject = isPlainObject;
+ function isPrimitive(data) {
+ if (data == null) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const type = typeof data;
+ return type === "string" || type === "number" || type === "boolean";
+ }
+ function searchDeepInObject(obj, searchTerm) {
+ const seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ const result = internalSearchObject(obj, searchTerm.toLowerCase(), seen, 0);
+ seen.clear();
+ return result;
+ }
+ exports.searchDeepInObject = searchDeepInObject;
+ const SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH = 10;
+ function internalSearchObject(obj, searchTerm, seen, depth) {
+ if (depth > SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let match = false;
+ const keys = Object.keys(obj);
+ let key, value;
+ for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ value = obj[key];
+ match = internalSearchCheck(searchTerm, key, value, seen, depth + 1);
+ if (match) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return match;
+ }
+ function internalSearchArray(array, searchTerm, seen, depth) {
+ if (depth > SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let match = false;
+ let value;
+ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ value = array[i];
+ match = internalSearchCheck(searchTerm, null, value, seen, depth + 1);
+ if (match) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return match;
+ }
+ function internalSearchCheck(searchTerm, key, value, seen, depth) {
+ let match = false;
+ let result;
+ if (key === "_custom") {
+ key = value.display;
+ value = value.value;
+ }
+ (result = specialTokenToString(value)) && (value = result);
+ if (key && compare(key, searchTerm)) {
+ match = true;
+ seen.set(value, true);
+ } else if (seen.has(value)) {
+ match = seen.get(value);
+ } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ seen.set(value, null);
+ match = internalSearchArray(value, searchTerm, seen, depth);
+ seen.set(value, match);
+ } else if (isPlainObject(value)) {
+ seen.set(value, null);
+ match = internalSearchObject(value, searchTerm, seen, depth);
+ seen.set(value, match);
+ } else if (compare(value, searchTerm)) {
+ match = true;
+ seen.set(value, true);
+ }
+ return match;
+ }
+ function compare(value, searchTerm) {
+ return ("" + value).toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm) !== -1;
+ }
+ function sortByKey(state) {
+ return state && state.slice().sort((a, b) => {
+ if (a.key < b.key)
+ return -1;
+ if (a.key > b.key)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ });
+ }
+ exports.sortByKey = sortByKey;
+ function simpleGet(object, path) {
+ const sections = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split(".");
+ for (let i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
+ object = object[sections[i]];
+ if (!object) {
+ return void 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return object;
+ }
+ exports.simpleGet = simpleGet;
+ function focusInput(el) {
+ el.focus();
+ el.setSelectionRange(0, el.value.length);
+ }
+ exports.focusInput = focusInput;
+ function openInEditor(file) {
+ const fileName = file.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\");
+ const src = `fetch('${shared_data_1.SharedData.openInEditorHost}__open-in-editor?file=${encodeURI(file)}').then(response => {
+ if (response.ok) {
+ console.log('File ${fileName} opened in editor')
+ } else {
+ const msg = 'Opening component ${fileName} failed'
+ const target = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : {}
+ if (target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_TOAST__) {
+ target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_TOAST__(msg, 'error')
+ } else {
+ console.log('%c' + msg, 'color:red')
+ }
+ console.log('Check the setup of your project, see https://devtools.vuejs.org/guide/open-in-editor.html')
+ }
+ })`;
+ if (env_1.isChrome) {
+ env_1.target.chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval(src);
+ } else {
+ [eval][0](src);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.openInEditor = openInEditor;
+ const ESC = {
+ "<": "<",
+ ">": ">",
+ '"': """,
+ "&": "&"
+ };
+ function escape(s) {
+ return s.replace(/[<>"&]/g, escapeChar);
+ }
+ exports.escape = escape;
+ function escapeChar(a) {
+ return ESC[a] || a;
+ }
+ function copyToClipboard(state) {
+ let text;
+ if (typeof state !== "object") {
+ text = String(state);
+ } else {
+ text = stringify(state, "user");
+ }
+ if (typeof document === "undefined")
+ return;
+ const dummyTextArea = document.createElement("textarea");
+ dummyTextArea.textContent = text;
+ document.body.appendChild(dummyTextArea);
+ dummyTextArea.select();
+ document.execCommand("copy");
+ document.body.removeChild(dummyTextArea);
+ }
+ exports.copyToClipboard = copyToClipboard;
+ function isEmptyObject(obj) {
+ return obj === exports.UNDEFINED || !obj || Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
+ }
+ exports.isEmptyObject = isEmptyObject;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/events/events.js": (
+ /*!*******************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/events/events.js ***!
+ \*******************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module) => {
+ var R = typeof Reflect === "object" ? Reflect : null;
+ var ReflectApply = R && typeof R.apply === "function" ? R.apply : function ReflectApply2(target, receiver, args) {
+ return Function.prototype.apply.call(target, receiver, args);
+ };
+ var ReflectOwnKeys;
+ if (R && typeof R.ownKeys === "function") {
+ ReflectOwnKeys = R.ownKeys;
+ } else if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ ReflectOwnKeys = function ReflectOwnKeys2(target) {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target));
+ };
+ } else {
+ ReflectOwnKeys = function ReflectOwnKeys2(target) {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target);
+ };
+ }
+ function ProcessEmitWarning(warning) {
+ if (console && console.warn)
+ console.warn(warning);
+ }
+ var NumberIsNaN = Number.isNaN || function NumberIsNaN2(value) {
+ return value !== value;
+ };
+ function EventEmitter() {
+ EventEmitter.init.call(this);
+ }
+ module.exports = EventEmitter;
+ module.exports.once = once;
+ EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
+ EventEmitter.prototype._events = void 0;
+ EventEmitter.prototype._eventsCount = 0;
+ EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = void 0;
+ var defaultMaxListeners = 10;
+ function checkListener(listener) {
+ if (typeof listener !== "function") {
+ throw new TypeError('The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof listener);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(EventEmitter, "defaultMaxListeners", {
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: function() {
+ return defaultMaxListeners;
+ },
+ set: function(arg) {
+ if (typeof arg !== "number" || arg < 0 || NumberIsNaN(arg)) {
+ throw new RangeError('The value of "defaultMaxListeners" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + arg + ".");
+ }
+ defaultMaxListeners = arg;
+ }
+ });
+ EventEmitter.init = function() {
+ if (this._events === void 0 || this._events === Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events) {
+ this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ this._eventsCount = 0;
+ }
+ this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || void 0;
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function setMaxListeners(n) {
+ if (typeof n !== "number" || n < 0 || NumberIsNaN(n)) {
+ throw new RangeError('The value of "n" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + n + ".");
+ }
+ this._maxListeners = n;
+ return this;
+ };
+ function _getMaxListeners(that) {
+ if (that._maxListeners === void 0)
+ return EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners;
+ return that._maxListeners;
+ }
+ EventEmitter.prototype.getMaxListeners = function getMaxListeners() {
+ return _getMaxListeners(this);
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(type) {
+ var args = [];
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
+ args.push(arguments[i]);
+ var doError = type === "error";
+ var events = this._events;
+ if (events !== void 0)
+ doError = doError && events.error === void 0;
+ else if (!doError)
+ return false;
+ if (doError) {
+ var er;
+ if (args.length > 0)
+ er = args[0];
+ if (er instanceof Error) {
+ throw er;
+ }
+ var err = new Error("Unhandled error." + (er ? " (" + er.message + ")" : ""));
+ err.context = er;
+ throw err;
+ }
+ var handler = events[type];
+ if (handler === void 0)
+ return false;
+ if (typeof handler === "function") {
+ ReflectApply(handler, this, args);
+ } else {
+ var len = handler.length;
+ var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len);
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ ReflectApply(listeners[i], this, args);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ function _addListener(target, type, listener, prepend) {
+ var m;
+ var events;
+ var existing;
+ checkListener(listener);
+ events = target._events;
+ if (events === void 0) {
+ events = target._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ target._eventsCount = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (events.newListener !== void 0) {
+ target.emit(
+ "newListener",
+ type,
+ listener.listener ? listener.listener : listener
+ );
+ events = target._events;
+ }
+ existing = events[type];
+ }
+ if (existing === void 0) {
+ existing = events[type] = listener;
+ ++target._eventsCount;
+ } else {
+ if (typeof existing === "function") {
+ existing = events[type] = prepend ? [listener, existing] : [existing, listener];
+ } else if (prepend) {
+ existing.unshift(listener);
+ } else {
+ existing.push(listener);
+ }
+ m = _getMaxListeners(target);
+ if (m > 0 && existing.length > m && !existing.warned) {
+ existing.warned = true;
+ var w = new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. " + existing.length + " " + String(type) + " listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit");
+ w.name = "MaxListenersExceededWarning";
+ w.emitter = target;
+ w.type = type;
+ w.count = existing.length;
+ ProcessEmitWarning(w);
+ }
+ }
+ return target;
+ }
+ EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function addListener(type, listener) {
+ return _addListener(this, type, listener, false);
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener;
+ EventEmitter.prototype.prependListener = function prependListener(type, listener) {
+ return _addListener(this, type, listener, true);
+ };
+ function onceWrapper() {
+ if (!this.fired) {
+ this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn);
+ this.fired = true;
+ if (arguments.length === 0)
+ return this.listener.call(this.target);
+ return this.listener.apply(this.target, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ function _onceWrap(target, type, listener) {
+ var state = { fired: false, wrapFn: void 0, target, type, listener };
+ var wrapped = onceWrapper.bind(state);
+ wrapped.listener = listener;
+ state.wrapFn = wrapped;
+ return wrapped;
+ }
+ EventEmitter.prototype.once = function once2(type, listener) {
+ checkListener(listener);
+ this.on(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener));
+ return this;
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.prependOnceListener = function prependOnceListener(type, listener) {
+ checkListener(listener);
+ this.prependListener(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener));
+ return this;
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(type, listener) {
+ var list, events, position, i, originalListener;
+ checkListener(listener);
+ events = this._events;
+ if (events === void 0)
+ return this;
+ list = events[type];
+ if (list === void 0)
+ return this;
+ if (list === listener || list.listener === listener) {
+ if (--this._eventsCount === 0)
+ this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ else {
+ delete events[type];
+ if (events.removeListener)
+ this.emit("removeListener", type, list.listener || listener);
+ }
+ } else if (typeof list !== "function") {
+ position = -1;
+ for (i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (list[i] === listener || list[i].listener === listener) {
+ originalListener = list[i].listener;
+ position = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (position < 0)
+ return this;
+ if (position === 0)
+ list.shift();
+ else {
+ spliceOne(list, position);
+ }
+ if (list.length === 1)
+ events[type] = list[0];
+ if (events.removeListener !== void 0)
+ this.emit("removeListener", type, originalListener || listener);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener;
+ EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(type) {
+ var listeners, events, i;
+ events = this._events;
+ if (events === void 0)
+ return this;
+ if (events.removeListener === void 0) {
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ this._eventsCount = 0;
+ } else if (events[type] !== void 0) {
+ if (--this._eventsCount === 0)
+ this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ else
+ delete events[type];
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ var keys = Object.keys(events);
+ var key;
+ for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ if (key === "removeListener")
+ continue;
+ this.removeAllListeners(key);
+ }
+ this.removeAllListeners("removeListener");
+ this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ this._eventsCount = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ listeners = events[type];
+ if (typeof listeners === "function") {
+ this.removeListener(type, listeners);
+ } else if (listeners !== void 0) {
+ for (i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ this.removeListener(type, listeners[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ function _listeners(target, type, unwrap) {
+ var events = target._events;
+ if (events === void 0)
+ return [];
+ var evlistener = events[type];
+ if (evlistener === void 0)
+ return [];
+ if (typeof evlistener === "function")
+ return unwrap ? [evlistener.listener || evlistener] : [evlistener];
+ return unwrap ? unwrapListeners(evlistener) : arrayClone(evlistener, evlistener.length);
+ }
+ EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(type) {
+ return _listeners(this, type, true);
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.rawListeners = function rawListeners(type) {
+ return _listeners(this, type, false);
+ };
+ EventEmitter.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) {
+ if (typeof emitter.listenerCount === "function") {
+ return emitter.listenerCount(type);
+ } else {
+ return listenerCount.call(emitter, type);
+ }
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = listenerCount;
+ function listenerCount(type) {
+ var events = this._events;
+ if (events !== void 0) {
+ var evlistener = events[type];
+ if (typeof evlistener === "function") {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (evlistener !== void 0) {
+ return evlistener.length;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ EventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() {
+ return this._eventsCount > 0 ? ReflectOwnKeys(this._events) : [];
+ };
+ function arrayClone(arr, n) {
+ var copy = new Array(n);
+ for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ copy[i] = arr[i];
+ return copy;
+ }
+ function spliceOne(list, index) {
+ for (; index + 1 < list.length; index++)
+ list[index] = list[index + 1];
+ list.pop();
+ }
+ function unwrapListeners(arr) {
+ var ret = new Array(arr.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i) {
+ ret[i] = arr[i].listener || arr[i];
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ function once(emitter, name) {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ function errorListener(err) {
+ emitter.removeListener(name, resolver);
+ reject(err);
+ }
+ function resolver() {
+ if (typeof emitter.removeListener === "function") {
+ emitter.removeListener("error", errorListener);
+ }
+ resolve([].slice.call(arguments));
+ }
+ eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, name, resolver, { once: true });
+ if (name !== "error") {
+ addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(emitter, errorListener, { once: true });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(emitter, handler, flags) {
+ if (typeof emitter.on === "function") {
+ eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, "error", handler, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ function eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, name, listener, flags) {
+ if (typeof emitter.on === "function") {
+ if (flags.once) {
+ emitter.once(name, listener);
+ } else {
+ emitter.on(name, listener);
+ }
+ } else if (typeof emitter.addEventListener === "function") {
+ emitter.addEventListener(name, function wrapListener(arg) {
+ if (flags.once) {
+ emitter.removeEventListener(name, wrapListener);
+ }
+ listener(arg);
+ });
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError('The "emitter" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type ' + typeof emitter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/path-browserify/index.js": (
+ /*!***************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/path-browserify/index.js ***!
+ \***************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module) => {
+ function assertPath(path) {
+ if (typeof path !== "string") {
+ throw new TypeError("Path must be a string. Received " + JSON.stringify(path));
+ }
+ }
+ function normalizeStringPosix(path, allowAboveRoot) {
+ var res = "";
+ var lastSegmentLength = 0;
+ var lastSlash = -1;
+ var dots = 0;
+ var code;
+ for (var i = 0; i <= path.length; ++i) {
+ if (i < path.length)
+ code = path.charCodeAt(i);
+ else if (code === 47)
+ break;
+ else
+ code = 47;
+ if (code === 47) {
+ if (lastSlash === i - 1 || dots === 1)
+ ;
+ else if (lastSlash !== i - 1 && dots === 2) {
+ if (res.length < 2 || lastSegmentLength !== 2 || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 1) !== 46 || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 2) !== 46) {
+ if (res.length > 2) {
+ var lastSlashIndex = res.lastIndexOf("/");
+ if (lastSlashIndex !== res.length - 1) {
+ if (lastSlashIndex === -1) {
+ res = "";
+ lastSegmentLength = 0;
+ } else {
+ res = res.slice(0, lastSlashIndex);
+ lastSegmentLength = res.length - 1 - res.lastIndexOf("/");
+ }
+ lastSlash = i;
+ dots = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (res.length === 2 || res.length === 1) {
+ res = "";
+ lastSegmentLength = 0;
+ lastSlash = i;
+ dots = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allowAboveRoot) {
+ if (res.length > 0)
+ res += "/..";
+ else
+ res = "..";
+ lastSegmentLength = 2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (res.length > 0)
+ res += "/" + path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i);
+ else
+ res = path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i);
+ lastSegmentLength = i - lastSlash - 1;
+ }
+ lastSlash = i;
+ dots = 0;
+ } else if (code === 46 && dots !== -1) {
+ ++dots;
+ } else {
+ dots = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ function _format(sep, pathObject) {
+ var dir = pathObject.dir || pathObject.root;
+ var base = pathObject.base || (pathObject.name || "") + (pathObject.ext || "");
+ if (!dir) {
+ return base;
+ }
+ if (dir === pathObject.root) {
+ return dir + base;
+ }
+ return dir + sep + base;
+ }
+ var posix = {
+ // path.resolve([from ...], to)
+ resolve: function resolve() {
+ var resolvedPath = "";
+ var resolvedAbsolute = false;
+ var cwd;
+ for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {
+ var path;
+ if (i >= 0)
+ path = arguments[i];
+ else {
+ if (cwd === void 0)
+ cwd = process.cwd();
+ path = cwd;
+ }
+ assertPath(path);
+ if (path.length === 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ resolvedPath = path + "/" + resolvedPath;
+ resolvedAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === 47;
+ }
+ resolvedPath = normalizeStringPosix(resolvedPath, !resolvedAbsolute);
+ if (resolvedAbsolute) {
+ if (resolvedPath.length > 0)
+ return "/" + resolvedPath;
+ else
+ return "/";
+ } else if (resolvedPath.length > 0) {
+ return resolvedPath;
+ } else {
+ return ".";
+ }
+ },
+ normalize: function normalize(path) {
+ assertPath(path);
+ if (path.length === 0)
+ return ".";
+ var isAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === 47;
+ var trailingSeparator = path.charCodeAt(path.length - 1) === 47;
+ path = normalizeStringPosix(path, !isAbsolute);
+ if (path.length === 0 && !isAbsolute)
+ path = ".";
+ if (path.length > 0 && trailingSeparator)
+ path += "/";
+ if (isAbsolute)
+ return "/" + path;
+ return path;
+ },
+ isAbsolute: function isAbsolute(path) {
+ assertPath(path);
+ return path.length > 0 && path.charCodeAt(0) === 47;
+ },
+ join: function join() {
+ if (arguments.length === 0)
+ return ".";
+ var joined;
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
+ var arg = arguments[i];
+ assertPath(arg);
+ if (arg.length > 0) {
+ if (joined === void 0)
+ joined = arg;
+ else
+ joined += "/" + arg;
+ }
+ }
+ if (joined === void 0)
+ return ".";
+ return posix.normalize(joined);
+ },
+ relative: function relative(from, to) {
+ assertPath(from);
+ assertPath(to);
+ if (from === to)
+ return "";
+ from = posix.resolve(from);
+ to = posix.resolve(to);
+ if (from === to)
+ return "";
+ var fromStart = 1;
+ for (; fromStart < from.length; ++fromStart) {
+ if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart) !== 47)
+ break;
+ }
+ var fromEnd = from.length;
+ var fromLen = fromEnd - fromStart;
+ var toStart = 1;
+ for (; toStart < to.length; ++toStart) {
+ if (to.charCodeAt(toStart) !== 47)
+ break;
+ }
+ var toEnd = to.length;
+ var toLen = toEnd - toStart;
+ var length = fromLen < toLen ? fromLen : toLen;
+ var lastCommonSep = -1;
+ var i = 0;
+ for (; i <= length; ++i) {
+ if (i === length) {
+ if (toLen > length) {
+ if (to.charCodeAt(toStart + i) === 47) {
+ return to.slice(toStart + i + 1);
+ } else if (i === 0) {
+ return to.slice(toStart + i);
+ }
+ } else if (fromLen > length) {
+ if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i) === 47) {
+ lastCommonSep = i;
+ } else if (i === 0) {
+ lastCommonSep = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ var fromCode = from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i);
+ var toCode = to.charCodeAt(toStart + i);
+ if (fromCode !== toCode)
+ break;
+ else if (fromCode === 47)
+ lastCommonSep = i;
+ }
+ var out = "";
+ for (i = fromStart + lastCommonSep + 1; i <= fromEnd; ++i) {
+ if (i === fromEnd || from.charCodeAt(i) === 47) {
+ if (out.length === 0)
+ out += "..";
+ else
+ out += "/..";
+ }
+ }
+ if (out.length > 0)
+ return out + to.slice(toStart + lastCommonSep);
+ else {
+ toStart += lastCommonSep;
+ if (to.charCodeAt(toStart) === 47)
+ ++toStart;
+ return to.slice(toStart);
+ }
+ },
+ _makeLong: function _makeLong(path) {
+ return path;
+ },
+ dirname: function dirname(path) {
+ assertPath(path);
+ if (path.length === 0)
+ return ".";
+ var code = path.charCodeAt(0);
+ var hasRoot = code === 47;
+ var end = -1;
+ var matchedSlash = true;
+ for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= 1; --i) {
+ code = path.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (code === 47) {
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ end = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ matchedSlash = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (end === -1)
+ return hasRoot ? "/" : ".";
+ if (hasRoot && end === 1)
+ return "//";
+ return path.slice(0, end);
+ },
+ basename: function basename(path, ext) {
+ if (ext !== void 0 && typeof ext !== "string")
+ throw new TypeError('"ext" argument must be a string');
+ assertPath(path);
+ var start = 0;
+ var end = -1;
+ var matchedSlash = true;
+ var i;
+ if (ext !== void 0 && ext.length > 0 && ext.length <= path.length) {
+ if (ext.length === path.length && ext === path)
+ return "";
+ var extIdx = ext.length - 1;
+ var firstNonSlashEnd = -1;
+ for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var code = path.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (code === 47) {
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ start = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (firstNonSlashEnd === -1) {
+ matchedSlash = false;
+ firstNonSlashEnd = i + 1;
+ }
+ if (extIdx >= 0) {
+ if (code === ext.charCodeAt(extIdx)) {
+ if (--extIdx === -1) {
+ end = i;
+ }
+ } else {
+ extIdx = -1;
+ end = firstNonSlashEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (start === end)
+ end = firstNonSlashEnd;
+ else if (end === -1)
+ end = path.length;
+ return path.slice(start, end);
+ } else {
+ for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if (path.charCodeAt(i) === 47) {
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ start = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (end === -1) {
+ matchedSlash = false;
+ end = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (end === -1)
+ return "";
+ return path.slice(start, end);
+ }
+ },
+ extname: function extname(path) {
+ assertPath(path);
+ var startDot = -1;
+ var startPart = 0;
+ var end = -1;
+ var matchedSlash = true;
+ var preDotState = 0;
+ for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var code = path.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (code === 47) {
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ startPart = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (end === -1) {
+ matchedSlash = false;
+ end = i + 1;
+ }
+ if (code === 46) {
+ if (startDot === -1)
+ startDot = i;
+ else if (preDotState !== 1)
+ preDotState = 1;
+ } else if (startDot !== -1) {
+ preDotState = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (startDot === -1 || end === -1 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot
+ preDotState === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..'
+ preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return path.slice(startDot, end);
+ },
+ format: function format(pathObject) {
+ if (pathObject === null || typeof pathObject !== "object") {
+ throw new TypeError('The "pathObject" argument must be of type Object. Received type ' + typeof pathObject);
+ }
+ return _format("/", pathObject);
+ },
+ parse: function parse(path) {
+ assertPath(path);
+ var ret = { root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: "" };
+ if (path.length === 0)
+ return ret;
+ var code = path.charCodeAt(0);
+ var isAbsolute = code === 47;
+ var start;
+ if (isAbsolute) {
+ ret.root = "/";
+ start = 1;
+ } else {
+ start = 0;
+ }
+ var startDot = -1;
+ var startPart = 0;
+ var end = -1;
+ var matchedSlash = true;
+ var i = path.length - 1;
+ var preDotState = 0;
+ for (; i >= start; --i) {
+ code = path.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (code === 47) {
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ startPart = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (end === -1) {
+ matchedSlash = false;
+ end = i + 1;
+ }
+ if (code === 46) {
+ if (startDot === -1)
+ startDot = i;
+ else if (preDotState !== 1)
+ preDotState = 1;
+ } else if (startDot !== -1) {
+ preDotState = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (startDot === -1 || end === -1 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot
+ preDotState === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..'
+ preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1) {
+ if (end !== -1) {
+ if (startPart === 0 && isAbsolute)
+ ret.base = ret.name = path.slice(1, end);
+ else
+ ret.base = ret.name = path.slice(startPart, end);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (startPart === 0 && isAbsolute) {
+ ret.name = path.slice(1, startDot);
+ ret.base = path.slice(1, end);
+ } else {
+ ret.name = path.slice(startPart, startDot);
+ ret.base = path.slice(startPart, end);
+ }
+ ret.ext = path.slice(startDot, end);
+ }
+ if (startPart > 0)
+ ret.dir = path.slice(0, startPart - 1);
+ else if (isAbsolute)
+ ret.dir = "/";
+ return ret;
+ },
+ sep: "/",
+ delimiter: ":",
+ win32: null,
+ posix: null
+ };
+ posix.posix = posix;
+ module.exports = posix;
+ }
+ )
+ /******/
+ };
+ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
+ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
+ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
+ if (cachedModule !== void 0) {
+ return cachedModule.exports;
+ }
+ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
+ /******/
+ // no module.id needed
+ /******/
+ // no module.loaded needed
+ /******/
+ exports: {}
+ /******/
+ };
+ __webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
+ return module.exports;
+ }
+ (() => {
+ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => {
+ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? (
+ /******/
+ () => module["default"]
+ ) : (
+ /******/
+ () => module
+ );
+ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
+ return getter;
+ };
+ })();
+ (() => {
+ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
+ for (var key in definition) {
+ if (__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ (() => {
+ __webpack_require__.g = function() {
+ if (typeof globalThis === "object")
+ return globalThis;
+ try {
+ return this || new Function("return this")();
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (typeof window === "object")
+ return window;
+ }
+ }();
+ })();
+ (() => {
+ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop);
+ })();
+ (() => {
+ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {
+ if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.toStringTag) {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" });
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+ };
+ })();
+ var __webpack_exports__ = {};
+ (() => {
+ /*!*********************!*\
+ !*** ./src/hook.ts ***!
+ \*********************/
+ __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
+ var _back_hook__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(
+ /*! @back/hook */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/hook.js"
+ );
+ var _vue_devtools_shared_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ (0, _back_hook__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.installHook)(_vue_devtools_shared_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.target);
+ })();
+(function() {
+ var __webpack_modules__ = {
+ /***/
+ "../api/lib/esm/const.js": (
+ /*!*******************************!*\
+ !*** ../api/lib/esm/const.js ***!
+ \*******************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__2, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ __webpack_require__2.r(__webpack_exports__2);
+ __webpack_require__2.d(__webpack_exports__2, {
+ /* harmony export */
+ /* binding */
+ ),
+ /* harmony export */
+ "HOOK_SETUP": () => (
+ /* binding */
+ )
+ /* harmony export */
+ });
+ const HOOK_SETUP = "devtools-plugin:setup";
+ const HOOK_PLUGIN_SETTINGS_SET = "plugin:settings:set";
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../api/lib/esm/env.js": (
+ /*!*****************************!*\
+ !*** ../api/lib/esm/env.js ***!
+ \*****************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__2, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ __webpack_require__2.r(__webpack_exports__2);
+ __webpack_require__2.d(__webpack_exports__2, {
+ /* harmony export */
+ "getDevtoolsGlobalHook": () => (
+ /* binding */
+ getDevtoolsGlobalHook
+ ),
+ /* harmony export */
+ "getTarget": () => (
+ /* binding */
+ getTarget2
+ ),
+ /* harmony export */
+ "isProxyAvailable": () => (
+ /* binding */
+ isProxyAvailable
+ )
+ /* harmony export */
+ });
+ function getDevtoolsGlobalHook() {
+ return getTarget2().__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;
+ }
+ function getTarget2() {
+ return typeof navigator !== "undefined" && typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof my !== "undefined" ? my : {};
+ }
+ const isProxyAvailable = typeof Proxy === "function";
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../api/lib/esm/index.js": (
+ /*!*******************************!*\
+ !*** ../api/lib/esm/index.js ***!
+ \*******************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__2, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ __webpack_require__2.r(__webpack_exports__2);
+ __webpack_require__2.d(__webpack_exports__2, {
+ /* harmony export */
+ "isPerformanceSupported": () => (
+ /* reexport safe */
+ _time_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.isPerformanceSupported
+ ),
+ /* harmony export */
+ "now": () => (
+ /* reexport safe */
+ _time_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.now
+ ),
+ /* harmony export */
+ "setupDevtoolsPlugin": () => (
+ /* binding */
+ setupDevtoolsPlugin
+ )
+ /* harmony export */
+ });
+ var _env_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./env.js */
+ "../api/lib/esm/env.js"
+ );
+ var _const_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./const.js */
+ "../api/lib/esm/const.js"
+ );
+ var _proxy_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./proxy.js */
+ "../api/lib/esm/proxy.js"
+ );
+ var _time_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./time.js */
+ "../api/lib/esm/time.js"
+ );
+ function setupDevtoolsPlugin(pluginDescriptor, setupFn) {
+ const descriptor = pluginDescriptor;
+ const target = (0, _env_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getTarget)();
+ const hook = (0, _env_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.getDevtoolsGlobalHook)();
+ const enableProxy = _env_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.isProxyAvailable && descriptor.enableEarlyProxy;
+ if (hook && (target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_API_AVAILABLE__ || !enableProxy)) {
+ hook.emit(_const_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__.HOOK_SETUP, pluginDescriptor, setupFn);
+ } else {
+ const proxy = enableProxy ? new _proxy_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__.ApiProxy(descriptor, hook) : null;
+ const list = target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGINS__ = target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGINS__ || [];
+ list.push({
+ pluginDescriptor: descriptor,
+ setupFn,
+ proxy
+ });
+ if (proxy)
+ setupFn(proxy.proxiedTarget);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../api/lib/esm/proxy.js": (
+ /*!*******************************!*\
+ !*** ../api/lib/esm/proxy.js ***!
+ \*******************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__2, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ __webpack_require__2.r(__webpack_exports__2);
+ __webpack_require__2.d(__webpack_exports__2, {
+ /* harmony export */
+ "ApiProxy": () => (
+ /* binding */
+ ApiProxy
+ )
+ /* harmony export */
+ });
+ var _const_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./const.js */
+ "../api/lib/esm/const.js"
+ );
+ var _time_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./time.js */
+ "../api/lib/esm/time.js"
+ );
+ class ApiProxy {
+ constructor(plugin, hook) {
+ this.target = null;
+ this.targetQueue = [];
+ this.onQueue = [];
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ this.hook = hook;
+ const defaultSettings = {};
+ if (plugin.settings) {
+ for (const id in plugin.settings) {
+ const item = plugin.settings[id];
+ defaultSettings[id] = item.defaultValue;
+ }
+ }
+ const localSettingsSaveId = `__vue-devtools-plugin-settings__${plugin.id}`;
+ let currentSettings = Object.assign({}, defaultSettings);
+ try {
+ const raw = localStorage.getItem(localSettingsSaveId);
+ const data = JSON.parse(raw);
+ Object.assign(currentSettings, data);
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ this.fallbacks = {
+ getSettings() {
+ return currentSettings;
+ },
+ setSettings(value) {
+ try {
+ localStorage.setItem(localSettingsSaveId, JSON.stringify(value));
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ currentSettings = value;
+ },
+ now() {
+ return (0, _time_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.now)();
+ }
+ };
+ if (hook) {
+ hook.on(_const_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.HOOK_PLUGIN_SETTINGS_SET, (pluginId, value) => {
+ if (pluginId === this.plugin.id) {
+ this.fallbacks.setSettings(value);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ this.proxiedOn = new Proxy({}, {
+ get: (_target, prop) => {
+ if (this.target) {
+ return this.target.on[prop];
+ } else {
+ return (...args) => {
+ this.onQueue.push({
+ method: prop,
+ args
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.proxiedTarget = new Proxy({}, {
+ get: (_target, prop) => {
+ if (this.target) {
+ return this.target[prop];
+ } else if (prop === "on") {
+ return this.proxiedOn;
+ } else if (Object.keys(this.fallbacks).includes(prop)) {
+ return (...args) => {
+ this.targetQueue.push({
+ method: prop,
+ args,
+ resolve: () => {
+ }
+ });
+ return this.fallbacks[prop](...args);
+ };
+ } else {
+ return (...args) => {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ this.targetQueue.push({
+ method: prop,
+ args,
+ resolve
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ async setRealTarget(target) {
+ this.target = target;
+ for (const item of this.onQueue) {
+ this.target.on[item.method](...item.args);
+ }
+ for (const item of this.targetQueue) {
+ item.resolve(await this.target[item.method](...item.args));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../api/lib/esm/time.js": (
+ /*!******************************!*\
+ !*** ../api/lib/esm/time.js ***!
+ \******************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__2, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ __webpack_require__2.r(__webpack_exports__2);
+ __webpack_require__2.d(__webpack_exports__2, {
+ /* harmony export */
+ "isPerformanceSupported": () => (
+ /* binding */
+ isPerformanceSupported
+ ),
+ /* harmony export */
+ "now": () => (
+ /* binding */
+ now
+ )
+ /* harmony export */
+ });
+ let supported;
+ let perf;
+ function isPerformanceSupported() {
+ var _a;
+ if (supported !== void 0) {
+ return supported;
+ }
+ if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.performance) {
+ supported = true;
+ perf = window.performance;
+ } else if (typeof __webpack_require__2.g !== "undefined" && ((_a = __webpack_require__2.g.perf_hooks) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.performance)) {
+ supported = true;
+ perf = __webpack_require__2.g.perf_hooks.performance;
+ } else {
+ supported = false;
+ }
+ return supported;
+ }
+ function now() {
+ return isPerformanceSupported() ? perf.now() : Date.now();
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/api.js": (
+ /*!*************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-api/lib/api.js ***!
+ \*************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.DevtoolsPluginApiInstance = exports.DevtoolsApi = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const devtools_api_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue/devtools-api */
+ "../api/lib/esm/index.js"
+ );
+ const hooks_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./hooks */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/hooks.js"
+ );
+ const pluginOn = [];
+ class DevtoolsApi {
+ constructor(backend, ctx) {
+ this.stateEditor = new shared_utils_1.StateEditor();
+ this.backend = backend;
+ this.ctx = ctx;
+ this.bridge = ctx.bridge;
+ this.on = new hooks_1.DevtoolsHookable(ctx);
+ }
+ async callHook(eventType, payload, ctx = this.ctx) {
+ payload = await this.on.callHandlers(eventType, payload, ctx);
+ for (const on of pluginOn) {
+ payload = await on.callHandlers(eventType, payload, ctx);
+ }
+ return payload;
+ }
+ async transformCall(callName, ...args) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "transformCall",
+ {
+ callName,
+ inArgs: args,
+ outArgs: args.slice()
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.outArgs;
+ }
+ async getAppRecordName(app, defaultName) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "getAppRecordName",
+ {
+ app,
+ name: null
+ }
+ );
+ if (payload.name) {
+ return payload.name;
+ } else {
+ return `App ${defaultName}`;
+ }
+ }
+ async getAppRootInstance(app) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "getAppRootInstance",
+ {
+ app,
+ root: null
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.root;
+ }
+ async registerApplication(app) {
+ await this.callHook(
+ "registerApplication",
+ {
+ app
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ async walkComponentTree(instance, maxDepth = -1, filter = null, recursively = false) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "walkComponentTree",
+ {
+ componentInstance: instance,
+ componentTreeData: null,
+ maxDepth,
+ filter,
+ recursively
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.componentTreeData;
+ }
+ async visitComponentTree(instance, treeNode, filter = null, app) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "visitComponentTree",
+ {
+ app,
+ componentInstance: instance,
+ treeNode,
+ filter
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.treeNode;
+ }
+ async walkComponentParents(instance) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "walkComponentParents",
+ {
+ componentInstance: instance,
+ parentInstances: []
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.parentInstances;
+ }
+ async inspectComponent(instance, app) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "inspectComponent",
+ {
+ app,
+ componentInstance: instance,
+ instanceData: null
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.instanceData;
+ }
+ async getComponentBounds(instance) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "getComponentBounds",
+ {
+ componentInstance: instance,
+ bounds: null
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.bounds;
+ }
+ async getComponentName(instance) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "getComponentName",
+ {
+ componentInstance: instance,
+ name: null
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.name;
+ }
+ async getComponentInstances(app) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "getComponentInstances",
+ {
+ app,
+ componentInstances: []
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.componentInstances;
+ }
+ async getElementComponent(element) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "getElementComponent",
+ {
+ element,
+ componentInstance: null
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.componentInstance;
+ }
+ async getComponentRootElements(instance) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "getComponentRootElements",
+ {
+ componentInstance: instance,
+ rootElements: []
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.rootElements;
+ }
+ async editComponentState(instance, dotPath, type, state, app) {
+ const arrayPath = dotPath.split(".");
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "editComponentState",
+ {
+ app,
+ componentInstance: instance,
+ path: arrayPath,
+ type,
+ state,
+ set: (object, path = arrayPath, value = state.value, cb) => this.stateEditor.set(object, path, value, cb || this.stateEditor.createDefaultSetCallback(state))
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.componentInstance;
+ }
+ async getComponentDevtoolsOptions(instance) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "getAppDevtoolsOptions",
+ {
+ componentInstance: instance,
+ options: null
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.options || {};
+ }
+ async getComponentRenderCode(instance) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "getComponentRenderCode",
+ {
+ componentInstance: instance,
+ code: null
+ }
+ );
+ return {
+ code: payload.code
+ };
+ }
+ async inspectTimelineEvent(eventData, app) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "inspectTimelineEvent",
+ {
+ event: eventData.event,
+ layerId: eventData.layerId,
+ app,
+ data: eventData.event.data,
+ all: eventData.all
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.data;
+ }
+ async clearTimeline() {
+ await this.callHook(
+ "timelineCleared",
+ {}
+ );
+ }
+ async getInspectorTree(inspectorId, app, filter) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "getInspectorTree",
+ {
+ inspectorId,
+ app,
+ filter,
+ rootNodes: []
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.rootNodes;
+ }
+ async getInspectorState(inspectorId, app, nodeId) {
+ const payload = await this.callHook(
+ "getInspectorState",
+ {
+ inspectorId,
+ app,
+ nodeId,
+ state: null
+ }
+ );
+ return payload.state;
+ }
+ async editInspectorState(inspectorId, app, nodeId, dotPath, type, state) {
+ const arrayPath = dotPath.split(".");
+ await this.callHook(
+ "editInspectorState",
+ {
+ inspectorId,
+ app,
+ nodeId,
+ path: arrayPath,
+ type,
+ state,
+ set: (object, path = arrayPath, value = state.value, cb) => this.stateEditor.set(object, path, value, cb || this.stateEditor.createDefaultSetCallback(state))
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ now() {
+ return (0, devtools_api_1.now)();
+ }
+ }
+ exports.DevtoolsApi = DevtoolsApi;
+ class DevtoolsPluginApiInstance {
+ constructor(plugin, appRecord, ctx) {
+ this.bridge = ctx.bridge;
+ this.ctx = ctx;
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ this.appRecord = appRecord;
+ this.backendApi = appRecord.backend.api;
+ this.defaultSettings = (0, shared_utils_1.getPluginDefaultSettings)(plugin.descriptor.settings);
+ this.on = new hooks_1.DevtoolsHookable(ctx, plugin);
+ pluginOn.push(this.on);
+ }
+ // Plugin API
+ async notifyComponentUpdate(instance = null) {
+ if (!this.enabled || !this.hasPermission(shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS))
+ return;
+ if (instance) {
+ this.ctx.hook.emit(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.COMPONENT_UPDATED, ...await this.backendApi.transformCall(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.COMPONENT_UPDATED, instance));
+ } else {
+ this.ctx.hook.emit(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.COMPONENT_UPDATED);
+ }
+ }
+ addTimelineLayer(options) {
+ if (!this.enabled || !this.hasPermission(shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.TIMELINE))
+ return false;
+ this.ctx.hook.emit(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.TIMELINE_LAYER_ADDED, options, this.plugin);
+ return true;
+ }
+ addTimelineEvent(options) {
+ if (!this.enabled || !this.hasPermission(shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.TIMELINE))
+ return false;
+ this.ctx.hook.emit(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.TIMELINE_EVENT_ADDED, options, this.plugin);
+ return true;
+ }
+ addInspector(options) {
+ if (!this.enabled || !this.hasPermission(shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR))
+ return false;
+ this.ctx.hook.emit(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_ADD, options, this.plugin);
+ return true;
+ }
+ sendInspectorTree(inspectorId) {
+ if (!this.enabled || !this.hasPermission(shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR))
+ return false;
+ this.ctx.hook.emit(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SEND_TREE, inspectorId, this.plugin);
+ return true;
+ }
+ sendInspectorState(inspectorId) {
+ if (!this.enabled || !this.hasPermission(shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR))
+ return false;
+ this.ctx.hook.emit(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SEND_STATE, inspectorId, this.plugin);
+ return true;
+ }
+ selectInspectorNode(inspectorId, nodeId) {
+ if (!this.enabled || !this.hasPermission(shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR))
+ return false;
+ this.ctx.hook.emit(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SELECT_NODE, inspectorId, nodeId, this.plugin);
+ return true;
+ }
+ getComponentBounds(instance) {
+ return this.backendApi.getComponentBounds(instance);
+ }
+ getComponentName(instance) {
+ return this.backendApi.getComponentName(instance);
+ }
+ getComponentInstances(app) {
+ return this.backendApi.getComponentInstances(app);
+ }
+ highlightElement(instance) {
+ if (!this.enabled || !this.hasPermission(shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS))
+ return false;
+ this.ctx.hook.emit(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.COMPONENT_HIGHLIGHT, instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__, this.plugin);
+ return true;
+ }
+ unhighlightElement() {
+ if (!this.enabled || !this.hasPermission(shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS))
+ return false;
+ this.ctx.hook.emit(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.COMPONENT_UNHIGHLIGHT, this.plugin);
+ return true;
+ }
+ getSettings(pluginId) {
+ return (0, shared_utils_1.getPluginSettings)(pluginId !== null && pluginId !== void 0 ? pluginId : this.plugin.descriptor.id, this.defaultSettings);
+ }
+ setSettings(value, pluginId) {
+ (0, shared_utils_1.setPluginSettings)(pluginId !== null && pluginId !== void 0 ? pluginId : this.plugin.descriptor.id, value);
+ }
+ now() {
+ return (0, devtools_api_1.now)();
+ }
+ get enabled() {
+ return (0, shared_utils_1.hasPluginPermission)(this.plugin.descriptor.id, shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.ENABLED);
+ }
+ hasPermission(permission) {
+ return (0, shared_utils_1.hasPluginPermission)(this.plugin.descriptor.id, permission);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.DevtoolsPluginApiInstance = DevtoolsPluginApiInstance;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/app-record.js": (
+ /*!********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-api/lib/app-record.js ***!
+ \********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/backend-context.js": (
+ /*!*************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-api/lib/backend-context.js ***!
+ \*************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.createBackendContext = void 0;
+ function createBackendContext(options) {
+ return {
+ bridge: options.bridge,
+ hook: options.hook,
+ backends: [],
+ appRecords: [],
+ currentTab: null,
+ currentAppRecord: null,
+ currentInspectedComponentId: null,
+ plugins: [],
+ currentPlugin: null,
+ timelineLayers: [],
+ nextTimelineEventId: 0,
+ timelineEventMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
+ perfUniqueGroupId: 0,
+ customInspectors: [],
+ timelineMarkers: []
+ };
+ }
+ exports.createBackendContext = createBackendContext;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/backend.js": (
+ /*!*****************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-api/lib/backend.js ***!
+ \*****************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.createBackend = exports.defineBackend = exports.BuiltinBackendFeature = void 0;
+ const api_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./api */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/api.js"
+ );
+ (function(BuiltinBackendFeature) {
+ BuiltinBackendFeature["FLUSH"] = "flush";
+ })(exports.BuiltinBackendFeature || (exports.BuiltinBackendFeature = {}));
+ function defineBackend(options) {
+ return options;
+ }
+ exports.defineBackend = defineBackend;
+ function createBackend(options, ctx) {
+ const backend = {
+ options,
+ api: null
+ };
+ backend.api = new api_1.DevtoolsApi(backend, ctx);
+ options.setup(backend.api);
+ return backend;
+ }
+ exports.createBackend = createBackend;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/global-hook.js": (
+ /*!*********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-api/lib/global-hook.js ***!
+ \*********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/hooks.js": (
+ /*!***************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-api/lib/hooks.js ***!
+ \***************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.DevtoolsHookable = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ class DevtoolsHookable {
+ constructor(ctx, plugin = null) {
+ this.handlers = {};
+ this.ctx = ctx;
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ }
+ hook(eventType, handler, pluginPermision = null) {
+ const handlers = this.handlers[eventType] = this.handlers[eventType] || [];
+ if (this.plugin) {
+ const originalHandler = handler;
+ handler = (...args) => {
+ var _a;
+ if (!(0, shared_utils_1.hasPluginPermission)(this.plugin.descriptor.id, shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.ENABLED) || pluginPermision && !(0, shared_utils_1.hasPluginPermission)(this.plugin.descriptor.id, pluginPermision))
+ return;
+ if (!this.plugin.descriptor.disableAppScope && ((_a = this.ctx.currentAppRecord) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.options.app) !== this.plugin.descriptor.app)
+ return;
+ if (!this.plugin.descriptor.disablePluginScope && args[0].pluginId != null && args[0].pluginId !== this.plugin.descriptor.id)
+ return;
+ return originalHandler(...args);
+ };
+ }
+ handlers.push({
+ handler,
+ plugin: this.ctx.currentPlugin
+ });
+ }
+ async callHandlers(eventType, payload, ctx) {
+ if (this.handlers[eventType]) {
+ const handlers = this.handlers[eventType];
+ for (let i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
+ const {
+ handler,
+ plugin
+ } = handlers[i];
+ try {
+ await handler(payload, ctx);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(`An error occurred in hook '${eventType}'${plugin ? ` registered by plugin '${plugin.descriptor.id}'` : ""} with payload:`, payload);
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return payload;
+ }
+ transformCall(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "transformCall",
+ handler
+ );
+ }
+ getAppRecordName(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "getAppRecordName",
+ handler
+ );
+ }
+ getAppRootInstance(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "getAppRootInstance",
+ handler
+ );
+ }
+ registerApplication(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "registerApplication",
+ handler
+ );
+ }
+ walkComponentTree(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "walkComponentTree",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS
+ );
+ }
+ visitComponentTree(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "visitComponentTree",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS
+ );
+ }
+ walkComponentParents(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "walkComponentParents",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS
+ );
+ }
+ inspectComponent(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "inspectComponent",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS
+ );
+ }
+ getComponentBounds(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "getComponentBounds",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS
+ );
+ }
+ getComponentName(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "getComponentName",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS
+ );
+ }
+ getComponentInstances(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "getComponentInstances",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS
+ );
+ }
+ getElementComponent(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "getElementComponent",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS
+ );
+ }
+ getComponentRootElements(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "getComponentRootElements",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS
+ );
+ }
+ editComponentState(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "editComponentState",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS
+ );
+ }
+ getComponentDevtoolsOptions(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "getAppDevtoolsOptions",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS
+ );
+ }
+ getComponentRenderCode(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "getComponentRenderCode",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.COMPONENTS
+ );
+ }
+ inspectTimelineEvent(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "inspectTimelineEvent",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.TIMELINE
+ );
+ }
+ timelineCleared(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "timelineCleared",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.TIMELINE
+ );
+ }
+ getInspectorTree(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "getInspectorTree",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR
+ );
+ }
+ getInspectorState(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "getInspectorState",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR
+ );
+ }
+ editInspectorState(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "editInspectorState",
+ handler,
+ shared_utils_1.PluginPermission.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR
+ );
+ }
+ setPluginSettings(handler) {
+ this.hook(
+ "setPluginSettings",
+ handler
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ exports.DevtoolsHookable = DevtoolsHookable;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/index.js": (
+ /*!***************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-api/lib/index.js ***!
+ \***************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) {
+ var __createBinding = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) {
+ if (k2 === void 0)
+ k2 = k;
+ var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
+ if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
+ desc = {
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: function() {
+ return m[k];
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
+ } : function(o, m, k, k2) {
+ if (k2 === void 0)
+ k2 = k;
+ o[k2] = m[k];
+ });
+ var __exportStar = this && this.__exportStar || function(m, exports2) {
+ for (var p in m)
+ if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports2, p))
+ __createBinding(exports2, m, p);
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./api */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/api.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./app-record */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/app-record.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./backend */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/backend.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./backend-context */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/backend-context.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./global-hook */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/global-hook.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./hooks */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/hooks.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./plugin */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/plugin.js"
+ ), exports);
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/plugin.js": (
+ /*!****************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-api/lib/plugin.js ***!
+ \****************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/app.js": (
+ /*!**************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/app.js ***!
+ \**************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) {
+ var __importDefault = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod) {
+ return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : {
+ "default": mod
+ };
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports._legacy_getAndRegisterApps = exports.removeApp = exports.sendApps = exports.waitForAppsRegistration = exports.getAppRecord = exports.getAppRecordId = exports.mapAppRecord = exports.selectApp = exports.registerApp = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const speakingurl_1 = __importDefault(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! speakingurl */
+ "../../node_modules/speakingurl/index.js"
+ ));
+ const queue_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./util/queue */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/util/queue.js"
+ );
+ const scan_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./legacy/scan */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/legacy/scan.js"
+ );
+ const timeline_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./timeline */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/timeline.js"
+ );
+ const backend_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./backend */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/backend.js"
+ );
+ const global_hook_js_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./global-hook.js */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/global-hook.js"
+ );
+ const jobs = new queue_1.JobQueue();
+ let recordId = 0;
+ const appRecordPromises = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ async function registerApp(options, ctx) {
+ return jobs.queue("regiserApp", () => registerAppJob(options, ctx));
+ }
+ exports.registerApp = registerApp;
+ async function registerAppJob(options, ctx) {
+ if (ctx.appRecords.find((a) => a.options.app === options.app)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!options.version) {
+ throw new Error("[Vue Devtools] Vue version not found");
+ }
+ const baseFrameworkVersion = parseInt(options.version.substring(0, options.version.indexOf(".")));
+ for (let i = 0; i < backend_1.availableBackends.length; i++) {
+ const backendOptions = backend_1.availableBackends[i];
+ if (backendOptions.frameworkVersion === baseFrameworkVersion) {
+ const backend = (0, backend_1.getBackend)(backendOptions, ctx);
+ await createAppRecord(options, backend, ctx);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ async function createAppRecord(options, backend, ctx) {
+ var _a, _b, _c;
+ const rootInstance = await backend.api.getAppRootInstance(options.app);
+ if (rootInstance) {
+ if ((await backend.api.getComponentDevtoolsOptions(rootInstance)).hide) {
+ options.app._vueDevtools_hidden_ = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ recordId++;
+ const name = await backend.api.getAppRecordName(options.app, recordId.toString());
+ const id = getAppRecordId(options.app, (0, speakingurl_1.default)(name));
+ const [el] = await backend.api.getComponentRootElements(rootInstance);
+ const record = {
+ id,
+ name,
+ options,
+ backend,
+ lastInspectedComponentId: null,
+ instanceMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
+ rootInstance,
+ perfGroupIds: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
+ iframe: shared_utils_1.isBrowser && el && document !== el.ownerDocument ? (_b = (_a = el.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.location) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.pathname : null,
+ meta: (_c = options.meta) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : {}
+ };
+ options.app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD__ = record;
+ const rootId = `${record.id}:root`;
+ record.instanceMap.set(rootId, record.rootInstance);
+ record.rootInstance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ = rootId;
+ (0, timeline_1.addBuiltinLayers)(record, ctx);
+ ctx.appRecords.push(record);
+ if (backend.options.setupApp) {
+ backend.options.setupApp(backend.api, record);
+ }
+ await backend.api.registerApplication(options.app);
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_APP_ADD, {
+ appRecord: mapAppRecord(record)
+ });
+ if (appRecordPromises.has(options.app)) {
+ for (const r of appRecordPromises.get(options.app)) {
+ await r(record);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ctx.currentAppRecord == null) {
+ await selectApp(record, ctx);
+ }
+ } else if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.warn("[Vue devtools] No root instance found for app, it might have been unmounted", options.app);
+ }
+ }
+ async function selectApp(record, ctx) {
+ ctx.currentAppRecord = record;
+ ctx.currentInspectedComponentId = record.lastInspectedComponentId;
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_APP_SELECTED, {
+ id: record.id,
+ lastInspectedComponentId: record.lastInspectedComponentId
+ });
+ }
+ exports.selectApp = selectApp;
+ function mapAppRecord(record) {
+ return {
+ id: record.id,
+ name: record.name,
+ version: record.options.version,
+ iframe: record.iframe
+ };
+ }
+ exports.mapAppRecord = mapAppRecord;
+ const appIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
+ function getAppRecordId(app, defaultId) {
+ if (app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD_ID__ != null) {
+ return app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD_ID__;
+ }
+ let id = defaultId !== null && defaultId !== void 0 ? defaultId : (recordId++).toString();
+ if (defaultId && appIds.has(id)) {
+ let count = 1;
+ while (appIds.has(`${defaultId}_${count}`)) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ id = `${defaultId}_${count}`;
+ }
+ appIds.add(id);
+ return id;
+ }
+ exports.getAppRecordId = getAppRecordId;
+ async function getAppRecord(app, ctx) {
+ var _a;
+ const record = (_a = app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD__) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : ctx.appRecords.find((ar) => ar.options.app === app);
+ if (record) {
+ return record;
+ }
+ if (app._vueDevtools_hidden_)
+ return null;
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ let resolvers = appRecordPromises.get(app);
+ let timedOut = false;
+ if (!resolvers) {
+ resolvers = [];
+ appRecordPromises.set(app, resolvers);
+ }
+ const fn = (record2) => {
+ if (!timedOut) {
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ resolve(record2);
+ }
+ };
+ resolvers.push(fn);
+ const timer = setTimeout(() => {
+ timedOut = true;
+ const index = resolvers.indexOf(fn);
+ if (index !== -1)
+ resolvers.splice(index, 1);
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.log("Timed out waiting for app record", app);
+ }
+ reject(new Error(`Timed out getting app record for app`));
+ }, 6e4);
+ });
+ }
+ exports.getAppRecord = getAppRecord;
+ function waitForAppsRegistration() {
+ return jobs.queue("waitForAppsRegistrationNoop", async () => {
+ });
+ }
+ exports.waitForAppsRegistration = waitForAppsRegistration;
+ async function sendApps(ctx) {
+ const appRecords = [];
+ for (const appRecord of ctx.appRecords) {
+ appRecords.push(appRecord);
+ }
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_APP_LIST, {
+ apps: appRecords.map(mapAppRecord)
+ });
+ }
+ exports.sendApps = sendApps;
+ function removeAppRecord(appRecord, ctx) {
+ try {
+ appIds.delete(appRecord.id);
+ const index = ctx.appRecords.indexOf(appRecord);
+ if (index !== -1)
+ ctx.appRecords.splice(index, 1);
+ (0, timeline_1.removeLayersForApp)(appRecord.options.app, ctx);
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_APP_REMOVE, {
+ id: appRecord.id
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ async function removeApp(app, ctx) {
+ try {
+ const appRecord = await getAppRecord(app, ctx);
+ if (appRecord) {
+ removeAppRecord(appRecord, ctx);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.removeApp = removeApp;
+ let scanTimeout;
+ function _legacy_getAndRegisterApps(ctx, clear = false) {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ try {
+ if (clear) {
+ ctx.appRecords.forEach((appRecord) => {
+ if (appRecord.meta.Vue) {
+ removeAppRecord(appRecord, ctx);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ const apps = (0, scan_1.scan)();
+ clearTimeout(scanTimeout);
+ if (!apps.length) {
+ scanTimeout = setTimeout(() => _legacy_getAndRegisterApps(ctx), 1e3);
+ }
+ apps.forEach((app) => {
+ const Vue = global_hook_js_1.hook.Vue;
+ registerApp({
+ app,
+ types: {},
+ version: Vue === null || Vue === void 0 ? void 0 : Vue.version,
+ meta: {
+ Vue
+ }
+ }, ctx);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(`Error scanning for legacy apps:`);
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ exports._legacy_getAndRegisterApps = _legacy_getAndRegisterApps;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/backend.js": (
+ /*!******************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/backend.js ***!
+ \******************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.getBackend = exports.availableBackends = void 0;
+ const app_backend_api_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/app-backend-api */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const app_backend_vue3_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/app-backend-vue3 */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const perf_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./perf */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/perf.js"
+ );
+ exports.availableBackends = [
+ // backendVue1,
+ // backendVue2,
+ app_backend_vue3_1.backend
+ ];
+ const enabledBackends = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ function getBackend(backendOptions, ctx) {
+ let backend;
+ if (!enabledBackends.has(backendOptions)) {
+ backend = (0, app_backend_api_1.createBackend)(backendOptions, ctx);
+ (0, perf_1.handleAddPerformanceTag)(backend, ctx);
+ enabledBackends.set(backendOptions, backend);
+ ctx.backends.push(backend);
+ } else {
+ backend = enabledBackends.get(backendOptions);
+ }
+ return backend;
+ }
+ exports.getBackend = getBackend;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/component-pick.js": (
+ /*!*************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/component-pick.js ***!
+ \*************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const highlighter_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./highlighter */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/highlighter.js"
+ );
+ class ComponentPicker {
+ constructor(ctx) {
+ this.ctx = ctx;
+ this.bindMethods();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds event listeners for mouseover and mouseup
+ */
+ startSelecting() {
+ if (!shared_utils_1.isBrowser)
+ return;
+ window.addEventListener("mouseover", this.elementMouseOver, true);
+ window.addEventListener("click", this.elementClicked, true);
+ window.addEventListener("mouseout", this.cancelEvent, true);
+ window.addEventListener("mouseenter", this.cancelEvent, true);
+ window.addEventListener("mouseleave", this.cancelEvent, true);
+ window.addEventListener("mousedown", this.cancelEvent, true);
+ window.addEventListener("mouseup", this.cancelEvent, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes event listeners
+ */
+ stopSelecting() {
+ if (!shared_utils_1.isBrowser)
+ return;
+ window.removeEventListener("mouseover", this.elementMouseOver, true);
+ window.removeEventListener("click", this.elementClicked, true);
+ window.removeEventListener("mouseout", this.cancelEvent, true);
+ window.removeEventListener("mouseenter", this.cancelEvent, true);
+ window.removeEventListener("mouseleave", this.cancelEvent, true);
+ window.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.cancelEvent, true);
+ window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.cancelEvent, true);
+ (0, highlighter_1.unHighlight)();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Highlights a component on element mouse over
+ */
+ async elementMouseOver(e) {
+ this.cancelEvent(e);
+ const el = e.target;
+ if (el) {
+ await this.selectElementComponent(el);
+ }
+ (0, highlighter_1.unHighlight)();
+ if (this.selectedInstance) {
+ (0, highlighter_1.highlight)(this.selectedInstance, this.selectedBackend, this.ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ async selectElementComponent(el) {
+ for (const backend of this.ctx.backends) {
+ const instance = await backend.api.getElementComponent(el);
+ if (instance) {
+ this.selectedInstance = instance;
+ this.selectedBackend = backend;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ this.selectedInstance = null;
+ this.selectedBackend = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Selects an instance in the component view
+ */
+ async elementClicked(e) {
+ this.cancelEvent(e);
+ if (this.selectedInstance && this.selectedBackend) {
+ const parentInstances = await this.selectedBackend.api.walkComponentParents(this.selectedInstance);
+ this.ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_PICK, {
+ id: this.selectedInstance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__,
+ parentIds: parentInstances.map((i) => i.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__)
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_PICK_CANCELED, null);
+ }
+ this.stopSelecting();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cancel a mouse event
+ */
+ cancelEvent(e) {
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Bind class methods to the class scope to avoid rebind for event listeners
+ */
+ bindMethods() {
+ this.startSelecting = this.startSelecting.bind(this);
+ this.stopSelecting = this.stopSelecting.bind(this);
+ this.elementMouseOver = this.elementMouseOver.bind(this);
+ this.elementClicked = this.elementClicked.bind(this);
+ }
+ }
+ exports["default"] = ComponentPicker;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/component.js": (
+ /*!********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/component.js ***!
+ \********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.sendComponentUpdateTracking = exports.refreshComponentTreeSearch = exports.getComponentInstance = exports.getComponentId = exports.editComponentState = exports.sendEmptyComponentData = exports.markSelectedInstance = exports.sendSelectedComponentData = exports.sendComponentTreeData = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const app_backend_api_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/app-backend-api */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const app_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./app */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/app.js"
+ );
+ const MAX_$VM = 10;
+ const $vmQueue = [];
+ async function sendComponentTreeData(appRecord, instanceId, filter = "", maxDepth = null, recursively = false, ctx) {
+ if (!instanceId || appRecord !== ctx.currentAppRecord)
+ return;
+ if (instanceId !== "_root" && ctx.currentAppRecord.backend.options.features.includes(app_backend_api_1.BuiltinBackendFeature.FLUSH)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const instance = getComponentInstance(appRecord, instanceId);
+ if (!instance) {
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_TREE, {
+ instanceId,
+ treeData: null,
+ notFound: true
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (filter)
+ filter = filter.toLowerCase();
+ if (maxDepth == null) {
+ maxDepth = instance === ctx.currentAppRecord.rootInstance ? 2 : 1;
+ }
+ const data = await appRecord.backend.api.walkComponentTree(instance, maxDepth, filter, recursively);
+ const payload = {
+ instanceId,
+ treeData: (0, shared_utils_1.stringify)(data)
+ };
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_TREE, payload);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.sendComponentTreeData = sendComponentTreeData;
+ async function sendSelectedComponentData(appRecord, instanceId, ctx) {
+ if (!instanceId || appRecord !== ctx.currentAppRecord)
+ return;
+ const instance = getComponentInstance(appRecord, instanceId);
+ if (!instance) {
+ sendEmptyComponentData(instanceId, ctx);
+ } else {
+ if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
+ const win = window;
+ win.$vm = instance;
+ if ($vmQueue[0] !== instance) {
+ if ($vmQueue.length >= MAX_$VM) {
+ $vmQueue.pop();
+ }
+ for (let i = $vmQueue.length; i > 0; i--) {
+ win[`$vm${i}`] = $vmQueue[i] = $vmQueue[i - 1];
+ }
+ win.$vm0 = $vmQueue[0] = instance;
+ }
+ }
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.log("[DEBUG] inspect", instance);
+ }
+ const parentInstances = await appRecord.backend.api.walkComponentParents(instance);
+ const payload = {
+ instanceId,
+ data: await appRecord.backend.api.inspectComponent(instance, ctx.currentAppRecord.options.app),
+ parentIds: parentInstances.map((i) => i.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__)
+ };
+ {
+ payload.data.isSetup = !!instance.type.setup && !instance.type.render;
+ }
+ payload.data = (0, shared_utils_1.stringify)(payload.data);
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_SELECTED_DATA, payload);
+ markSelectedInstance(instanceId, ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.sendSelectedComponentData = sendSelectedComponentData;
+ function markSelectedInstance(instanceId, ctx) {
+ ctx.currentInspectedComponentId = instanceId;
+ ctx.currentAppRecord.lastInspectedComponentId = instanceId;
+ }
+ exports.markSelectedInstance = markSelectedInstance;
+ function sendEmptyComponentData(instanceId, ctx) {
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_SELECTED_DATA, {
+ instanceId,
+ data: null
+ });
+ }
+ exports.sendEmptyComponentData = sendEmptyComponentData;
+ async function editComponentState(instanceId, dotPath, type, state, ctx) {
+ if (!instanceId)
+ return;
+ const instance = getComponentInstance(ctx.currentAppRecord, instanceId);
+ if (instance) {
+ if ("value" in state && state.value != null) {
+ state.value = (0, shared_utils_1.parse)(state.value, true);
+ }
+ await ctx.currentAppRecord.backend.api.editComponentState(instance, dotPath, type, state, ctx.currentAppRecord.options.app);
+ await sendSelectedComponentData(ctx.currentAppRecord, instanceId, ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.editComponentState = editComponentState;
+ async function getComponentId(app, uid, instance, ctx) {
+ try {
+ if (instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__)
+ return instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__;
+ const appRecord = await (0, app_1.getAppRecord)(app, ctx);
+ if (!appRecord)
+ return null;
+ const isRoot = appRecord.rootInstance === instance;
+ return `${appRecord.id}:${isRoot ? "root" : uid}`;
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getComponentId = getComponentId;
+ function getComponentInstance(appRecord, instanceId, ctx) {
+ if (instanceId === "_root") {
+ instanceId = `${appRecord.id}:root`;
+ }
+ const instance = appRecord.instanceMap.get(instanceId);
+ if (!instance && shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.warn(`Instance uid=${instanceId} not found`);
+ }
+ return instance;
+ }
+ exports.getComponentInstance = getComponentInstance;
+ async function refreshComponentTreeSearch(ctx) {
+ if (!ctx.currentAppRecord.componentFilter)
+ return;
+ await sendComponentTreeData(ctx.currentAppRecord, "_root", ctx.currentAppRecord.componentFilter, null, false, ctx);
+ }
+ exports.refreshComponentTreeSearch = refreshComponentTreeSearch;
+ async function sendComponentUpdateTracking(instanceId, ctx) {
+ if (!instanceId)
+ return;
+ const payload = {
+ instanceId,
+ time: Date.now()
+ // Use normal date
+ };
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_UPDATED, payload);
+ }
+ exports.sendComponentUpdateTracking = sendComponentUpdateTracking;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/flash.js": (
+ /*!****************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/flash.js ***!
+ \****************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.flashComponent = void 0;
+ async function flashComponent(instance, backend) {
+ const bounds = await backend.api.getComponentBounds(instance);
+ if (bounds) {
+ let overlay = instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_FLASH;
+ if (!overlay) {
+ overlay = document.createElement("div");
+ instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_FLASH = overlay;
+ overlay.style.border = "2px rgba(65, 184, 131, 0.7) solid";
+ overlay.style.position = "fixed";
+ overlay.style.zIndex = "99999999999998";
+ overlay.style.pointerEvents = "none";
+ overlay.style.borderRadius = "3px";
+ overlay.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
+ document.body.appendChild(overlay);
+ }
+ overlay.style.opacity = "1";
+ overlay.style.transition = null;
+ overlay.style.width = Math.round(bounds.width) + "px";
+ overlay.style.height = Math.round(bounds.height) + "px";
+ overlay.style.left = Math.round(bounds.left) + "px";
+ overlay.style.top = Math.round(bounds.top) + "px";
+ requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ overlay.style.transition = "opacity 1s";
+ overlay.style.opacity = "0";
+ });
+ clearTimeout(overlay._timer);
+ overlay._timer = setTimeout(() => {
+ document.body.removeChild(overlay);
+ instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_FLASH = null;
+ }, 1e3);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.flashComponent = flashComponent;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/global-hook.js": (
+ /*!**********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/global-hook.js ***!
+ \**********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.hook = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ exports.hook = shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/highlighter.js": (
+ /*!**********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/highlighter.js ***!
+ \**********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.unHighlight = exports.highlight = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const queue_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./util/queue */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/util/queue.js"
+ );
+ let overlay;
+ let overlayContent;
+ let currentInstance;
+ function createOverlay() {
+ if (overlay || !shared_utils_1.isBrowser)
+ return;
+ overlay = document.createElement("div");
+ overlay.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(65, 184, 131, 0.35)";
+ overlay.style.position = "fixed";
+ overlay.style.zIndex = "99999999999998";
+ overlay.style.pointerEvents = "none";
+ overlay.style.borderRadius = "3px";
+ overlayContent = document.createElement("div");
+ overlayContent.style.position = "fixed";
+ overlayContent.style.zIndex = "99999999999999";
+ overlayContent.style.pointerEvents = "none";
+ overlayContent.style.backgroundColor = "white";
+ overlayContent.style.fontFamily = "monospace";
+ overlayContent.style.fontSize = "11px";
+ overlayContent.style.padding = "4px 8px";
+ overlayContent.style.borderRadius = "3px";
+ overlayContent.style.color = "#333";
+ overlayContent.style.textAlign = "center";
+ overlayContent.style.border = "rgba(65, 184, 131, 0.5) 1px solid";
+ overlayContent.style.backgroundClip = "padding-box";
+ }
+ const jobQueue = new queue_1.JobQueue();
+ async function highlight(instance, backend, ctx) {
+ await jobQueue.queue("highlight", async () => {
+ if (!instance)
+ return;
+ const bounds = await backend.api.getComponentBounds(instance);
+ if (bounds) {
+ createOverlay();
+ const name = await backend.api.getComponentName(instance) || "Anonymous";
+ const pre = document.createElement("span");
+ pre.style.opacity = "0.6";
+ pre.innerText = "<";
+ const text = document.createElement("span");
+ text.style.fontWeight = "bold";
+ text.style.color = "#09ab56";
+ text.innerText = name;
+ const post = document.createElement("span");
+ post.style.opacity = "0.6";
+ post.innerText = ">";
+ const size = document.createElement("span");
+ size.style.opacity = "0.5";
+ size.style.marginLeft = "6px";
+ size.appendChild(document.createTextNode((Math.round(bounds.width * 100) / 100).toString()));
+ const multiply = document.createElement("span");
+ multiply.style.marginLeft = multiply.style.marginRight = "2px";
+ multiply.innerText = "×";
+ size.appendChild(multiply);
+ size.appendChild(document.createTextNode((Math.round(bounds.height * 100) / 100).toString()));
+ currentInstance = instance;
+ await showOverlay(bounds, [pre, text, post, size]);
+ }
+ startUpdateTimer(backend);
+ });
+ }
+ exports.highlight = highlight;
+ async function unHighlight() {
+ await jobQueue.queue("unHighlight", async () => {
+ var _a, _b;
+ (_a = overlay === null || overlay === void 0 ? void 0 : overlay.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.removeChild(overlay);
+ (_b = overlayContent === null || overlayContent === void 0 ? void 0 : overlayContent.parentNode) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.removeChild(overlayContent);
+ currentInstance = null;
+ stopUpdateTimer();
+ });
+ }
+ exports.unHighlight = unHighlight;
+ function showOverlay(bounds, children = null) {
+ if (!shared_utils_1.isBrowser || !children.length)
+ return;
+ positionOverlay(bounds);
+ document.body.appendChild(overlay);
+ overlayContent.innerHTML = "";
+ children.forEach((child) => overlayContent.appendChild(child));
+ document.body.appendChild(overlayContent);
+ positionOverlayContent(bounds);
+ }
+ function positionOverlay({
+ width = 0,
+ height = 0,
+ top = 0,
+ left = 0
+ }) {
+ overlay.style.width = Math.round(width) + "px";
+ overlay.style.height = Math.round(height) + "px";
+ overlay.style.left = Math.round(left) + "px";
+ overlay.style.top = Math.round(top) + "px";
+ }
+ function positionOverlayContent({
+ height = 0,
+ top = 0,
+ left = 0
+ }) {
+ const contentWidth = overlayContent.offsetWidth;
+ const contentHeight = overlayContent.offsetHeight;
+ let contentLeft = left;
+ if (contentLeft < 0) {
+ contentLeft = 0;
+ } else if (contentLeft + contentWidth > window.innerWidth) {
+ contentLeft = window.innerWidth - contentWidth;
+ }
+ let contentTop = top - contentHeight - 2;
+ if (contentTop < 0) {
+ contentTop = top + height + 2;
+ }
+ if (contentTop < 0) {
+ contentTop = 0;
+ } else if (contentTop + contentHeight > window.innerHeight) {
+ contentTop = window.innerHeight - contentHeight;
+ }
+ overlayContent.style.left = ~~contentLeft + "px";
+ overlayContent.style.top = ~~contentTop + "px";
+ }
+ async function updateOverlay(backend, ctx) {
+ if (currentInstance) {
+ const bounds = await backend.api.getComponentBounds(currentInstance);
+ if (bounds) {
+ const sizeEl = overlayContent.children.item(3);
+ const widthEl = sizeEl.childNodes[0];
+ widthEl.textContent = (Math.round(bounds.width * 100) / 100).toString();
+ const heightEl = sizeEl.childNodes[2];
+ heightEl.textContent = (Math.round(bounds.height * 100) / 100).toString();
+ positionOverlay(bounds);
+ positionOverlayContent(bounds);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let updateTimer;
+ function startUpdateTimer(backend, ctx) {
+ stopUpdateTimer();
+ updateTimer = setInterval(() => {
+ jobQueue.queue("updateOverlay", async () => {
+ await updateOverlay(backend);
+ });
+ }, 1e3 / 30);
+ }
+ function stopUpdateTimer() {
+ clearInterval(updateTimer);
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/index.js": (
+ /*!****************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/index.js ***!
+ \****************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) {
+ var __importDefault = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod) {
+ return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : {
+ "default": mod
+ };
+ };
+ var _a, _b;
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.initBackend = void 0;
+ const app_backend_api_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/app-backend-api */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const debounce_1 = __importDefault(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! lodash/debounce */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/debounce.js"
+ ));
+ const throttle_1 = __importDefault(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! lodash/throttle */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/throttle.js"
+ ));
+ const global_hook_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./global-hook */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/global-hook.js"
+ );
+ const subscriptions_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./util/subscriptions */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/util/subscriptions.js"
+ );
+ const highlighter_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./highlighter */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/highlighter.js"
+ );
+ const timeline_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./timeline */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/timeline.js"
+ );
+ const component_pick_1 = __importDefault(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./component-pick */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/component-pick.js"
+ ));
+ const component_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./component */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/component.js"
+ );
+ const plugin_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./plugin */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/plugin.js"
+ );
+ const devtools_api_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue/devtools-api */
+ "../api/lib/esm/index.js"
+ );
+ const app_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./app */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/app.js"
+ );
+ const inspector_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./inspector */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/inspector.js"
+ );
+ const timeline_screenshot_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./timeline-screenshot */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/timeline-screenshot.js"
+ );
+ const perf_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./perf */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/perf.js"
+ );
+ const page_config_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./page-config */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/page-config.js"
+ );
+ const timeline_marker_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./timeline-marker */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/timeline-marker.js"
+ );
+ const flash_js_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./flash.js */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/flash.js"
+ );
+ let ctx = (_a = shared_utils_1.target.__vdevtools_ctx) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
+ let connected = (_b = shared_utils_1.target.__vdevtools_connected) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false;
+ async function initBackend(bridge) {
+ await (0, shared_utils_1.initSharedData)({
+ bridge,
+ persist: false
+ });
+ shared_utils_1.SharedData.isBrowser = shared_utils_1.isBrowser;
+ (0, page_config_1.initOnPageConfig)();
+ if (!connected) {
+ ctx = shared_utils_1.target.__vdevtools_ctx = (0, app_backend_api_1.createBackendContext)({
+ bridge,
+ hook: global_hook_1.hook
+ });
+ shared_utils_1.SharedData.legacyApps = false;
+ if (global_hook_1.hook.Vue) {
+ connect();
+ (0, app_1._legacy_getAndRegisterApps)(ctx, true);
+ shared_utils_1.SharedData.legacyApps = true;
+ }
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.INIT, () => {
+ (0, app_1._legacy_getAndRegisterApps)(ctx, true);
+ shared_utils_1.SharedData.legacyApps = true;
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.APP_ADD, async (app) => {
+ await (0, app_1.registerApp)(app, ctx);
+ connect();
+ });
+ if (global_hook_1.hook.apps.length) {
+ global_hook_1.hook.apps.forEach((app) => {
+ (0, app_1.registerApp)(app, ctx);
+ connect();
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ ctx.bridge = bridge;
+ connectBridge();
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_RECONNECTED);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.initBackend = initBackend;
+ async function connect() {
+ if (connected) {
+ return;
+ }
+ connected = shared_utils_1.target.__vdevtools_connected = true;
+ await (0, app_1.waitForAppsRegistration)();
+ connectBridge();
+ ctx.currentTab = shared_utils_1.BuiltinTabs.COMPONENTS;
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.APP_UNMOUNT, async (app) => {
+ await (0, app_1.removeApp)(app, ctx);
+ });
+ const _sendComponentUpdate = async (appRecord, id) => {
+ try {
+ if (id && (0, subscriptions_1.isSubscribed)(shared_utils_1.BridgeSubscriptions.SELECTED_COMPONENT_DATA, (sub) => sub.payload.instanceId === id)) {
+ await (0, component_1.sendSelectedComponentData)(appRecord, id, ctx);
+ }
+ if ((0, subscriptions_1.isSubscribed)(shared_utils_1.BridgeSubscriptions.COMPONENT_TREE, (sub) => sub.payload.instanceId === id)) {
+ await (0, component_1.sendComponentTreeData)(appRecord, id, appRecord.componentFilter, 0, false, ctx);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ const sendComponentUpdate = (0, throttle_1.default)(_sendComponentUpdate, 100);
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.COMPONENT_UPDATED, async (app, uid, parentUid, component) => {
+ try {
+ if (!app || typeof uid !== "number" && !uid || !component)
+ return;
+ let id;
+ let appRecord;
+ if (app && uid != null) {
+ id = await (0, component_1.getComponentId)(app, uid, component, ctx);
+ appRecord = await (0, app_1.getAppRecord)(app, ctx);
+ } else {
+ id = ctx.currentInspectedComponentId;
+ appRecord = ctx.currentAppRecord;
+ }
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.trackUpdates) {
+ await (0, component_1.sendComponentUpdateTracking)(id, ctx);
+ }
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.flashUpdates) {
+ await (0, flash_js_1.flashComponent)(component, appRecord.backend);
+ }
+ await sendComponentUpdate(appRecord, id);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.COMPONENT_ADDED, async (app, uid, parentUid, component) => {
+ try {
+ if (!app || typeof uid !== "number" && !uid || !component)
+ return;
+ const id = await (0, component_1.getComponentId)(app, uid, component, ctx);
+ const appRecord = await (0, app_1.getAppRecord)(app, ctx);
+ if (component) {
+ if (component.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ == null) {
+ component.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ = id;
+ }
+ if (!appRecord.instanceMap.has(id)) {
+ appRecord.instanceMap.set(id, component);
+ }
+ }
+ if (uid !== 0 && parentUid === void 0) {
+ const parentId = `${id.split(":")[0]}:root`;
+ (0, component_1.sendComponentTreeData)(appRecord, parentId, appRecord.componentFilter, null, false, ctx);
+ }
+ if (false)
+ ;
+ if (parentUid != null) {
+ const parentInstances = await appRecord.backend.api.walkComponentParents(component);
+ if (parentInstances.length) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < parentInstances.length; i++) {
+ const parentId = await (0, component_1.getComponentId)(app, parentUid, parentInstances[i], ctx);
+ if (i < 2 && (0, subscriptions_1.isSubscribed)(shared_utils_1.BridgeSubscriptions.COMPONENT_TREE, (sub) => sub.payload.instanceId === parentId)) {
+ (0, shared_utils_1.raf)(() => {
+ (0, component_1.sendComponentTreeData)(appRecord, parentId, appRecord.componentFilter, null, false, ctx);
+ });
+ }
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.trackUpdates) {
+ await (0, component_1.sendComponentUpdateTracking)(parentId, ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ctx.currentInspectedComponentId === id) {
+ await (0, component_1.sendSelectedComponentData)(appRecord, id, ctx);
+ }
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.trackUpdates) {
+ await (0, component_1.sendComponentUpdateTracking)(id, ctx);
+ }
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.flashUpdates) {
+ await (0, flash_js_1.flashComponent)(component, appRecord.backend);
+ }
+ await (0, component_1.refreshComponentTreeSearch)(ctx);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.COMPONENT_REMOVED, async (app, uid, parentUid, component) => {
+ try {
+ if (!app || typeof uid !== "number" && !uid || !component)
+ return;
+ const appRecord = await (0, app_1.getAppRecord)(app, ctx);
+ if (uid !== 0 && parentUid === void 0) {
+ const id2 = await (0, component_1.getComponentId)(app, uid, component, ctx);
+ const parentId = `${id2.split(":")[0]}:root`;
+ (0, component_1.sendComponentTreeData)(appRecord, parentId, appRecord.componentFilter, null, false, ctx);
+ }
+ if (parentUid != null) {
+ const parentInstances = await appRecord.backend.api.walkComponentParents(component);
+ if (parentInstances.length) {
+ const parentId = await (0, component_1.getComponentId)(app, parentUid, parentInstances[0], ctx);
+ if ((0, subscriptions_1.isSubscribed)(shared_utils_1.BridgeSubscriptions.COMPONENT_TREE, (sub) => sub.payload.instanceId === parentId)) {
+ (0, shared_utils_1.raf)(async () => {
+ try {
+ (0, component_1.sendComponentTreeData)(await (0, app_1.getAppRecord)(app, ctx), parentId, appRecord.componentFilter, null, false, ctx);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const id = await (0, component_1.getComponentId)(app, uid, component, ctx);
+ if ((0, subscriptions_1.isSubscribed)(shared_utils_1.BridgeSubscriptions.SELECTED_COMPONENT_DATA, (sub) => sub.payload.instanceId === id)) {
+ await (0, component_1.sendEmptyComponentData)(id, ctx);
+ }
+ appRecord.instanceMap.delete(id);
+ await (0, component_1.refreshComponentTreeSearch)(ctx);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.TRACK_UPDATE, (id, ctx2) => {
+ (0, component_1.sendComponentUpdateTracking)(id, ctx2);
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.FLASH_UPDATE, (instance, backend) => {
+ (0, flash_js_1.flashComponent)(instance, backend);
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.PERFORMANCE_START, async (app, uid, vm, type, time) => {
+ await (0, perf_1.performanceMarkStart)(app, uid, vm, type, time, ctx);
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.PERFORMANCE_END, async (app, uid, vm, type, time) => {
+ await (0, perf_1.performanceMarkEnd)(app, uid, vm, type, time, ctx);
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.COMPONENT_HIGHLIGHT, async (instanceId) => {
+ await (0, highlighter_1.highlight)(ctx.currentAppRecord.instanceMap.get(instanceId), ctx.currentAppRecord.backend, ctx);
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.COMPONENT_UNHIGHLIGHT, async () => {
+ await (0, highlighter_1.unHighlight)();
+ });
+ (0, timeline_1.setupTimeline)(ctx);
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.TIMELINE_LAYER_ADDED, async (options, plugin) => {
+ const appRecord = await (0, app_1.getAppRecord)(plugin.descriptor.app, ctx);
+ ctx.timelineLayers.push({
+ ...options,
+ appRecord,
+ plugin,
+ events: []
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_LAYER_ADD, {});
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.TIMELINE_EVENT_ADDED, async (options, plugin) => {
+ await (0, timeline_1.addTimelineEvent)(options, plugin.descriptor.app, ctx);
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_ADD, async (options, plugin) => {
+ const appRecord = await (0, app_1.getAppRecord)(plugin.descriptor.app, ctx);
+ ctx.customInspectors.push({
+ ...options,
+ appRecord,
+ plugin,
+ treeFilter: "",
+ selectedNodeId: null
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_ADD, {});
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SEND_TREE, async (inspectorId, plugin) => {
+ const inspector = (0, inspector_1.getInspector)(inspectorId, plugin.descriptor.app, ctx);
+ if (inspector) {
+ await (0, inspector_1.sendInspectorTree)(inspector, ctx);
+ } else if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.warn(`Inspector ${inspectorId} not found`);
+ }
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SEND_STATE, async (inspectorId, plugin) => {
+ const inspector = (0, inspector_1.getInspector)(inspectorId, plugin.descriptor.app, ctx);
+ if (inspector) {
+ await (0, inspector_1.sendInspectorState)(inspector, ctx);
+ } else if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.warn(`Inspector ${inspectorId} not found`);
+ }
+ });
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SELECT_NODE, async (inspectorId, nodeId, plugin) => {
+ const inspector = (0, inspector_1.getInspector)(inspectorId, plugin.descriptor.app, ctx);
+ if (inspector) {
+ await (0, inspector_1.selectInspectorNode)(inspector, nodeId, ctx);
+ } else if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.warn(`Inspector ${inspectorId} not found`);
+ }
+ });
+ try {
+ await (0, plugin_1.addPreviouslyRegisteredPlugins)(ctx);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(`Error adding previously registered plugins:`);
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ try {
+ await (0, plugin_1.addQueuedPlugins)(ctx);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(`Error adding queued plugins:`);
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.SETUP_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN, async (pluginDescriptor, setupFn) => {
+ await (0, plugin_1.addPlugin)({
+ pluginDescriptor,
+ setupFn
+ }, ctx);
+ });
+ shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_API_AVAILABLE__ = true;
+ const handleFlush = (0, debounce_1.default)(async () => {
+ var _a2;
+ if ((_a2 = ctx.currentAppRecord) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.backend.options.features.includes(app_backend_api_1.BuiltinBackendFeature.FLUSH)) {
+ await (0, component_1.sendComponentTreeData)(ctx.currentAppRecord, "_root", ctx.currentAppRecord.componentFilter, null, false, ctx);
+ if (ctx.currentInspectedComponentId) {
+ await (0, component_1.sendSelectedComponentData)(ctx.currentAppRecord, ctx.currentInspectedComponentId, ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ }, 500);
+ global_hook_1.hook.off(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.FLUSH);
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.FLUSH, handleFlush);
+ try {
+ await (0, timeline_marker_1.addTimelineMarker)({
+ id: "vue-devtools-init-backend",
+ time: (0, devtools_api_1.now)(),
+ label: "Vue Devtools connected",
+ color: 4307075,
+ all: true
+ }, ctx);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(`Error while adding devtools connected timeline marker:`);
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ function connectBridge() {
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_SUBSCRIBE, ({
+ type,
+ payload
+ }) => {
+ (0, subscriptions_1.subscribe)(type, payload);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_UNSUBSCRIBE, ({
+ type,
+ payload
+ }) => {
+ (0, subscriptions_1.unsubscribe)(type, payload);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_TAB_SWITCH, async (tab) => {
+ ctx.currentTab = tab;
+ await (0, highlighter_1.unHighlight)();
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_APP_LIST, async () => {
+ await (0, app_1.sendApps)(ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_APP_SELECT, async (id) => {
+ if (id == null)
+ return;
+ const record = ctx.appRecords.find((r) => r.id === id);
+ if (record) {
+ await (0, app_1.selectApp)(record, ctx);
+ } else if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.warn(`App with id ${id} not found`);
+ }
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_SCAN_LEGACY_APPS, () => {
+ if (global_hook_1.hook.Vue) {
+ (0, app_1._legacy_getAndRegisterApps)(ctx);
+ }
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_COMPONENT_TREE, async ({
+ instanceId,
+ filter,
+ recursively
+ }) => {
+ ctx.currentAppRecord.componentFilter = filter;
+ (0, subscriptions_1.subscribe)(shared_utils_1.BridgeSubscriptions.COMPONENT_TREE, {
+ instanceId
+ });
+ await (0, component_1.sendComponentTreeData)(ctx.currentAppRecord, instanceId, filter, null, recursively, ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_COMPONENT_SELECTED_DATA, async (instanceId) => {
+ await (0, component_1.sendSelectedComponentData)(ctx.currentAppRecord, instanceId, ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_COMPONENT_EDIT_STATE, async ({
+ instanceId,
+ dotPath,
+ type,
+ value,
+ newKey,
+ remove
+ }) => {
+ await (0, component_1.editComponentState)(instanceId, dotPath, type, {
+ value,
+ newKey,
+ remove
+ }, ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_COMPONENT_INSPECT_DOM, async ({
+ instanceId
+ }) => {
+ const instance = (0, component_1.getComponentInstance)(ctx.currentAppRecord, instanceId, ctx);
+ if (instance) {
+ const [el] = await ctx.currentAppRecord.backend.api.getComponentRootElements(instance);
+ if (el) {
+ shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_INSPECT_TARGET__ = el;
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_INSPECT_DOM, null);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_COMPONENT_SCROLL_TO, async ({
+ instanceId
+ }) => {
+ if (!shared_utils_1.isBrowser)
+ return;
+ const instance = (0, component_1.getComponentInstance)(ctx.currentAppRecord, instanceId, ctx);
+ if (instance) {
+ const [el] = await ctx.currentAppRecord.backend.api.getComponentRootElements(instance);
+ if (el) {
+ if (typeof el.scrollIntoView === "function") {
+ el.scrollIntoView({
+ behavior: "smooth",
+ block: "center",
+ inline: "center"
+ });
+ } else {
+ const bounds = await ctx.currentAppRecord.backend.api.getComponentBounds(instance);
+ const scrollTarget = document.createElement("div");
+ scrollTarget.style.position = "absolute";
+ scrollTarget.style.width = `${bounds.width}px`;
+ scrollTarget.style.height = `${bounds.height}px`;
+ scrollTarget.style.top = `${bounds.top}px`;
+ scrollTarget.style.left = `${bounds.left}px`;
+ document.body.appendChild(scrollTarget);
+ scrollTarget.scrollIntoView({
+ behavior: "smooth",
+ block: "center",
+ inline: "center"
+ });
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ document.body.removeChild(scrollTarget);
+ }, 2e3);
+ }
+ (0, highlighter_1.highlight)(instance, ctx.currentAppRecord.backend, ctx);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ (0, highlighter_1.unHighlight)();
+ }, 2e3);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_COMPONENT_RENDER_CODE, async ({
+ instanceId
+ }) => {
+ if (!shared_utils_1.isBrowser)
+ return;
+ const instance = (0, component_1.getComponentInstance)(ctx.currentAppRecord, instanceId, ctx);
+ if (instance) {
+ const {
+ code
+ } = await ctx.currentAppRecord.backend.api.getComponentRenderCode(instance);
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_RENDER_CODE, {
+ instanceId,
+ code
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_CUSTOM_STATE_ACTION, async ({
+ value,
+ actionIndex
+ }) => {
+ const rawAction = value._custom.actions[actionIndex];
+ const action = (0, shared_utils_1.revive)(rawAction === null || rawAction === void 0 ? void 0 : rawAction.action);
+ if (action) {
+ try {
+ await action();
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.warn(`Couldn't revive action ${actionIndex} from`, value);
+ }
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_COMPONENT_MOUSE_OVER, async (instanceId) => {
+ await (0, highlighter_1.highlight)(ctx.currentAppRecord.instanceMap.get(instanceId), ctx.currentAppRecord.backend, ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_COMPONENT_MOUSE_OUT, async () => {
+ await (0, highlighter_1.unHighlight)();
+ });
+ const componentPicker = new component_pick_1.default(ctx);
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_COMPONENT_PICK, () => {
+ componentPicker.startSelecting();
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_COMPONENT_PICK_CANCELED, () => {
+ componentPicker.stopSelecting();
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_TIMELINE_LAYER_LIST, async () => {
+ await (0, timeline_1.sendTimelineLayers)(ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_TIMELINE_SHOW_SCREENSHOT, async ({
+ screenshot
+ }) => {
+ await (0, timeline_screenshot_1.showScreenshot)(screenshot, ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_TIMELINE_CLEAR, async () => {
+ await (0, timeline_1.clearTimeline)(ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_TIMELINE_EVENT_DATA, async ({
+ id
+ }) => {
+ await (0, timeline_1.sendTimelineEventData)(id, ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_TIMELINE_LAYER_LOAD_EVENTS, async ({
+ appId,
+ layerId
+ }) => {
+ await (0, timeline_1.sendTimelineLayerEvents)(appId, layerId, ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_TIMELINE_LOAD_MARKERS, async () => {
+ await (0, timeline_marker_1.sendTimelineMarkers)(ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_LIST, async () => {
+ await (0, inspector_1.sendCustomInspectors)(ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_TREE, async ({
+ inspectorId,
+ appId,
+ treeFilter
+ }) => {
+ const inspector = await (0, inspector_1.getInspectorWithAppId)(inspectorId, appId, ctx);
+ if (inspector) {
+ inspector.treeFilter = treeFilter;
+ (0, inspector_1.sendInspectorTree)(inspector, ctx);
+ } else if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.warn(`Inspector ${inspectorId} not found`);
+ }
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_STATE, async ({
+ inspectorId,
+ appId,
+ nodeId
+ }) => {
+ const inspector = await (0, inspector_1.getInspectorWithAppId)(inspectorId, appId, ctx);
+ if (inspector) {
+ inspector.selectedNodeId = nodeId;
+ (0, inspector_1.sendInspectorState)(inspector, ctx);
+ } else if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.warn(`Inspector ${inspectorId} not found`);
+ }
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_EDIT_STATE, async ({
+ inspectorId,
+ appId,
+ nodeId,
+ path,
+ type,
+ payload
+ }) => {
+ const inspector = await (0, inspector_1.getInspectorWithAppId)(inspectorId, appId, ctx);
+ if (inspector) {
+ await (0, inspector_1.editInspectorState)(inspector, nodeId, path, type, payload, ctx);
+ inspector.selectedNodeId = nodeId;
+ await (0, inspector_1.sendInspectorState)(inspector, ctx);
+ } else if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.warn(`Inspector ${inspectorId} not found`);
+ }
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_ACTION, async ({
+ inspectorId,
+ appId,
+ actionIndex,
+ actionType,
+ args
+ }) => {
+ const inspector = await (0, inspector_1.getInspectorWithAppId)(inspectorId, appId, ctx);
+ if (inspector) {
+ const action = inspector[actionType !== null && actionType !== void 0 ? actionType : "actions"][actionIndex];
+ try {
+ await action.action(...args !== null && args !== void 0 ? args : []);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.warn(`Inspector ${inspectorId} not found`);
+ }
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_LOG, (payload) => {
+ let value = payload.value;
+ if (payload.serialized) {
+ value = (0, shared_utils_1.parse)(value, payload.revive);
+ } else if (payload.revive) {
+ value = (0, shared_utils_1.revive)(value);
+ }
+ console[payload.level](value);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_LIST, async () => {
+ await (0, plugin_1.sendPluginList)(ctx);
+ });
+ ctx.bridge.on(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_BACK_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_SETTING_UPDATED, ({
+ pluginId,
+ key,
+ newValue,
+ oldValue
+ }) => {
+ const settings = (0, shared_utils_1.getPluginSettings)(pluginId);
+ ctx.hook.emit(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.PLUGIN_SETTINGS_SET, pluginId, settings);
+ ctx.currentAppRecord.backend.api.callHook(
+ "setPluginSettings",
+ {
+ app: ctx.currentAppRecord.options.app,
+ pluginId,
+ key,
+ newValue,
+ oldValue,
+ settings
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/inspector.js": (
+ /*!********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/inspector.js ***!
+ \********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.selectInspectorNode = exports.sendCustomInspectors = exports.editInspectorState = exports.sendInspectorState = exports.sendInspectorTree = exports.getInspectorWithAppId = exports.getInspector = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ function getInspector(inspectorId, app, ctx) {
+ return ctx.customInspectors.find((i) => i.id === inspectorId && i.appRecord.options.app === app);
+ }
+ exports.getInspector = getInspector;
+ async function getInspectorWithAppId(inspectorId, appId, ctx) {
+ for (const i of ctx.customInspectors) {
+ if (i.id === inspectorId && i.appRecord.id === appId) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ exports.getInspectorWithAppId = getInspectorWithAppId;
+ async function sendInspectorTree(inspector, ctx) {
+ const rootNodes = await inspector.appRecord.backend.api.getInspectorTree(inspector.id, inspector.appRecord.options.app, inspector.treeFilter);
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_TREE, {
+ appId: inspector.appRecord.id,
+ inspectorId: inspector.id,
+ rootNodes
+ });
+ }
+ exports.sendInspectorTree = sendInspectorTree;
+ async function sendInspectorState(inspector, ctx) {
+ const state = inspector.selectedNodeId ? await inspector.appRecord.backend.api.getInspectorState(inspector.id, inspector.appRecord.options.app, inspector.selectedNodeId) : null;
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_STATE, {
+ appId: inspector.appRecord.id,
+ inspectorId: inspector.id,
+ state: (0, shared_utils_1.stringify)(state)
+ });
+ }
+ exports.sendInspectorState = sendInspectorState;
+ async function editInspectorState(inspector, nodeId, dotPath, type, state, ctx) {
+ await inspector.appRecord.backend.api.editInspectorState(inspector.id, inspector.appRecord.options.app, nodeId, dotPath, type, {
+ ...state,
+ value: state.value != null ? (0, shared_utils_1.parse)(state.value, true) : state.value
+ });
+ }
+ exports.editInspectorState = editInspectorState;
+ async function sendCustomInspectors(ctx) {
+ var _a, _b;
+ const inspectors = [];
+ for (const i of ctx.customInspectors) {
+ inspectors.push({
+ id: i.id,
+ appId: i.appRecord.id,
+ pluginId: i.plugin.descriptor.id,
+ label: i.label,
+ icon: i.icon,
+ treeFilterPlaceholder: i.treeFilterPlaceholder,
+ stateFilterPlaceholder: i.stateFilterPlaceholder,
+ noSelectionText: i.noSelectionText,
+ actions: (_a = i.actions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.map((a) => ({
+ icon: a.icon,
+ tooltip: a.tooltip
+ })),
+ nodeActions: (_b = i.nodeActions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.map((a) => ({
+ icon: a.icon,
+ tooltip: a.tooltip
+ }))
+ });
+ }
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_LIST, {
+ inspectors
+ });
+ }
+ exports.sendCustomInspectors = sendCustomInspectors;
+ async function selectInspectorNode(inspector, nodeId, ctx) {
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SELECT_NODE, {
+ appId: inspector.appRecord.id,
+ inspectorId: inspector.id,
+ nodeId
+ });
+ }
+ exports.selectInspectorNode = selectInspectorNode;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/legacy/scan.js": (
+ /*!**********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/legacy/scan.js ***!
+ \**********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.scan = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const page_config_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ../page-config */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/page-config.js"
+ );
+ const rootInstances = [];
+ function scan() {
+ rootInstances.length = 0;
+ let inFragment = false;
+ let currentFragment = null;
+ function processInstance(instance) {
+ if (instance) {
+ if (rootInstances.indexOf(instance.$root) === -1) {
+ instance = instance.$root;
+ }
+ if (instance._isFragment) {
+ inFragment = true;
+ currentFragment = instance;
+ }
+ let baseVue = instance.constructor;
+ while (baseVue.super) {
+ baseVue = baseVue.super;
+ }
+ if (baseVue.config && baseVue.config.devtools) {
+ rootInstances.push(instance);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (shared_utils_1.isBrowser) {
+ const walkDocument = (document2) => {
+ walk(document2, function(node) {
+ if (inFragment) {
+ if (node === currentFragment._fragmentEnd) {
+ inFragment = false;
+ currentFragment = null;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ const instance = node.__vue__;
+ return processInstance(instance);
+ });
+ };
+ walkDocument(document);
+ const iframes = document.querySelectorAll("iframe");
+ for (const iframe of iframes) {
+ try {
+ walkDocument(iframe.contentDocument);
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ const {
+ customVue2ScanSelector
+ } = (0, page_config_1.getPageConfig)();
+ const customTargets = customVue2ScanSelector ? document.querySelectorAll(customVue2ScanSelector) : [];
+ for (const customTarget of customTargets) {
+ try {
+ walkDocument(customTarget);
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (Array.isArray(shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_ROOT_INSTANCES__)) {
+ shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_ROOT_INSTANCES__.map(processInstance);
+ }
+ }
+ return rootInstances;
+ }
+ exports.scan = scan;
+ function walk(node, fn) {
+ if (node.childNodes) {
+ for (let i = 0, l = node.childNodes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ const child = node.childNodes[i];
+ const stop = fn(child);
+ if (!stop) {
+ walk(child, fn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (node.shadowRoot) {
+ walk(node.shadowRoot, fn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/page-config.js": (
+ /*!**********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/page-config.js ***!
+ \**********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.initOnPageConfig = exports.getPageConfig = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ let config = {};
+ function getPageConfig() {
+ return config;
+ }
+ exports.getPageConfig = getPageConfig;
+ function initOnPageConfig() {
+ if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(shared_utils_1.target, "VUE_DEVTOOLS_CONFIG")) {
+ config = shared_utils_1.SharedData.pageConfig = shared_utils_1.target.VUE_DEVTOOLS_CONFIG;
+ if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(config, "openInEditorHost")) {
+ shared_utils_1.SharedData.openInEditorHost = config.openInEditorHost;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.initOnPageConfig = initOnPageConfig;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/perf.js": (
+ /*!***************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/perf.js ***!
+ \***************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.handleAddPerformanceTag = exports.performanceMarkEnd = exports.performanceMarkStart = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const timeline_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./timeline */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/timeline.js"
+ );
+ const app_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./app */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/app.js"
+ );
+ const component_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./component */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/component.js"
+ );
+ const subscriptions_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./util/subscriptions */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/util/subscriptions.js"
+ );
+ async function performanceMarkStart(app, uid, instance, type, time, ctx) {
+ try {
+ if (!shared_utils_1.SharedData.performanceMonitoringEnabled)
+ return;
+ const appRecord = await (0, app_1.getAppRecord)(app, ctx);
+ const componentName = await appRecord.backend.api.getComponentName(instance);
+ const groupId = ctx.perfUniqueGroupId++;
+ const groupKey = `${uid}-${type}`;
+ appRecord.perfGroupIds.set(groupKey, {
+ groupId,
+ time
+ });
+ await (0, timeline_1.addTimelineEvent)({
+ layerId: "performance",
+ event: {
+ time,
+ data: {
+ component: componentName,
+ type,
+ measure: "start"
+ },
+ title: componentName,
+ subtitle: type,
+ groupId
+ }
+ }, app, ctx);
+ if (markEndQueue.has(groupKey)) {
+ const {
+ app: app2,
+ uid: uid2,
+ instance: instance2,
+ type: type2,
+ time: time2
+ } = markEndQueue.get(groupKey);
+ markEndQueue.delete(groupKey);
+ await performanceMarkEnd(app2, uid2, instance2, type2, time2, ctx);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.performanceMarkStart = performanceMarkStart;
+ const markEndQueue = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ async function performanceMarkEnd(app, uid, instance, type, time, ctx) {
+ try {
+ if (!shared_utils_1.SharedData.performanceMonitoringEnabled)
+ return;
+ const appRecord = await (0, app_1.getAppRecord)(app, ctx);
+ const componentName = await appRecord.backend.api.getComponentName(instance);
+ const groupKey = `${uid}-${type}`;
+ const groupInfo = appRecord.perfGroupIds.get(groupKey);
+ if (!groupInfo) {
+ markEndQueue.set(groupKey, {
+ app,
+ uid,
+ instance,
+ type,
+ time
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ const {
+ groupId,
+ time: startTime
+ } = groupInfo;
+ const duration = time - startTime;
+ await (0, timeline_1.addTimelineEvent)({
+ layerId: "performance",
+ event: {
+ time,
+ data: {
+ component: componentName,
+ type,
+ measure: "end",
+ duration: {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "Duration",
+ value: duration,
+ display: `${duration} ms`
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ title: componentName,
+ subtitle: type,
+ groupId
+ }
+ }, app, ctx);
+ const tooSlow = duration > 10;
+ if (tooSlow || instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_SLOW__) {
+ let change = false;
+ if (tooSlow && !instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_SLOW__) {
+ instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_SLOW__ = {
+ duration: null,
+ measures: {}
+ };
+ }
+ const data = instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_SLOW__;
+ if (tooSlow && (data.duration == null || data.duration < duration)) {
+ data.duration = duration;
+ change = true;
+ }
+ if (data.measures[type] == null || data.measures[type] < duration) {
+ data.measures[type] = duration;
+ change = true;
+ }
+ if (change) {
+ const id = await (0, component_1.getComponentId)(app, uid, instance, ctx);
+ if ((0, subscriptions_1.isSubscribed)(shared_utils_1.BridgeSubscriptions.COMPONENT_TREE, (sub) => sub.payload.instanceId === id)) {
+ (0, shared_utils_1.raf)(() => {
+ (0, component_1.sendComponentTreeData)(appRecord, id, ctx.currentAppRecord.componentFilter, null, false, ctx);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.performanceMarkEnd = performanceMarkEnd;
+ function handleAddPerformanceTag(backend, ctx) {
+ backend.api.on.visitComponentTree((payload) => {
+ if (payload.componentInstance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_SLOW__) {
+ const {
+ duration,
+ measures
+ } = payload.componentInstance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_SLOW__;
+ let tooltip = '<div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-2 font-mono text-xs">';
+ for (const type in measures) {
+ const d = measures[type];
+ tooltip += `<div>${type}</div><div class="text-right text-black rounded px-1 ${d > 30 ? "bg-red-400" : d > 10 ? "bg-yellow-400" : "bg-green-400"}">${Math.round(d * 1e3) / 1e3} ms</div>`;
+ }
+ tooltip += "</div>";
+ payload.treeNode.tags.push({
+ backgroundColor: duration > 30 ? 16281969 : 16498468,
+ textColor: 0,
+ label: `${Math.round(duration * 1e3) / 1e3} ms`,
+ tooltip
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ exports.handleAddPerformanceTag = handleAddPerformanceTag;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/plugin.js": (
+ /*!*****************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/plugin.js ***!
+ \*****************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.serializePlugin = exports.sendPluginList = exports.addPreviouslyRegisteredPlugins = exports.addQueuedPlugins = exports.addPlugin = void 0;
+ const app_backend_api_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/app-backend-api */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const app_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./app */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/app.js"
+ );
+ async function addPlugin(pluginQueueItem, ctx) {
+ const {
+ pluginDescriptor,
+ setupFn
+ } = pluginQueueItem;
+ const plugin = {
+ descriptor: pluginDescriptor,
+ setupFn,
+ error: null
+ };
+ ctx.currentPlugin = plugin;
+ try {
+ const appRecord = await (0, app_1.getAppRecord)(plugin.descriptor.app, ctx);
+ const api = new app_backend_api_1.DevtoolsPluginApiInstance(plugin, appRecord, ctx);
+ if (pluginQueueItem.proxy) {
+ await pluginQueueItem.proxy.setRealTarget(api);
+ } else {
+ setupFn(api);
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ plugin.error = e;
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.currentPlugin = null;
+ ctx.plugins.push(plugin);
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_ADD, {
+ plugin: await serializePlugin(plugin)
+ });
+ const targetList = shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_REGISTERED_PLUGINS__ = shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_REGISTERED_PLUGINS__ || [];
+ targetList.push({
+ pluginDescriptor,
+ setupFn
+ });
+ }
+ exports.addPlugin = addPlugin;
+ async function addQueuedPlugins(ctx) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGINS__ && Array.isArray(shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGINS__)) {
+ for (const queueItem of shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGINS__) {
+ await addPlugin(queueItem, ctx);
+ }
+ shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGINS__ = null;
+ }
+ }
+ exports.addQueuedPlugins = addQueuedPlugins;
+ async function addPreviouslyRegisteredPlugins(ctx) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_REGISTERED_PLUGINS__ && Array.isArray(shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_REGISTERED_PLUGINS__)) {
+ for (const queueItem of shared_utils_1.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_REGISTERED_PLUGINS__) {
+ await addPlugin(queueItem, ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.addPreviouslyRegisteredPlugins = addPreviouslyRegisteredPlugins;
+ async function sendPluginList(ctx) {
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_LIST, {
+ plugins: await Promise.all(ctx.plugins.map((p) => serializePlugin(p)))
+ });
+ }
+ exports.sendPluginList = sendPluginList;
+ async function serializePlugin(plugin) {
+ return {
+ id: plugin.descriptor.id,
+ label: plugin.descriptor.label,
+ appId: (0, app_1.getAppRecordId)(plugin.descriptor.app),
+ packageName: plugin.descriptor.packageName,
+ homepage: plugin.descriptor.homepage,
+ logo: plugin.descriptor.logo,
+ componentStateTypes: plugin.descriptor.componentStateTypes,
+ settingsSchema: plugin.descriptor.settings
+ };
+ }
+ exports.serializePlugin = serializePlugin;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/timeline-builtins.js": (
+ /*!****************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/timeline-builtins.js ***!
+ \****************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.builtinLayers = void 0;
+ exports.builtinLayers = [{
+ id: "mouse",
+ label: "Mouse",
+ color: 10768815,
+ screenshotOverlayRender(event, {
+ events
+ }) {
+ const samePositionEvent = events.find((e) => e !== event && e.renderMeta.textEl && e.data.x === event.data.x && e.data.y === event.data.y);
+ if (samePositionEvent) {
+ const text2 = document.createElement("div");
+ text2.innerText = event.data.type;
+ samePositionEvent.renderMeta.textEl.appendChild(text2);
+ return false;
+ }
+ const div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.style.position = "absolute";
+ div.style.left = `${event.data.x - 4}px`;
+ div.style.top = `${event.data.y - 4}px`;
+ div.style.width = "8px";
+ div.style.height = "8px";
+ div.style.borderRadius = "100%";
+ div.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(164, 81, 175, 0.5)";
+ const text = document.createElement("div");
+ text.innerText = event.data.type;
+ text.style.color = "#541e5b";
+ text.style.fontFamily = "monospace";
+ text.style.fontSize = "9px";
+ text.style.position = "absolute";
+ text.style.left = "10px";
+ text.style.top = "10px";
+ text.style.padding = "1px";
+ text.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)";
+ text.style.borderRadius = "3px";
+ div.appendChild(text);
+ event.renderMeta.textEl = text;
+ return div;
+ }
+ }, {
+ id: "keyboard",
+ label: "Keyboard",
+ color: 8475055
+ }, {
+ id: "component-event",
+ label: "Component events",
+ color: 4307075,
+ screenshotOverlayRender: (event, {
+ events
+ }) => {
+ if (!event.meta.bounds || events.some((e) => e !== event && e.layerId === event.layerId && e.renderMeta.drawn && (e.meta.componentId === event.meta.componentId || e.meta.bounds.left === event.meta.bounds.left && e.meta.bounds.top === event.meta.bounds.top && e.meta.bounds.width === event.meta.bounds.width && e.meta.bounds.height === event.meta.bounds.height))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.style.position = "absolute";
+ div.style.left = `${event.meta.bounds.left - 4}px`;
+ div.style.top = `${event.meta.bounds.top - 4}px`;
+ div.style.width = `${event.meta.bounds.width}px`;
+ div.style.height = `${event.meta.bounds.height}px`;
+ div.style.borderRadius = "8px";
+ div.style.borderStyle = "solid";
+ div.style.borderWidth = "4px";
+ div.style.borderColor = "rgba(65, 184, 131, 0.5)";
+ div.style.textAlign = "center";
+ div.style.display = "flex";
+ div.style.alignItems = "center";
+ div.style.justifyContent = "center";
+ div.style.overflow = "hidden";
+ const text = document.createElement("div");
+ text.style.color = "#267753";
+ text.style.fontFamily = "monospace";
+ text.style.fontSize = "9px";
+ text.style.padding = "1px";
+ text.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)";
+ text.style.borderRadius = "3px";
+ text.innerText = event.data.event;
+ div.appendChild(text);
+ event.renderMeta.drawn = true;
+ return div;
+ }
+ }, {
+ id: "performance",
+ label: "Performance",
+ color: 4307050,
+ groupsOnly: true,
+ skipScreenshots: true,
+ ignoreNoDurationGroups: true
+ }];
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/timeline-marker.js": (
+ /*!**************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/timeline-marker.js ***!
+ \**************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.sendTimelineMarkers = exports.addTimelineMarker = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const devtools_api_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue/devtools-api */
+ "../api/lib/esm/index.js"
+ );
+ const timeline_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./timeline */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/timeline.js"
+ );
+ async function addTimelineMarker(options, ctx) {
+ var _a;
+ if (!ctx.currentAppRecord) {
+ options.all = true;
+ }
+ const marker = {
+ ...options,
+ appRecord: options.all ? null : ctx.currentAppRecord
+ };
+ ctx.timelineMarkers.push(marker);
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_MARKER, {
+ marker: await serializeMarker(marker),
+ appId: (_a = ctx.currentAppRecord) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.id
+ });
+ }
+ exports.addTimelineMarker = addTimelineMarker;
+ async function sendTimelineMarkers(ctx) {
+ if (!ctx.currentAppRecord)
+ return;
+ const markers = ctx.timelineMarkers.filter((marker) => marker.all || marker.appRecord === ctx.currentAppRecord);
+ const result = [];
+ for (const marker of markers) {
+ result.push(await serializeMarker(marker));
+ }
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_LOAD_MARKERS, {
+ markers: result,
+ appId: ctx.currentAppRecord.id
+ });
+ }
+ exports.sendTimelineMarkers = sendTimelineMarkers;
+ async function serializeMarker(marker) {
+ var _a;
+ let time = marker.time;
+ if ((0, devtools_api_1.isPerformanceSupported)() && time < timeline_1.dateThreshold) {
+ time += timeline_1.perfTimeDiff;
+ }
+ return {
+ id: marker.id,
+ appId: (_a = marker.appRecord) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.id,
+ all: marker.all,
+ time: Math.round(time * 1e3),
+ label: marker.label,
+ color: marker.color
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/timeline-screenshot.js": (
+ /*!******************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/timeline-screenshot.js ***!
+ \******************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.showScreenshot = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const queue_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./util/queue */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/util/queue.js"
+ );
+ const timeline_builtins_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./timeline-builtins */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/timeline-builtins.js"
+ );
+ let overlay;
+ let image;
+ let container;
+ const jobQueue = new queue_1.JobQueue();
+ async function showScreenshot(screenshot, ctx) {
+ await jobQueue.queue("showScreenshot", async () => {
+ if (screenshot) {
+ if (!container) {
+ createElements();
+ }
+ image.src = screenshot.image;
+ image.style.visibility = screenshot.image ? "visible" : "hidden";
+ clearContent();
+ const events = screenshot.events.map((id) => ctx.timelineEventMap.get(id)).filter(Boolean).map((eventData) => ({
+ layer: timeline_builtins_1.builtinLayers.concat(ctx.timelineLayers).find((layer) => layer.id === eventData.layerId),
+ event: {
+ ...eventData.event,
+ layerId: eventData.layerId,
+ renderMeta: {}
+ }
+ }));
+ const renderContext = {
+ screenshot,
+ events: events.map(({
+ event
+ }) => event),
+ index: 0
+ };
+ for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
+ const {
+ layer,
+ event
+ } = events[i];
+ if (layer.screenshotOverlayRender) {
+ renderContext.index = i;
+ try {
+ const result = await layer.screenshotOverlayRender(event, renderContext);
+ if (result !== false) {
+ if (typeof result === "string") {
+ container.innerHTML += result;
+ } else {
+ container.appendChild(result);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ showElement();
+ } else {
+ hideElement();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ exports.showScreenshot = showScreenshot;
+ function createElements() {
+ overlay = document.createElement("div");
+ overlay.style.position = "fixed";
+ overlay.style.zIndex = "9999999999999";
+ overlay.style.pointerEvents = "none";
+ overlay.style.left = "0";
+ overlay.style.top = "0";
+ overlay.style.width = "100vw";
+ overlay.style.height = "100vh";
+ overlay.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)";
+ overlay.style.overflow = "hidden";
+ const imageBox = document.createElement("div");
+ imageBox.style.position = "relative";
+ overlay.appendChild(imageBox);
+ image = document.createElement("img");
+ imageBox.appendChild(image);
+ container = document.createElement("div");
+ container.style.position = "absolute";
+ container.style.left = "0";
+ container.style.top = "0";
+ imageBox.appendChild(container);
+ const style = document.createElement("style");
+ style.innerHTML = ".__vuedevtools_no-scroll { overflow: hidden; }";
+ document.head.appendChild(style);
+ }
+ function showElement() {
+ if (!overlay.parentNode) {
+ document.body.appendChild(overlay);
+ document.body.classList.add("__vuedevtools_no-scroll");
+ }
+ }
+ function hideElement() {
+ if (overlay && overlay.parentNode) {
+ overlay.parentNode.removeChild(overlay);
+ document.body.classList.remove("__vuedevtools_no-scroll");
+ clearContent();
+ }
+ }
+ function clearContent() {
+ while (container.firstChild) {
+ container.removeChild(container.lastChild);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/timeline.js": (
+ /*!*******************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/timeline.js ***!
+ \*******************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.sendTimelineLayerEvents = exports.removeLayersForApp = exports.sendTimelineEventData = exports.clearTimeline = exports.perfTimeDiff = exports.dateThreshold = exports.addTimelineEvent = exports.sendTimelineLayers = exports.addBuiltinLayers = exports.setupTimeline = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const devtools_api_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue/devtools-api */
+ "../api/lib/esm/index.js"
+ );
+ const global_hook_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./global-hook */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/global-hook.js"
+ );
+ const app_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./app */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/app.js"
+ );
+ const timeline_builtins_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./timeline-builtins */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/timeline-builtins.js"
+ );
+ function setupTimeline(ctx) {
+ setupBuiltinLayers(ctx);
+ }
+ exports.setupTimeline = setupTimeline;
+ function addBuiltinLayers(appRecord, ctx) {
+ for (const layerDef of timeline_builtins_1.builtinLayers) {
+ ctx.timelineLayers.push({
+ ...layerDef,
+ appRecord,
+ plugin: null,
+ events: []
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ exports.addBuiltinLayers = addBuiltinLayers;
+ function setupBuiltinLayers(ctx) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.isBrowser) {
+ ["mousedown", "mouseup", "click", "dblclick"].forEach((eventType) => {
+ window.addEventListener(eventType, async (event) => {
+ await addTimelineEvent({
+ layerId: "mouse",
+ event: {
+ time: (0, devtools_api_1.now)(),
+ data: {
+ type: eventType,
+ x: event.clientX,
+ y: event.clientY
+ },
+ title: eventType
+ }
+ }, null, ctx);
+ }, {
+ capture: true,
+ passive: true
+ });
+ });
+ ["keyup", "keydown", "keypress"].forEach((eventType) => {
+ window.addEventListener(eventType, async (event) => {
+ await addTimelineEvent({
+ layerId: "keyboard",
+ event: {
+ time: (0, devtools_api_1.now)(),
+ data: {
+ type: eventType,
+ key: event.key,
+ ctrlKey: event.ctrlKey,
+ shiftKey: event.shiftKey,
+ altKey: event.altKey,
+ metaKey: event.metaKey
+ },
+ title: event.key
+ }
+ }, null, ctx);
+ }, {
+ capture: true,
+ passive: true
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ global_hook_1.hook.on(shared_utils_1.HookEvents.COMPONENT_EMIT, async (app, instance, event, params) => {
+ try {
+ if (!shared_utils_1.SharedData.componentEventsEnabled)
+ return;
+ const appRecord = await (0, app_1.getAppRecord)(app, ctx);
+ const componentId = `${appRecord.id}:${instance.uid}`;
+ const componentDisplay = await appRecord.backend.api.getComponentName(instance) || "<i>Unknown Component</i>";
+ await addTimelineEvent({
+ layerId: "component-event",
+ event: {
+ time: (0, devtools_api_1.now)(),
+ data: {
+ component: {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "component-definition",
+ display: componentDisplay
+ }
+ },
+ event,
+ params
+ },
+ title: event,
+ subtitle: `by ${componentDisplay}`,
+ meta: {
+ componentId,
+ bounds: await appRecord.backend.api.getComponentBounds(instance)
+ }
+ }
+ }, app, ctx);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ async function sendTimelineLayers(ctx) {
+ var _a, _b;
+ const layers = [];
+ for (const layer of ctx.timelineLayers) {
+ try {
+ layers.push({
+ id: layer.id,
+ label: layer.label,
+ color: layer.color,
+ appId: (_a = layer.appRecord) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.id,
+ pluginId: (_b = layer.plugin) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.descriptor.id,
+ groupsOnly: layer.groupsOnly,
+ skipScreenshots: layer.skipScreenshots,
+ ignoreNoDurationGroups: layer.ignoreNoDurationGroups
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_LAYER_LIST, {
+ layers
+ });
+ }
+ exports.sendTimelineLayers = sendTimelineLayers;
+ async function addTimelineEvent(options, app, ctx) {
+ const appId = app ? (0, app_1.getAppRecordId)(app) : null;
+ const isAllApps = options.all || !app || appId == null;
+ const id = ctx.nextTimelineEventId++;
+ const eventData = {
+ id,
+ ...options,
+ all: isAllApps
+ };
+ ctx.timelineEventMap.set(eventData.id, eventData);
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_EVENT, {
+ appId: eventData.all ? "all" : appId,
+ layerId: eventData.layerId,
+ event: mapTimelineEvent(eventData)
+ });
+ const layer = ctx.timelineLayers.find((l) => {
+ var _a;
+ return (isAllApps || ((_a = l.appRecord) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.options.app) === app) && l.id === options.layerId;
+ });
+ if (layer) {
+ layer.events.push(eventData);
+ } else if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.warn(`Timeline layer ${options.layerId} not found`);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.addTimelineEvent = addTimelineEvent;
+ const initialTime = Date.now();
+ exports.dateThreshold = initialTime - 1e6;
+ exports.perfTimeDiff = initialTime - (0, devtools_api_1.now)();
+ function mapTimelineEvent(eventData) {
+ let time = eventData.event.time;
+ if ((0, devtools_api_1.isPerformanceSupported)() && time < exports.dateThreshold) {
+ time += exports.perfTimeDiff;
+ }
+ return {
+ id: eventData.id,
+ time: Math.round(time * 1e3),
+ logType: eventData.event.logType,
+ groupId: eventData.event.groupId,
+ title: eventData.event.title,
+ subtitle: eventData.event.subtitle
+ };
+ }
+ async function clearTimeline(ctx) {
+ ctx.timelineEventMap.clear();
+ for (const layer of ctx.timelineLayers) {
+ layer.events = [];
+ }
+ for (const backend of ctx.backends) {
+ await backend.api.clearTimeline();
+ }
+ }
+ exports.clearTimeline = clearTimeline;
+ async function sendTimelineEventData(id, ctx) {
+ let data = null;
+ const eventData = ctx.timelineEventMap.get(id);
+ if (eventData) {
+ data = await ctx.currentAppRecord.backend.api.inspectTimelineEvent(eventData, ctx.currentAppRecord.options.app);
+ data = (0, shared_utils_1.stringify)(data);
+ } else if (shared_utils_1.SharedData.debugInfo) {
+ console.warn(`Event ${id} not found`, ctx.timelineEventMap.keys());
+ }
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_EVENT_DATA, {
+ eventId: id,
+ data
+ });
+ }
+ exports.sendTimelineEventData = sendTimelineEventData;
+ function removeLayersForApp(app, ctx) {
+ const layers = ctx.timelineLayers.filter((l) => {
+ var _a;
+ return ((_a = l.appRecord) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.options.app) === app;
+ });
+ for (const layer of layers) {
+ const index = ctx.timelineLayers.indexOf(layer);
+ if (index !== -1)
+ ctx.timelineLayers.splice(index, 1);
+ for (const e of layer.events) {
+ ctx.timelineEventMap.delete(e.id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.removeLayersForApp = removeLayersForApp;
+ function sendTimelineLayerEvents(appId, layerId, ctx) {
+ var _a;
+ const app = (_a = ctx.appRecords.find((ar) => ar.id === appId)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.options.app;
+ if (!app)
+ return;
+ const layer = ctx.timelineLayers.find((l) => {
+ var _a2;
+ return ((_a2 = l.appRecord) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.options.app) === app && l.id === layerId;
+ });
+ if (!layer)
+ return;
+ ctx.bridge.send(shared_utils_1.BridgeEvents.TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_LAYER_LOAD_EVENTS, {
+ appId,
+ layerId,
+ events: layer.events.map((e) => mapTimelineEvent(e))
+ });
+ }
+ exports.sendTimelineLayerEvents = sendTimelineLayerEvents;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/util/queue.js": (
+ /*!*********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/util/queue.js ***!
+ \*********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.JobQueue = void 0;
+ class JobQueue {
+ constructor() {
+ this.jobs = [];
+ }
+ queue(id, fn) {
+ const job = {
+ id,
+ fn
+ };
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ const onDone = () => {
+ this.currentJob = null;
+ const nextJob = this.jobs.shift();
+ if (nextJob) {
+ nextJob.fn();
+ }
+ resolve();
+ };
+ const run = () => {
+ this.currentJob = job;
+ return job.fn().then(onDone).catch((e) => {
+ console.error(`Job ${job.id} failed:`);
+ console.error(e);
+ });
+ };
+ if (this.currentJob) {
+ this.jobs.push({
+ id: job.id,
+ fn: () => run()
+ });
+ } else {
+ run();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ exports.JobQueue = JobQueue;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/util/subscriptions.js": (
+ /*!*****************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-core/lib/util/subscriptions.js ***!
+ \*****************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.isSubscribed = exports.unsubscribe = exports.subscribe = void 0;
+ const activeSubs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ function getSubs(type) {
+ let subs = activeSubs.get(type);
+ if (!subs) {
+ subs = [];
+ activeSubs.set(type, subs);
+ }
+ return subs;
+ }
+ function subscribe(type, payload) {
+ const rawPayload = getRawPayload(payload);
+ getSubs(type).push({
+ payload,
+ rawPayload
+ });
+ }
+ exports.subscribe = subscribe;
+ function unsubscribe(type, payload) {
+ const rawPayload = getRawPayload(payload);
+ const subs = getSubs(type);
+ let index;
+ while ((index = subs.findIndex((sub) => sub.rawPayload === rawPayload)) !== -1) {
+ subs.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.unsubscribe = unsubscribe;
+ function getRawPayload(payload) {
+ const data = Object.keys(payload).sort().reduce((acc, key) => {
+ acc[key] = payload[key];
+ return acc;
+ }, {});
+ return JSON.stringify(data);
+ }
+ function isSubscribed(type, predicate = () => true) {
+ return getSubs(type).some(predicate);
+ }
+ exports.isSubscribed = isSubscribed;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/data.js": (
+ /*!**************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/data.js ***!
+ \**************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.getCustomInstanceDetails = exports.editState = exports.getCustomObjectDetails = exports.getInstanceDetails = void 0;
+ const util_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./util */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/util.js"
+ );
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const util_2 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ../util */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/util.js"
+ );
+ const vueBuiltins = ["nextTick", "defineComponent", "defineAsyncComponent", "defineCustomElement", "ref", "computed", "reactive", "readonly", "watchEffect", "watchPostEffect", "watchSyncEffect", "watch", "isRef", "unref", "toRef", "toRefs", "isProxy", "isReactive", "isReadonly", "shallowRef", "triggerRef", "customRef", "shallowReactive", "shallowReadonly", "toRaw", "markRaw", "effectScope", "getCurrentScope", "onScopeDispose", "onMounted", "onUpdated", "onUnmounted", "onBeforeMount", "onBeforeUpdate", "onBeforeUnmount", "onErrorCaptured", "onRenderTracked", "onRenderTriggered", "onActivated", "onDeactivated", "onServerPrefetch", "provide", "inject", "h", "mergeProps", "cloneVNode", "isVNode", "resolveComponent", "resolveDirective", "withDirectives", "withModifiers"];
+ function getInstanceDetails(instance, ctx) {
+ var _a;
+ return {
+ id: (0, util_1.getUniqueComponentId)(instance, ctx),
+ name: (0, util_1.getInstanceName)(instance),
+ file: (_a = instance.type) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.__file,
+ state: getInstanceState(instance)
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getInstanceDetails = getInstanceDetails;
+ function getInstanceState(instance) {
+ const mergedType = resolveMergedOptions(instance);
+ return processProps(instance).concat(processState(instance), processSetupState(instance), processComputed(instance, mergedType), processAttrs(instance), processProvide(instance), processInject(instance, mergedType), processRefs(instance));
+ }
+ function processProps(instance) {
+ const propsData = [];
+ const propDefinitions = instance.type.props;
+ for (let key in instance.props) {
+ const propDefinition = propDefinitions ? propDefinitions[key] : null;
+ key = (0, shared_utils_1.camelize)(key);
+ propsData.push({
+ type: "props",
+ key,
+ value: (0, util_2.returnError)(() => instance.props[key]),
+ meta: propDefinition ? {
+ type: propDefinition.type ? getPropType(propDefinition.type) : "any",
+ required: !!propDefinition.required,
+ ...propDefinition.default != null ? {
+ default: propDefinition.default.toString()
+ } : {}
+ } : {
+ type: "invalid"
+ },
+ editable: shared_utils_1.SharedData.editableProps
+ });
+ }
+ return propsData;
+ }
+ const fnTypeRE = /^(?:function|class) (\w+)/;
+ function getPropType(type) {
+ if (Array.isArray(type)) {
+ return type.map((t) => getPropType(t)).join(" or ");
+ }
+ if (type == null) {
+ return "null";
+ }
+ const match = type.toString().match(fnTypeRE);
+ return typeof type === "function" ? match && match[1] || "any" : "any";
+ }
+ function processState(instance) {
+ const type = instance.type;
+ const props = type.props;
+ const getters = type.vuex && type.vuex.getters;
+ const computedDefs = type.computed;
+ const data = {
+ ...instance.data,
+ ...instance.renderContext
+ };
+ return Object.keys(data).filter((key) => !(props && key in props) && !(getters && key in getters) && !(computedDefs && key in computedDefs)).map((key) => ({
+ key,
+ type: "data",
+ value: (0, util_2.returnError)(() => data[key]),
+ editable: true
+ }));
+ }
+ function processSetupState(instance) {
+ const raw = instance.devtoolsRawSetupState || {};
+ return Object.keys(instance.setupState).filter((key) => !vueBuiltins.includes(key) && !key.startsWith("use")).map((key) => {
+ var _a, _b, _c, _d;
+ const value = (0, util_2.returnError)(() => toRaw(instance.setupState[key]));
+ const rawData = raw[key];
+ let result;
+ let isOther = typeof value === "function" || typeof (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.render) === "function" || typeof (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.__asyncLoader) === "function";
+ if (rawData) {
+ const info = getSetupStateInfo(rawData);
+ const objectType = info.computed ? "Computed" : info.ref ? "Ref" : info.reactive ? "Reactive" : null;
+ const isState = info.ref || info.computed || info.reactive;
+ const raw2 = ((_b = (_a = rawData.effect) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.raw) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.toString()) || ((_d = (_c = rawData.effect) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.fn) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.toString());
+ if (objectType) {
+ isOther = false;
+ }
+ result = {
+ ...objectType ? {
+ objectType
+ } : {},
+ ...raw2 ? {
+ raw: raw2
+ } : {},
+ editable: isState && !info.readonly
+ };
+ }
+ const type = isOther ? "setup (other)" : "setup";
+ return {
+ key,
+ value,
+ type,
+ ...result
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ function isRef(raw) {
+ return !!raw.__v_isRef;
+ }
+ function isComputed(raw) {
+ return isRef(raw) && !!raw.effect;
+ }
+ function isReactive(raw) {
+ return !!raw.__v_isReactive;
+ }
+ function isReadOnly(raw) {
+ return !!raw.__v_isReadonly;
+ }
+ function toRaw(value) {
+ if (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.__v_raw) {
+ return value.__v_raw;
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ function getSetupStateInfo(raw) {
+ return {
+ ref: isRef(raw),
+ computed: isComputed(raw),
+ reactive: isReactive(raw),
+ readonly: isReadOnly(raw)
+ };
+ }
+ function getCustomObjectDetails(object, proto) {
+ var _a, _b, _c, _d;
+ const info = getSetupStateInfo(object);
+ const isState = info.ref || info.computed || info.reactive;
+ if (isState) {
+ const objectType = info.computed ? "Computed" : info.ref ? "Ref" : info.reactive ? "Reactive" : null;
+ const value = toRaw(info.reactive ? object : object._value);
+ const raw = ((_b = (_a = object.effect) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.raw) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.toString()) || ((_d = (_c = object.effect) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.fn) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.toString());
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: objectType.toLowerCase(),
+ objectType,
+ value,
+ ...raw ? {
+ tooltip: `<span class="font-mono">${raw}</span>`
+ } : {}
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ if (typeof object.__asyncLoader === "function") {
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "component-definition",
+ display: "Async component definition"
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getCustomObjectDetails = getCustomObjectDetails;
+ function processComputed(instance, mergedType) {
+ const type = mergedType;
+ const computed = [];
+ const defs = type.computed || {};
+ for (const key in defs) {
+ const def = defs[key];
+ const type2 = typeof def === "function" && def.vuex ? "vuex bindings" : "computed";
+ computed.push({
+ type: type2,
+ key,
+ value: (0, util_2.returnError)(() => instance.proxy[key]),
+ editable: typeof def.set === "function"
+ });
+ }
+ return computed;
+ }
+ function processAttrs(instance) {
+ return Object.keys(instance.attrs).map((key) => ({
+ type: "attrs",
+ key,
+ value: (0, util_2.returnError)(() => instance.attrs[key])
+ }));
+ }
+ function processProvide(instance) {
+ return Reflect.ownKeys(instance.provides).map((key) => ({
+ type: "provided",
+ key: key.toString(),
+ value: (0, util_2.returnError)(() => instance.provides[key])
+ }));
+ }
+ function processInject(instance, mergedType) {
+ if (!(mergedType === null || mergedType === void 0 ? void 0 : mergedType.inject))
+ return [];
+ let keys = [];
+ let defaultValue;
+ if (Array.isArray(mergedType.inject)) {
+ keys = mergedType.inject.map((key) => ({
+ key,
+ originalKey: key
+ }));
+ } else {
+ keys = Reflect.ownKeys(mergedType.inject).map((key) => {
+ const value = mergedType.inject[key];
+ let originalKey;
+ if (typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "symbol") {
+ originalKey = value;
+ } else {
+ originalKey = value.from;
+ defaultValue = value.default;
+ }
+ return {
+ key,
+ originalKey
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ return keys.map(({
+ key,
+ originalKey
+ }) => ({
+ type: "injected",
+ key: originalKey && key !== originalKey ? `${originalKey.toString()} ➞ ${key.toString()}` : key.toString(),
+ value: (0, util_2.returnError)(() => instance.ctx[key] || instance.provides[originalKey] || defaultValue)
+ }));
+ }
+ function processRefs(instance) {
+ return Object.keys(instance.refs).map((key) => ({
+ type: "refs",
+ key,
+ value: (0, util_2.returnError)(() => instance.refs[key])
+ }));
+ }
+ function editState({
+ componentInstance,
+ path,
+ state,
+ type
+ }, stateEditor, ctx) {
+ if (!["data", "props", "computed", "setup"].includes(type))
+ return;
+ let target;
+ const targetPath = path.slice();
+ if (Object.keys(componentInstance.props).includes(path[0])) {
+ target = componentInstance.props;
+ } else if (componentInstance.devtoolsRawSetupState && Object.keys(componentInstance.devtoolsRawSetupState).includes(path[0])) {
+ target = componentInstance.devtoolsRawSetupState;
+ const currentValue = stateEditor.get(componentInstance.devtoolsRawSetupState, path);
+ if (currentValue != null) {
+ const info = getSetupStateInfo(currentValue);
+ if (info.readonly)
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ target = componentInstance.proxy;
+ }
+ if (target && targetPath) {
+ stateEditor.set(target, targetPath, "value" in state ? state.value : void 0, stateEditor.createDefaultSetCallback(state));
+ }
+ }
+ exports.editState = editState;
+ function reduceStateList(list) {
+ if (!list.length) {
+ return void 0;
+ }
+ return list.reduce((map, item) => {
+ const key = item.type || "data";
+ const obj = map[key] = map[key] || {};
+ obj[item.key] = item.value;
+ return map;
+ }, {});
+ }
+ function getCustomInstanceDetails(instance) {
+ if (instance._)
+ instance = instance._;
+ const state = getInstanceState(instance);
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "component",
+ id: instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__,
+ display: (0, util_1.getInstanceName)(instance),
+ tooltip: "Component instance",
+ value: reduceStateList(state),
+ fields: {
+ abstract: true
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomInstanceDetails = getCustomInstanceDetails;
+ function resolveMergedOptions(instance) {
+ const raw = instance.type;
+ const {
+ mixins,
+ extends: extendsOptions
+ } = raw;
+ const globalMixins = instance.appContext.mixins;
+ if (!globalMixins.length && !mixins && !extendsOptions)
+ return raw;
+ const options = {};
+ globalMixins.forEach((m) => mergeOptions(options, m));
+ mergeOptions(options, raw);
+ return options;
+ }
+ function mergeOptions(to, from, instance) {
+ if (typeof from === "function") {
+ from = from.options;
+ }
+ if (!from)
+ return to;
+ const {
+ mixins,
+ extends: extendsOptions
+ } = from;
+ extendsOptions && mergeOptions(to, extendsOptions);
+ mixins && mixins.forEach((m) => mergeOptions(to, m));
+ for (const key of ["computed", "inject"]) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(from, key)) {
+ if (!to[key]) {
+ to[key] = from[key];
+ } else {
+ Object.assign(to[key], from[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return to;
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/el.js": (
+ /*!************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/el.js ***!
+ \************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.getInstanceOrVnodeRect = exports.getRootElementsFromComponentInstance = exports.getComponentInstanceFromElement = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const util_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./util */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/util.js"
+ );
+ function getComponentInstanceFromElement(element) {
+ return element.__vueParentComponent;
+ }
+ exports.getComponentInstanceFromElement = getComponentInstanceFromElement;
+ function getRootElementsFromComponentInstance(instance) {
+ if ((0, util_1.isFragment)(instance)) {
+ return getFragmentRootElements(instance.subTree);
+ }
+ if (!instance.subTree)
+ return [];
+ return [instance.subTree.el];
+ }
+ exports.getRootElementsFromComponentInstance = getRootElementsFromComponentInstance;
+ function getFragmentRootElements(vnode) {
+ if (!vnode.children)
+ return [];
+ const list = [];
+ for (let i = 0, l = vnode.children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ const childVnode = vnode.children[i];
+ if (childVnode.component) {
+ list.push(...getRootElementsFromComponentInstance(childVnode.component));
+ } else if (childVnode.el) {
+ list.push(childVnode.el);
+ }
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ function getInstanceOrVnodeRect(instance) {
+ const el = instance.subTree.el;
+ if (!shared_utils_1.isBrowser) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(0, shared_utils_1.inDoc)(el)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((0, util_1.isFragment)(instance)) {
+ return addIframePosition(getFragmentRect(instance.subTree), getElWindow(el));
+ } else if (el.nodeType === 1) {
+ return addIframePosition(el.getBoundingClientRect(), getElWindow(el));
+ } else if (instance.subTree.component) {
+ return getInstanceOrVnodeRect(instance.subTree.component);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getInstanceOrVnodeRect = getInstanceOrVnodeRect;
+ function createRect() {
+ const rect = {
+ top: 0,
+ bottom: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ right: 0,
+ get width() {
+ return rect.right - rect.left;
+ },
+ get height() {
+ return rect.bottom - rect.top;
+ }
+ };
+ return rect;
+ }
+ function mergeRects(a, b) {
+ if (!a.top || b.top < a.top) {
+ a.top = b.top;
+ }
+ if (!a.bottom || b.bottom > a.bottom) {
+ a.bottom = b.bottom;
+ }
+ if (!a.left || b.left < a.left) {
+ a.left = b.left;
+ }
+ if (!a.right || b.right > a.right) {
+ a.right = b.right;
+ }
+ return a;
+ }
+ let range;
+ function getTextRect(node) {
+ if (!shared_utils_1.isBrowser)
+ return;
+ if (!range)
+ range = document.createRange();
+ range.selectNode(node);
+ return range.getBoundingClientRect();
+ }
+ function getFragmentRect(vnode) {
+ const rect = createRect();
+ if (!vnode.children)
+ return rect;
+ for (let i = 0, l = vnode.children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ const childVnode = vnode.children[i];
+ let childRect;
+ if (childVnode.component) {
+ childRect = getInstanceOrVnodeRect(childVnode.component);
+ } else if (childVnode.el) {
+ const el = childVnode.el;
+ if (el.nodeType === 1 || el.getBoundingClientRect) {
+ childRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
+ } else if (el.nodeType === 3 && el.data.trim()) {
+ childRect = getTextRect(el);
+ }
+ }
+ if (childRect) {
+ mergeRects(rect, childRect);
+ }
+ }
+ return rect;
+ }
+ function getElWindow(el) {
+ return el.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+ }
+ function addIframePosition(bounds, win) {
+ if (win.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_IFRAME__) {
+ const rect = mergeRects(createRect(), bounds);
+ const iframeBounds = win.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_IFRAME__.getBoundingClientRect();
+ rect.top += iframeBounds.top;
+ rect.bottom += iframeBounds.top;
+ rect.left += iframeBounds.left;
+ rect.right += iframeBounds.left;
+ if (win.parent) {
+ return addIframePosition(rect, win.parent);
+ }
+ return rect;
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/filter.js": (
+ /*!****************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/filter.js ***!
+ \****************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.ComponentFilter = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const util_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./util */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/util.js"
+ );
+ class ComponentFilter {
+ constructor(filter) {
+ this.filter = filter || "";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if an instance is qualified.
+ *
+ * @param {Vue|Vnode} instance
+ * @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ isQualified(instance) {
+ const name = (0, util_1.getInstanceName)(instance);
+ return (0, shared_utils_1.classify)(name).toLowerCase().indexOf(this.filter) > -1 || (0, shared_utils_1.kebabize)(name).toLowerCase().indexOf(this.filter) > -1;
+ }
+ }
+ exports.ComponentFilter = ComponentFilter;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/tree.js": (
+ /*!**************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/tree.js ***!
+ \**************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.ComponentWalker = void 0;
+ const util_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./util */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/util.js"
+ );
+ const filter_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./filter */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/filter.js"
+ );
+ const el_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./el */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/el.js"
+ );
+ class ComponentWalker {
+ constructor(maxDepth, filter, recursively, api, ctx) {
+ this.ctx = ctx;
+ this.api = api;
+ this.maxDepth = maxDepth;
+ this.recursively = recursively;
+ this.componentFilter = new filter_1.ComponentFilter(filter);
+ this.uniAppPageNames = ["Page", "KeepAlive", "AsyncComponentWrapper", "BaseTransition", "Transition"];
+ }
+ getComponentTree(instance) {
+ this.captureIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ return this.findQualifiedChildren(instance, 0);
+ }
+ getComponentParents(instance) {
+ this.captureIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ const parents = [];
+ this.captureId(instance);
+ let parent = instance;
+ {
+ while (parent = parent.parent) {
+ this.captureId(parent);
+ parents.push(parent);
+ }
+ }
+ return parents;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find qualified children from a single instance.
+ * If the instance itself is qualified, just return itself.
+ * This is ok because [].concat works in both cases.
+ *
+ * @param {Vue|Vnode} instance
+ * @return {Vue|Array}
+ */
+ async findQualifiedChildren(instance, depth) {
+ var _a;
+ if (this.componentFilter.isQualified(instance) && !((_a = instance.type.devtools) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hide)) {
+ return [await this.capture(instance, null, depth)];
+ } else if (instance.subTree) {
+ const list = this.isKeepAlive(instance) ? this.getKeepAliveCachedInstances(instance) : this.getInternalInstanceChildrenByInstance(instance);
+ return this.findQualifiedChildrenFromList(list, depth);
+ } else {
+ return [];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Iterate through an array of instances and flatten it into
+ * an array of qualified instances. This is a depth-first
+ * traversal - e.g. if an instance is not matched, we will
+ * recursively go deeper until a qualified child is found.
+ *
+ * @param {Array} instances
+ * @return {Array}
+ */
+ async findQualifiedChildrenFromList(instances, depth) {
+ instances = instances.filter((child) => {
+ var _a;
+ return !(0, util_1.isBeingDestroyed)(child) && !((_a = child.type.devtools) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hide);
+ });
+ if (!this.componentFilter.filter) {
+ return Promise.all(instances.map((child, index, list) => this.capture(child, list, depth)));
+ } else {
+ return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], await Promise.all(instances.map((i) => this.findQualifiedChildren(i, depth))));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * fixed by xxxxxx
+ * @param instance
+ * @param suspense
+ * @returns
+ */
+ getInternalInstanceChildrenByInstance(instance, suspense = null) {
+ if (instance.ctx.$children) {
+ return instance.ctx.$children.map((proxy) => proxy.$);
+ }
+ return this.getInternalInstanceChildren(instance.subTree, suspense);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get children from a component instance.
+ */
+ getInternalInstanceChildren(subTree, suspense = null) {
+ const list = [];
+ if (subTree) {
+ if (subTree.component) {
+ this.getInstanceChildrenBySubTreeComponent(list, subTree, suspense);
+ } else if (subTree.suspense) {
+ const suspenseKey = !subTree.suspense.isInFallback ? "suspense default" : "suspense fallback";
+ list.push(...this.getInternalInstanceChildren(subTree.suspense.activeBranch, {
+ ...subTree.suspense,
+ suspenseKey
+ }));
+ } else if (Array.isArray(subTree.children)) {
+ subTree.children.forEach((childSubTree) => {
+ if (childSubTree.component) {
+ this.getInstanceChildrenBySubTreeComponent(list, childSubTree, suspense);
+ } else {
+ list.push(...this.getInternalInstanceChildren(childSubTree, suspense));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return list.filter((child) => {
+ var _a;
+ return !(0, util_1.isBeingDestroyed)(child) && !((_a = child.type.devtools) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hide);
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * getInternalInstanceChildren by subTree component for uni-app defineSystemComponent
+ */
+ getInstanceChildrenBySubTreeComponent(list, subTree, suspense) {
+ if (subTree.type.__reserved || this.uniAppPageNames.includes(subTree.type.name)) {
+ list.push(...this.getInternalInstanceChildren(subTree.component.subTree));
+ } else {
+ !suspense ? list.push(subTree.component) : list.push({
+ ...subTree.component,
+ suspense
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ captureId(instance) {
+ if (!instance)
+ return null;
+ const id = instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ != null ? instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ : (0, util_1.getUniqueComponentId)(instance, this.ctx);
+ instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__ = id;
+ if (this.captureIds.has(id)) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ this.captureIds.set(id, void 0);
+ }
+ this.mark(instance);
+ return id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Capture the meta information of an instance. (recursive)
+ *
+ * @param {Vue} instance
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ async capture(instance, list, depth) {
+ var _b;
+ if (!instance)
+ return null;
+ const id = this.captureId(instance);
+ const name = (0, util_1.getInstanceName)(instance);
+ const children = this.getInternalInstanceChildrenByInstance(instance).filter((child) => !(0, util_1.isBeingDestroyed)(child));
+ const parents = this.getComponentParents(instance) || [];
+ const inactive = !!instance.isDeactivated || parents.some((parent) => parent.isDeactivated);
+ const treeNode = {
+ uid: instance.uid,
+ id,
+ name,
+ renderKey: (0, util_1.getRenderKey)(instance.vnode ? instance.vnode.key : null),
+ inactive,
+ hasChildren: !!children.length,
+ children: [],
+ isFragment: (0, util_1.isFragment)(instance),
+ tags: typeof instance.type !== "function" ? [] : [{
+ label: "functional",
+ textColor: 5592405,
+ backgroundColor: 15658734
+ }],
+ autoOpen: this.recursively
+ };
+ {
+ treeNode.route = instance.attrs.__pagePath || "";
+ }
+ if (depth < this.maxDepth || instance.type.__isKeepAlive || parents.some((parent) => parent.type.__isKeepAlive)) {
+ treeNode.children = await Promise.all(children.map((child, index, list2) => this.capture(child, list2, depth + 1)).filter(Boolean));
+ }
+ if (this.isKeepAlive(instance)) {
+ const cachedComponents = this.getKeepAliveCachedInstances(instance);
+ const childrenIds = children.map((child) => child.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__);
+ for (const cachedChild of cachedComponents) {
+ if (!childrenIds.includes(cachedChild.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__)) {
+ const node = await this.capture({
+ ...cachedChild,
+ isDeactivated: true
+ }, null, depth + 1);
+ if (node) {
+ treeNode.children.push(node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const rootElements = (0, el_1.getRootElementsFromComponentInstance)(instance);
+ const firstElement = rootElements[0];
+ if (firstElement === null || firstElement === void 0 ? void 0 : firstElement.parentElement) {
+ const parentInstance = instance.parent;
+ const parentRootElements = parentInstance ? (0, el_1.getRootElementsFromComponentInstance)(parentInstance) : [];
+ let el = firstElement;
+ const indexList = [];
+ do {
+ indexList.push(Array.from(el.parentElement.childNodes).indexOf(el));
+ el = el.parentElement;
+ } while (el.parentElement && parentRootElements.length && !parentRootElements.includes(el));
+ treeNode.domOrder = indexList.reverse();
+ } else {
+ treeNode.domOrder = [-1];
+ }
+ if ((_b = instance.suspense) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.suspenseKey) {
+ treeNode.tags.push({
+ label: instance.suspense.suspenseKey,
+ backgroundColor: 14979812,
+ textColor: 16777215
+ });
+ this.mark(instance, true);
+ }
+ return this.api.visitComponentTree(instance, treeNode, this.componentFilter.filter, this.ctx.currentAppRecord.options.app);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mark an instance as captured and store it in the instance map.
+ *
+ * @param {Vue} instance
+ */
+ mark(instance, force = false) {
+ const instanceMap = this.ctx.currentAppRecord.instanceMap;
+ if (force || !instanceMap.has(instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__)) {
+ instanceMap.set(instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__, instance);
+ }
+ }
+ isKeepAlive(instance) {
+ return instance.type.__isKeepAlive && instance.__v_cache;
+ }
+ getKeepAliveCachedInstances(instance) {
+ return Array.from(instance.__v_cache.values()).map((vnode) => vnode.component).filter(Boolean);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.ComponentWalker = ComponentWalker;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/util.js": (
+ /*!**************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/util.js ***!
+ \**************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.getComponentInstances = exports.getRenderKey = exports.getUniqueComponentId = exports.getInstanceName = exports.isFragment = exports.getAppRecord = exports.isBeingDestroyed = void 0;
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const util_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ../util */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/util.js"
+ );
+ function isBeingDestroyed(instance) {
+ return instance._isBeingDestroyed || instance.isUnmounted;
+ }
+ exports.isBeingDestroyed = isBeingDestroyed;
+ function getAppRecord(instance) {
+ if (instance.root) {
+ return instance.appContext.app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD__;
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getAppRecord = getAppRecord;
+ function isFragment(instance) {
+ var _a;
+ const appRecord = getAppRecord(instance);
+ if (appRecord) {
+ return appRecord.options.types.Fragment === ((_a = instance.subTree) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.isFragment = isFragment;
+ function getInstanceName(instance) {
+ var _a, _b, _c;
+ const name = getComponentTypeName(instance.type || {});
+ if (name)
+ return name;
+ if (isAppRoot(instance))
+ return "Root";
+ for (const key in (_b = (_a = instance.parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.components) {
+ if (instance.parent.type.components[key] === instance.type)
+ return saveComponentName(instance, key);
+ }
+ for (const key in (_c = instance.appContext) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.components) {
+ if (instance.appContext.components[key] === instance.type)
+ return saveComponentName(instance, key);
+ }
+ return "Anonymous Component";
+ }
+ exports.getInstanceName = getInstanceName;
+ function saveComponentName(instance, key) {
+ instance.type.__vdevtools_guessedName = key;
+ return key;
+ }
+ function getComponentTypeName(options) {
+ const name = options.name || options._componentTag || options.__vdevtools_guessedName;
+ if (name) {
+ return name;
+ }
+ const file = options.__file;
+ if (file) {
+ return (0, shared_utils_1.classify)((0, util_1.basename)(file, ".vue"));
+ }
+ }
+ function isAppRoot(instance) {
+ return instance.ctx.$mpType === "app";
+ }
+ function getUniqueComponentId(instance, ctx) {
+ const appId = instance.appContext.app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD_ID__;
+ const instanceId = isAppRoot(instance) ? "root" : instance.uid;
+ return `${appId}:${instanceId}`;
+ }
+ exports.getUniqueComponentId = getUniqueComponentId;
+ function getRenderKey(value) {
+ if (value == null)
+ return;
+ const type = typeof value;
+ if (type === "number") {
+ return value;
+ } else if (type === "string") {
+ return `'${value}'`;
+ } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ return "Array";
+ } else {
+ return "Object";
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getRenderKey = getRenderKey;
+ function getComponentInstances(app) {
+ const appRecord = app.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_APP_RECORD__;
+ const appId = appRecord.id.toString();
+ return [...appRecord.instanceMap].filter(([key]) => key.split(":")[0] === appId).map(([, instance]) => instance);
+ }
+ exports.getComponentInstances = getComponentInstances;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/index.js": (
+ /*!****************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-vue3/lib/index.js ***!
+ \****************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.backend = void 0;
+ const app_backend_api_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/app-backend-api */
+ "../app-backend-api/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ const tree_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./components/tree */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/tree.js"
+ );
+ const data_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./components/data */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/data.js"
+ );
+ const util_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./components/util */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/util.js"
+ );
+ const el_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./components/el */
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/components/el.js"
+ );
+ const shared_utils_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ exports.backend = (0, app_backend_api_1.defineBackend)({
+ frameworkVersion: 3,
+ features: [],
+ setup(api) {
+ api.on.getAppRecordName((payload) => {
+ if (payload.app._component) {
+ payload.name = payload.app._component.name;
+ }
+ });
+ api.on.getAppRootInstance((payload) => {
+ var _a, _b, _c, _d;
+ if (payload.app._instance) {
+ payload.root = payload.app._instance;
+ } else if ((_b = (_a = payload.app._container) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a._vnode) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.component) {
+ payload.root = (_d = (_c = payload.app._container) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c._vnode) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.component;
+ }
+ });
+ api.on.walkComponentTree(async (payload, ctx) => {
+ const walker = new tree_1.ComponentWalker(payload.maxDepth, payload.filter, payload.recursively, api, ctx);
+ payload.componentTreeData = await walker.getComponentTree(payload.componentInstance);
+ });
+ api.on.walkComponentParents((payload, ctx) => {
+ const walker = new tree_1.ComponentWalker(0, null, false, api, ctx);
+ payload.parentInstances = walker.getComponentParents(payload.componentInstance);
+ });
+ api.on.inspectComponent((payload, ctx) => {
+ shared_utils_1.backendInjections.getCustomInstanceDetails = data_1.getCustomInstanceDetails;
+ shared_utils_1.backendInjections.getCustomObjectDetails = data_1.getCustomObjectDetails;
+ shared_utils_1.backendInjections.instanceMap = ctx.currentAppRecord.instanceMap;
+ shared_utils_1.backendInjections.isVueInstance = (val) => val._ && Object.keys(val._).includes("vnode");
+ payload.instanceData = (0, data_1.getInstanceDetails)(payload.componentInstance, ctx);
+ });
+ api.on.getComponentName((payload) => {
+ payload.name = (0, util_1.getInstanceName)(payload.componentInstance);
+ });
+ api.on.getComponentBounds((payload) => {
+ payload.bounds = (0, el_1.getInstanceOrVnodeRect)(payload.componentInstance);
+ });
+ api.on.getElementComponent((payload) => {
+ payload.componentInstance = (0, el_1.getComponentInstanceFromElement)(payload.element);
+ });
+ api.on.getComponentInstances((payload) => {
+ payload.componentInstances = (0, util_1.getComponentInstances)(payload.app);
+ });
+ api.on.getComponentRootElements((payload) => {
+ payload.rootElements = (0, el_1.getRootElementsFromComponentInstance)(payload.componentInstance);
+ });
+ api.on.editComponentState((payload, ctx) => {
+ (0, data_1.editState)(payload, api.stateEditor, ctx);
+ });
+ api.on.getComponentDevtoolsOptions((payload) => {
+ payload.options = payload.componentInstance.type.devtools;
+ });
+ api.on.getComponentRenderCode((payload) => {
+ payload.code = !(payload.componentInstance.type instanceof Function) ? payload.componentInstance.render.toString() : payload.componentInstance.type.toString();
+ });
+ api.on.transformCall((payload) => {
+ if (payload.callName === shared_utils_1.HookEvents.COMPONENT_UPDATED) {
+ const component = payload.inArgs[0];
+ payload.outArgs = [component.appContext.app, component.uid, component.parent ? component.parent.uid : void 0, component];
+ }
+ });
+ api.stateEditor.isRef = (value) => !!(value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.__v_isRef);
+ api.stateEditor.getRefValue = (ref) => ref.value;
+ api.stateEditor.setRefValue = (ref, value) => {
+ ref.value = value;
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../app-backend-vue3/lib/util.js": (
+ /*!***************************************!*\
+ !*** ../app-backend-vue3/lib/util.js ***!
+ \***************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) {
+ var __importDefault = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod) {
+ return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : {
+ "default": mod
+ };
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.returnError = exports.basename = exports.flatten = void 0;
+ const path_1 = __importDefault(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! path */
+ "../../node_modules/path-browserify/index.js"
+ ));
+ function flatten(items) {
+ return items.reduce((acc, item) => {
+ if (item instanceof Array)
+ acc.push(...flatten(item));
+ else if (item)
+ acc.push(item);
+ return acc;
+ }, []);
+ }
+ exports.flatten = flatten;
+ function basename(filename, ext) {
+ return path_1.default.basename(filename.replace(/^[a-zA-Z]:/, "").replace(/\\/g, "/"), ext);
+ }
+ exports.basename = basename;
+ function returnError(cb) {
+ try {
+ return cb();
+ } catch (e) {
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ exports.returnError = returnError;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/backend.js": (
+ /*!**************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/backend.js ***!
+ \**************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.getCatchedGetters = exports.getCustomStoreDetails = exports.getCustomRouterDetails = exports.isVueInstance = exports.getCustomObjectDetails = exports.getCustomInstanceDetails = exports.getInstanceMap = exports.backendInjections = void 0;
+ exports.backendInjections = {
+ instanceMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
+ isVueInstance: () => false,
+ getCustomInstanceDetails: () => ({}),
+ getCustomObjectDetails: () => void 0
+ };
+ function getInstanceMap() {
+ return exports.backendInjections.instanceMap;
+ }
+ exports.getInstanceMap = getInstanceMap;
+ function getCustomInstanceDetails(instance) {
+ return exports.backendInjections.getCustomInstanceDetails(instance);
+ }
+ exports.getCustomInstanceDetails = getCustomInstanceDetails;
+ function getCustomObjectDetails(value, proto) {
+ return exports.backendInjections.getCustomObjectDetails(value, proto);
+ }
+ exports.getCustomObjectDetails = getCustomObjectDetails;
+ function isVueInstance(value) {
+ return exports.backendInjections.isVueInstance(value);
+ }
+ exports.isVueInstance = isVueInstance;
+ function getCustomRouterDetails(router) {
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "router",
+ display: "VueRouter",
+ value: {
+ options: router.options,
+ currentRoute: router.currentRoute
+ },
+ fields: {
+ abstract: true
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomRouterDetails = getCustomRouterDetails;
+ function getCustomStoreDetails(store) {
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "store",
+ display: "Store",
+ value: {
+ state: store.state,
+ getters: getCatchedGetters(store)
+ },
+ fields: {
+ abstract: true
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomStoreDetails = getCustomStoreDetails;
+ function getCatchedGetters(store) {
+ const getters = {};
+ const origGetters = store.getters || {};
+ const keys = Object.keys(origGetters);
+ for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ const key = keys[i];
+ Object.defineProperty(getters, key, {
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: () => {
+ try {
+ return origGetters[key];
+ } catch (e) {
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return getters;
+ }
+ exports.getCatchedGetters = getCatchedGetters;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/bridge.js": (
+ /*!*************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/bridge.js ***!
+ \*************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.Bridge = void 0;
+ const events_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! events */
+ "../../node_modules/events/events.js"
+ );
+ const raf_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./raf */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/raf.js"
+ );
+ const BATCH_DURATION = 100;
+ class Bridge extends events_1.EventEmitter {
+ constructor(wall) {
+ super();
+ this.setMaxListeners(Infinity);
+ this.wall = wall;
+ wall.listen((messages) => {
+ if (Array.isArray(messages)) {
+ messages.forEach((message) => this._emit(message));
+ } else {
+ this._emit(messages);
+ }
+ });
+ this._batchingQueue = [];
+ this._sendingQueue = [];
+ this._receivingQueue = [];
+ this._sending = false;
+ }
+ on(event, listener) {
+ const wrappedListener = async (...args) => {
+ try {
+ await listener(...args);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(`[Bridge] Error in listener for event ${event.toString()} with args:`, args);
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ };
+ return super.on(event, wrappedListener);
+ }
+ send(event, payload) {
+ this._batchingQueue.push({
+ event,
+ payload
+ });
+ if (this._timer == null) {
+ this._timer = setTimeout(() => this._flush(), BATCH_DURATION);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Log a message to the devtools background page.
+ */
+ log(message) {
+ this.send("log", message);
+ }
+ _flush() {
+ if (this._batchingQueue.length)
+ this._send(this._batchingQueue);
+ clearTimeout(this._timer);
+ this._timer = null;
+ this._batchingQueue = [];
+ }
+ // @TODO types
+ _emit(message) {
+ if (typeof message === "string") {
+ this.emit(message);
+ } else if (message._chunk) {
+ this._receivingQueue.push(message._chunk);
+ if (message.last) {
+ this.emit(message.event, this._receivingQueue);
+ this._receivingQueue = [];
+ }
+ } else if (message.event) {
+ this.emit(message.event, message.payload);
+ }
+ }
+ // @TODO types
+ _send(messages) {
+ this._sendingQueue.push(messages);
+ this._nextSend();
+ }
+ _nextSend() {
+ if (!this._sendingQueue.length || this._sending)
+ return;
+ this._sending = true;
+ const messages = this._sendingQueue.shift();
+ try {
+ this.wall.send(messages);
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (err.message === "Message length exceeded maximum allowed length.") {
+ this._sendingQueue.splice(0, 0, messages.map((message) => [message]));
+ }
+ }
+ this._sending = false;
+ (0, raf_1.raf)(() => this._nextSend());
+ }
+ }
+ exports.Bridge = Bridge;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/consts.js": (
+ /*!*************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/consts.js ***!
+ \*************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.HookEvents = exports.BridgeSubscriptions = exports.BridgeEvents = exports.BuiltinTabs = void 0;
+ (function(BuiltinTabs) {
+ BuiltinTabs["COMPONENTS"] = "components";
+ BuiltinTabs["TIMELINE"] = "timeline";
+ BuiltinTabs["PLUGINS"] = "plugins";
+ BuiltinTabs["SETTINGS"] = "settings";
+ })(exports.BuiltinTabs || (exports.BuiltinTabs = {}));
+ (function(BridgeEvents) {
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_SUBSCRIBE"] = "b:subscribe";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_UNSUBSCRIBE"] = "b:unsubscribe";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_READY"] = "f:ready";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_LOG_DETECTED_VUE"] = "b:log-detected-vue";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_REFRESH"] = "b:refresh";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TAB_SWITCH"] = "b:tab:switch";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_LOG"] = "b:log";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_RECONNECTED"] = "f:reconnected";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TITLE"] = "f:title";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_APP_ADD"] = "f:app:add";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_APP_LIST"] = "b:app:list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_APP_LIST"] = "f:app:list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_APP_REMOVE"] = "f:app:remove";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_APP_SELECT"] = "b:app:select";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_APP_SELECTED"] = "f:app:selected";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_SCAN_LEGACY_APPS"] = "b:app:scan-legacy";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_TREE"] = "b:component:tree";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_TREE"] = "f:component:tree";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_SELECTED_DATA"] = "b:component:selected-data";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_SELECTED_DATA"] = "f:component:selected-data";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_EXPAND"] = "b:component:expand";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_EXPAND"] = "f:component:expand";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_SCROLL_TO"] = "b:component:scroll-to";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_FILTER"] = "b:component:filter";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_MOUSE_OVER"] = "b:component:mouse-over";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_MOUSE_OUT"] = "b:component:mouse-out";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_CONTEXT_MENU_TARGET"] = "b:component:context-menu-target";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_EDIT_STATE"] = "b:component:edit-state";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_PICK"] = "b:component:pick";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_PICK"] = "f:component:pick";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_PICK_CANCELED"] = "b:component:pick-canceled";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_PICK_CANCELED"] = "f:component:pick-canceled";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_INSPECT_DOM"] = "b:component:inspect-dom";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_INSPECT_DOM"] = "f:component:inspect-dom";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_COMPONENT_RENDER_CODE"] = "b:component:render-code";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_RENDER_CODE"] = "f:component:render-code";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_COMPONENT_UPDATED"] = "f:component:updated";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_EVENT"] = "f:timeline:event";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TIMELINE_LAYER_LIST"] = "b:timeline:layer-list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_LAYER_LIST"] = "f:timeline:layer-list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_LAYER_ADD"] = "f:timeline:layer-add";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TIMELINE_SHOW_SCREENSHOT"] = "b:timeline:show-screenshot";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TIMELINE_CLEAR"] = "b:timeline:clear";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TIMELINE_EVENT_DATA"] = "b:timeline:event-data";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_EVENT_DATA"] = "f:timeline:event-data";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TIMELINE_LAYER_LOAD_EVENTS"] = "b:timeline:layer-load-events";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_LAYER_LOAD_EVENTS"] = "f:timeline:layer-load-events";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_TIMELINE_LOAD_MARKERS"] = "b:timeline:load-markers";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_LOAD_MARKERS"] = "f:timeline:load-markers";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_TIMELINE_MARKER"] = "f:timeline:marker";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_LIST"] = "b:devtools-plugin:list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_LIST"] = "f:devtools-plugin:list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_ADD"] = "f:devtools-plugin:add";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_SETTING_UPDATED"] = "b:devtools-plugin:setting-updated";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_LIST"] = "b:custom-inspector:list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_LIST"] = "f:custom-inspector:list";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_ADD"] = "f:custom-inspector:add";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_TREE"] = "b:custom-inspector:tree";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_TREE"] = "f:custom-inspector:tree";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_STATE"] = "b:custom-inspector:state";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_STATE"] = "f:custom-inspector:state";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_EDIT_STATE"] = "b:custom-inspector:edit-state";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_ACTION"] = "b:custom-inspector:action";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_NODE_ACTION"] = "b:custom-inspector:node-action";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_FRONT_CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SELECT_NODE"] = "f:custom-inspector:select-node";
+ BridgeEvents["TO_BACK_CUSTOM_STATE_ACTION"] = "b:custom-state:action";
+ })(exports.BridgeEvents || (exports.BridgeEvents = {}));
+ (function(BridgeSubscriptions) {
+ BridgeSubscriptions["SELECTED_COMPONENT_DATA"] = "component:selected-data";
+ BridgeSubscriptions["COMPONENT_TREE"] = "component:tree";
+ })(exports.BridgeSubscriptions || (exports.BridgeSubscriptions = {}));
+ (function(HookEvents) {
+ HookEvents["INIT"] = "init";
+ HookEvents["APP_INIT"] = "app:init";
+ HookEvents["APP_ADD"] = "app:add";
+ HookEvents["APP_UNMOUNT"] = "app:unmount";
+ HookEvents["COMPONENT_UPDATED"] = "component:updated";
+ HookEvents["COMPONENT_ADDED"] = "component:added";
+ HookEvents["COMPONENT_REMOVED"] = "component:removed";
+ HookEvents["COMPONENT_EMIT"] = "component:emit";
+ HookEvents["COMPONENT_HIGHLIGHT"] = "component:highlight";
+ HookEvents["COMPONENT_UNHIGHLIGHT"] = "component:unhighlight";
+ HookEvents["SETUP_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN"] = "devtools-plugin:setup";
+ HookEvents["TIMELINE_LAYER_ADDED"] = "timeline:layer-added";
+ HookEvents["TIMELINE_EVENT_ADDED"] = "timeline:event-added";
+ HookEvents["CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_ADD"] = "custom-inspector:add";
+ HookEvents["CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SEND_TREE"] = "custom-inspector:send-tree";
+ HookEvents["CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SEND_STATE"] = "custom-inspector:send-state";
+ HookEvents["CUSTOM_INSPECTOR_SELECT_NODE"] = "custom-inspector:select-node";
+ HookEvents["PERFORMANCE_START"] = "perf:start";
+ HookEvents["PERFORMANCE_END"] = "perf:end";
+ HookEvents["PLUGIN_SETTINGS_SET"] = "plugin:settings:set";
+ HookEvents["FLUSH"] = "flush";
+ HookEvents["TRACK_UPDATE"] = "_track-update";
+ HookEvents["FLASH_UPDATE"] = "_flash-update";
+ })(exports.HookEvents || (exports.HookEvents = {}));
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/edit.js": (
+ /*!***********************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/edit.js ***!
+ \***********************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.StateEditor = void 0;
+ class StateEditor {
+ set(object, path, value, cb = null) {
+ const sections = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split(".");
+ while (sections.length > 1) {
+ object = object[sections.shift()];
+ if (this.isRef(object)) {
+ object = this.getRefValue(object);
+ }
+ }
+ const field = sections[0];
+ if (cb) {
+ cb(object, field, value);
+ } else if (this.isRef(object[field])) {
+ this.setRefValue(object[field], value);
+ } else {
+ object[field] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ get(object, path) {
+ const sections = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split(".");
+ for (let i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
+ object = object[sections[i]];
+ if (this.isRef(object)) {
+ object = this.getRefValue(object);
+ }
+ if (!object) {
+ return void 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return object;
+ }
+ has(object, path, parent = false) {
+ if (typeof object === "undefined") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const sections = Array.isArray(path) ? path.slice() : path.split(".");
+ const size = !parent ? 1 : 2;
+ while (object && sections.length > size) {
+ object = object[sections.shift()];
+ if (this.isRef(object)) {
+ object = this.getRefValue(object);
+ }
+ }
+ return object != null && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, sections[0]);
+ }
+ createDefaultSetCallback(state) {
+ return (obj, field, value) => {
+ if (state.remove || state.newKey) {
+ if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
+ obj.splice(field, 1);
+ } else {
+ delete obj[field];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!state.remove) {
+ const target = obj[state.newKey || field];
+ if (this.isRef(target)) {
+ this.setRefValue(target, value);
+ } else {
+ obj[state.newKey || field] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ isRef(ref) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ setRefValue(ref, value) {
+ }
+ getRefValue(ref) {
+ return ref;
+ }
+ }
+ exports.StateEditor = StateEditor;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/env.js": (
+ /*!**********************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/env.js ***!
+ \**********************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.initEnv = exports.keys = exports.isLinux = exports.isMac = exports.isWindows = exports.isFirefox = exports.isChrome = exports.target = exports.isBrowser = void 0;
+ exports.isBrowser = typeof navigator !== "undefined" && typeof window !== "undefined";
+ exports.target = exports.isBrowser ? window : typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined" ? commonjsGlobal : typeof my !== "undefined" ? my : {};
+ exports.isChrome = typeof exports.target.chrome !== "undefined" && !!exports.target.chrome.devtools;
+ exports.isFirefox = exports.isBrowser && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > -1;
+ exports.isWindows = exports.isBrowser && navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") === 0;
+ exports.isMac = exports.isBrowser && navigator.platform === "MacIntel";
+ exports.isLinux = exports.isBrowser && navigator.platform.indexOf("Linux") === 0;
+ exports.keys = {
+ ctrl: exports.isMac ? "⌘" : "Ctrl",
+ shift: "Shift",
+ alt: exports.isMac ? "⌥" : "Alt",
+ del: "Del",
+ enter: "Enter",
+ esc: "Esc"
+ };
+ function initEnv(Vue) {
+ if (Vue.prototype.hasOwnProperty("$isChrome"))
+ return;
+ Object.defineProperties(Vue.prototype, {
+ $isChrome: {
+ get: () => exports.isChrome
+ },
+ $isFirefox: {
+ get: () => exports.isFirefox
+ },
+ $isWindows: {
+ get: () => exports.isWindows
+ },
+ $isMac: {
+ get: () => exports.isMac
+ },
+ $isLinux: {
+ get: () => exports.isLinux
+ },
+ $keys: {
+ get: () => exports.keys
+ }
+ });
+ if (exports.isWindows)
+ document.body.classList.add("platform-windows");
+ if (exports.isMac)
+ document.body.classList.add("platform-mac");
+ if (exports.isLinux)
+ document.body.classList.add("platform-linux");
+ }
+ exports.initEnv = initEnv;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js": (
+ /*!************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/index.js ***!
+ \************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) {
+ var __createBinding = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) {
+ if (k2 === void 0)
+ k2 = k;
+ var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
+ if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
+ desc = {
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: function() {
+ return m[k];
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
+ } : function(o, m, k, k2) {
+ if (k2 === void 0)
+ k2 = k;
+ o[k2] = m[k];
+ });
+ var __exportStar = this && this.__exportStar || function(m, exports2) {
+ for (var p in m)
+ if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports2, p))
+ __createBinding(exports2, m, p);
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./backend */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/backend.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./bridge */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/bridge.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./consts */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/consts.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./edit */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/edit.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./env */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/env.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./plugin-permissions */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/plugin-permissions.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./plugin-settings */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/plugin-settings.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./shared-data */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shared-data.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./shell */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shell.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./storage */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/storage.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./transfer */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/transfer.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./util */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/util.js"
+ ), exports);
+ __exportStar(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./raf */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/raf.js"
+ ), exports);
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/plugin-permissions.js": (
+ /*!*************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/plugin-permissions.js ***!
+ \*************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.setPluginPermission = exports.hasPluginPermission = exports.PluginPermission = void 0;
+ const shared_data_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./shared-data */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shared-data.js"
+ );
+ (function(PluginPermission) {
+ PluginPermission["ENABLED"] = "enabled";
+ PluginPermission["COMPONENTS"] = "components";
+ PluginPermission["CUSTOM_INSPECTOR"] = "custom-inspector";
+ PluginPermission["TIMELINE"] = "timeline";
+ })(exports.PluginPermission || (exports.PluginPermission = {}));
+ function hasPluginPermission(pluginId, permission) {
+ const result = shared_data_1.SharedData.pluginPermissions[`${pluginId}:${permission}`];
+ if (result == null)
+ return true;
+ return !!result;
+ }
+ exports.hasPluginPermission = hasPluginPermission;
+ function setPluginPermission(pluginId, permission, active) {
+ shared_data_1.SharedData.pluginPermissions = {
+ ...shared_data_1.SharedData.pluginPermissions,
+ [`${pluginId}:${permission}`]: active
+ };
+ }
+ exports.setPluginPermission = setPluginPermission;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/plugin-settings.js": (
+ /*!**********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/plugin-settings.js ***!
+ \**********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.getPluginDefaultSettings = exports.setPluginSettings = exports.getPluginSettings = void 0;
+ const shared_data_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./shared-data */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shared-data.js"
+ );
+ function getPluginSettings(pluginId, defaultSettings) {
+ var _a;
+ return {
+ ...defaultSettings !== null && defaultSettings !== void 0 ? defaultSettings : {},
+ ...(_a = shared_data_1.SharedData.pluginSettings[pluginId]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {}
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getPluginSettings = getPluginSettings;
+ function setPluginSettings(pluginId, settings) {
+ shared_data_1.SharedData.pluginSettings = {
+ ...shared_data_1.SharedData.pluginSettings,
+ [pluginId]: settings
+ };
+ }
+ exports.setPluginSettings = setPluginSettings;
+ function getPluginDefaultSettings(schema) {
+ const result = {};
+ if (schema) {
+ for (const id in schema) {
+ const item = schema[id];
+ result[id] = item.defaultValue;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ exports.getPluginDefaultSettings = getPluginDefaultSettings;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/raf.js": (
+ /*!**********************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/raf.js ***!
+ \**********************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.raf = void 0;
+ let pendingCallbacks = [];
+ exports.raf = typeof requestAnimationFrame === "function" ? requestAnimationFrame : typeof setImmediate === "function" ? (fn) => {
+ if (!pendingCallbacks.length) {
+ setImmediate(() => {
+ const now = performance.now();
+ const cbs = pendingCallbacks;
+ pendingCallbacks = [];
+ cbs.forEach((cb) => cb(now));
+ });
+ }
+ pendingCallbacks.push(fn);
+ } : function(callback) {
+ return setTimeout(function() {
+ callback(Date.now());
+ }, 1e3 / 60);
+ };
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shared-data.js": (
+ /*!******************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/shared-data.js ***!
+ \******************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.SharedData = exports.watchSharedData = exports.destroySharedData = exports.onSharedDataInit = exports.initSharedData = void 0;
+ const storage_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./storage */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/storage.js"
+ );
+ const env_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./env */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/env.js"
+ );
+ const internalSharedData = {
+ openInEditorHost: "/",
+ componentNameStyle: "class",
+ theme: "auto",
+ displayDensity: "low",
+ timeFormat: "default",
+ recordVuex: true,
+ cacheVuexSnapshotsEvery: 50,
+ cacheVuexSnapshotsLimit: 10,
+ snapshotLoading: false,
+ componentEventsEnabled: true,
+ performanceMonitoringEnabled: true,
+ editableProps: false,
+ logDetected: true,
+ vuexNewBackend: false,
+ vuexAutoload: false,
+ vuexGroupGettersByModule: true,
+ showMenuScrollTip: true,
+ timelineTimeGrid: true,
+ timelineScreenshots: true,
+ menuStepScrolling: env_1.isMac,
+ pluginPermissions: {},
+ pluginSettings: {},
+ pageConfig: {},
+ legacyApps: false,
+ trackUpdates: true,
+ flashUpdates: false,
+ debugInfo: false,
+ isBrowser: env_1.isBrowser
+ };
+ const persisted = ["componentNameStyle", "theme", "displayDensity", "recordVuex", "editableProps", "logDetected", "vuexNewBackend", "vuexAutoload", "vuexGroupGettersByModule", "timeFormat", "showMenuScrollTip", "timelineTimeGrid", "timelineScreenshots", "menuStepScrolling", "pluginPermissions", "pluginSettings", "performanceMonitoringEnabled", "componentEventsEnabled", "trackUpdates", "flashUpdates", "debugInfo"];
+ const storageVersion = "6.0.0-alpha.1";
+ let bridge;
+ let persist = false;
+ let data;
+ let initRetryInterval;
+ let initRetryCount = 0;
+ const initCbs = [];
+ function initSharedData(params) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ bridge = params.bridge;
+ persist = !!params.persist;
+ if (persist) {
+ {
+ console.log("[shared data] Master init in progress...");
+ }
+ persisted.forEach((key) => {
+ const value = (0, storage_1.getStorage)(`vue-devtools-${storageVersion}:shared-data:${key}`);
+ if (value !== null) {
+ internalSharedData[key] = value;
+ }
+ });
+ bridge.on("shared-data:load", () => {
+ Object.keys(internalSharedData).forEach((key) => {
+ sendValue(key, internalSharedData[key]);
+ });
+ bridge.send("shared-data:load-complete");
+ });
+ bridge.on("shared-data:init-complete", () => {
+ {
+ console.log("[shared data] Master init complete");
+ }
+ clearInterval(initRetryInterval);
+ resolve();
+ });
+ bridge.send("shared-data:master-init-waiting");
+ bridge.on("shared-data:minion-init-waiting", () => {
+ bridge.send("shared-data:master-init-waiting");
+ });
+ initRetryCount = 0;
+ clearInterval(initRetryInterval);
+ initRetryInterval = setInterval(() => {
+ {
+ console.log("[shared data] Master init retrying...");
+ }
+ bridge.send("shared-data:master-init-waiting");
+ initRetryCount++;
+ if (initRetryCount > 30) {
+ clearInterval(initRetryInterval);
+ console.error("[shared data] Master init failed");
+ }
+ }, 2e3);
+ } else {
+ bridge.on("shared-data:master-init-waiting", () => {
+ bridge.send("shared-data:load");
+ bridge.once("shared-data:load-complete", () => {
+ bridge.send("shared-data:init-complete");
+ resolve();
+ });
+ });
+ bridge.send("shared-data:minion-init-waiting");
+ }
+ data = {
+ ...internalSharedData
+ };
+ if (params.Vue) {
+ data = params.Vue.observable(data);
+ }
+ bridge.on("shared-data:set", ({
+ key,
+ value
+ }) => {
+ setValue(key, value);
+ });
+ initCbs.forEach((cb) => cb());
+ });
+ }
+ exports.initSharedData = initSharedData;
+ function onSharedDataInit(cb) {
+ initCbs.push(cb);
+ return () => {
+ const index = initCbs.indexOf(cb);
+ if (index !== -1)
+ initCbs.splice(index, 1);
+ };
+ }
+ exports.onSharedDataInit = onSharedDataInit;
+ function destroySharedData() {
+ bridge.removeAllListeners("shared-data:set");
+ watchers = {};
+ }
+ exports.destroySharedData = destroySharedData;
+ let watchers = {};
+ function setValue(key, value) {
+ if (persist && persisted.includes(key)) {
+ (0, storage_1.setStorage)(`vue-devtools-${storageVersion}:shared-data:${key}`, value);
+ }
+ const oldValue = data[key];
+ data[key] = value;
+ const handlers = watchers[key];
+ if (handlers) {
+ handlers.forEach((h) => h(value, oldValue));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function sendValue(key, value) {
+ bridge && bridge.send("shared-data:set", {
+ key,
+ value
+ });
+ }
+ function watchSharedData(prop, handler) {
+ const list = watchers[prop] || (watchers[prop] = []);
+ list.push(handler);
+ return () => {
+ const index = list.indexOf(handler);
+ if (index !== -1)
+ list.splice(index, 1);
+ };
+ }
+ exports.watchSharedData = watchSharedData;
+ const proxy = {};
+ Object.keys(internalSharedData).forEach((key) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(proxy, key, {
+ configurable: false,
+ get: () => data[key],
+ set: (value) => {
+ sendValue(key, value);
+ setValue(key, value);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ exports.SharedData = proxy;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shell.js": (
+ /*!************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/shell.js ***!
+ \************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/storage.js": (
+ /*!**************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/storage.js ***!
+ \**************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.clearStorage = exports.removeStorage = exports.setStorage = exports.getStorage = exports.initStorage = void 0;
+ const env_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./env */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/env.js"
+ );
+ const useStorage = typeof env_1.target.chrome !== "undefined" && typeof env_1.target.chrome.storage !== "undefined";
+ let storageData = null;
+ function initStorage() {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ if (useStorage) {
+ env_1.target.chrome.storage.local.get(null, (result) => {
+ storageData = result;
+ resolve();
+ });
+ } else {
+ storageData = {};
+ resolve();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ exports.initStorage = initStorage;
+ function getStorage(key, defaultValue = null) {
+ checkStorage();
+ if (useStorage) {
+ return getDefaultValue(storageData[key], defaultValue);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ return getDefaultValue(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key)), defaultValue);
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getStorage = getStorage;
+ function setStorage(key, val) {
+ checkStorage();
+ if (useStorage) {
+ storageData[key] = val;
+ env_1.target.chrome.storage.local.set({
+ [key]: val
+ });
+ } else {
+ try {
+ localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(val));
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.setStorage = setStorage;
+ function removeStorage(key) {
+ checkStorage();
+ if (useStorage) {
+ delete storageData[key];
+ env_1.target.chrome.storage.local.remove([key]);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ localStorage.removeItem(key);
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.removeStorage = removeStorage;
+ function clearStorage() {
+ checkStorage();
+ if (useStorage) {
+ storageData = {};
+ env_1.target.chrome.storage.local.clear();
+ } else {
+ try {
+ localStorage.clear();
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exports.clearStorage = clearStorage;
+ function checkStorage() {
+ if (!storageData) {
+ throw new Error("Storage wasn't initialized with 'init()'");
+ }
+ }
+ function getDefaultValue(value, defaultValue) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/transfer.js": (
+ /*!***************************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/transfer.js ***!
+ \***************************************/
+ /***/
+ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.stringifyStrictCircularAutoChunks = exports.parseCircularAutoChunks = exports.stringifyCircularAutoChunks = void 0;
+ const MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE = 512 * 1024;
+ function encode(data, replacer, list, seen) {
+ let stored, key, value, i, l;
+ const seenIndex = seen.get(data);
+ if (seenIndex != null) {
+ return seenIndex;
+ }
+ const index = list.length;
+ const proto = Object.prototype.toString.call(data);
+ if (proto === "[object Object]") {
+ stored = {};
+ seen.set(data, index);
+ list.push(stored);
+ const keys = Object.keys(data);
+ for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ try {
+ value = data[key];
+ if (replacer)
+ value = replacer.call(data, key, value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ value = e;
+ }
+ stored[key] = encode(value, replacer, list, seen);
+ }
+ } else if (proto === "[object Array]") {
+ stored = [];
+ seen.set(data, index);
+ list.push(stored);
+ for (i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
+ try {
+ value = data[i];
+ if (replacer)
+ value = replacer.call(data, i, value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ value = e;
+ }
+ stored[i] = encode(value, replacer, list, seen);
+ }
+ } else {
+ list.push(data);
+ }
+ return index;
+ }
+ function decode(list, reviver) {
+ let i = list.length;
+ let j, k, data, key, value, proto;
+ while (i--) {
+ data = list[i];
+ proto = Object.prototype.toString.call(data);
+ if (proto === "[object Object]") {
+ const keys = Object.keys(data);
+ for (j = 0, k = keys.length; j < k; j++) {
+ key = keys[j];
+ value = list[data[key]];
+ if (reviver)
+ value = reviver.call(data, key, value);
+ data[key] = value;
+ }
+ } else if (proto === "[object Array]") {
+ for (j = 0, k = data.length; j < k; j++) {
+ value = list[data[j]];
+ if (reviver)
+ value = reviver.call(data, j, value);
+ data[j] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function stringifyCircularAutoChunks(data, replacer = null, space = null) {
+ let result;
+ try {
+ result = arguments.length === 1 ? JSON.stringify(data) : JSON.stringify(data, replacer, space);
+ } catch (e) {
+ result = stringifyStrictCircularAutoChunks(data, replacer, space);
+ }
+ if (result.length > MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE) {
+ const chunkCount = Math.ceil(result.length / MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE);
+ const chunks = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++) {
+ chunks.push(result.slice(i * MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE, (i + 1) * MAX_SERIALIZED_SIZE));
+ }
+ return chunks;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ exports.stringifyCircularAutoChunks = stringifyCircularAutoChunks;
+ function parseCircularAutoChunks(data, reviver = null) {
+ if (Array.isArray(data)) {
+ data = data.join("");
+ }
+ const hasCircular = /^\s/.test(data);
+ if (!hasCircular) {
+ return arguments.length === 1 ? JSON.parse(data) : JSON.parse(data, reviver);
+ } else {
+ const list = JSON.parse(data);
+ decode(list, reviver);
+ return list[0];
+ }
+ }
+ exports.parseCircularAutoChunks = parseCircularAutoChunks;
+ function stringifyStrictCircularAutoChunks(data, replacer = null, space = null) {
+ const list = [];
+ encode(data, replacer, list, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
+ return space ? " " + JSON.stringify(list, null, space) : " " + JSON.stringify(list);
+ }
+ exports.stringifyStrictCircularAutoChunks = stringifyStrictCircularAutoChunks;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../shared-utils/lib/util.js": (
+ /*!***********************************!*\
+ !*** ../shared-utils/lib/util.js ***!
+ \***********************************/
+ /***/
+ function(__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__2) {
+ var __importDefault = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod) {
+ return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : {
+ "default": mod
+ };
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+ });
+ exports.isEmptyObject = exports.copyToClipboard = exports.escape = exports.openInEditor = exports.focusInput = exports.simpleGet = exports.sortByKey = exports.searchDeepInObject = exports.isPlainObject = exports.revive = exports.parse = exports.getCustomRefDetails = exports.getCustomHTMLElementDetails = exports.getCustomFunctionDetails = exports.getCustomComponentDefinitionDetails = exports.getComponentName = exports.reviveSet = exports.getCustomSetDetails = exports.reviveMap = exports.getCustomMapDetails = exports.stringify = exports.specialTokenToString = exports.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = exports.MAX_STRING_SIZE = exports.SPECIAL_TOKENS = exports.NAN = exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY = exports.INFINITY = exports.UNDEFINED = exports.inDoc = exports.getComponentDisplayName = exports.kebabize = exports.camelize = exports.classify = void 0;
+ const path_1 = __importDefault(__webpack_require__2(
+ /*! path */
+ "../../node_modules/path-browserify/index.js"
+ ));
+ const transfer_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./transfer */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/transfer.js"
+ );
+ const backend_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./backend */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/backend.js"
+ );
+ const shared_data_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./shared-data */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/shared-data.js"
+ );
+ const env_1 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./env */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/env.js"
+ );
+ function cached(fn) {
+ const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ return function cachedFn(str) {
+ const hit = cache[str];
+ return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str));
+ };
+ }
+ const classifyRE = /(?:^|[-_/])(\w)/g;
+ exports.classify = cached((str) => {
+ return str && ("" + str).replace(classifyRE, toUpper);
+ });
+ const camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g;
+ exports.camelize = cached((str) => {
+ return str && str.replace(camelizeRE, toUpper);
+ });
+ const kebabizeRE = /([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;
+ exports.kebabize = cached((str) => {
+ return str && str.replace(kebabizeRE, (_, lowerCaseCharacter, upperCaseLetter) => {
+ return `${lowerCaseCharacter}-${upperCaseLetter}`;
+ }).toLowerCase();
+ });
+ function toUpper(_, c) {
+ return c ? c.toUpperCase() : "";
+ }
+ function getComponentDisplayName(originalName, style = "class") {
+ switch (style) {
+ case "class":
+ return (0, exports.classify)(originalName);
+ case "kebab":
+ return (0, exports.kebabize)(originalName);
+ case "original":
+ default:
+ return originalName;
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getComponentDisplayName = getComponentDisplayName;
+ function inDoc(node) {
+ if (!node)
+ return false;
+ const doc = node.ownerDocument.documentElement;
+ const parent = node.parentNode;
+ return doc === node || doc === parent || !!(parent && parent.nodeType === 1 && doc.contains(parent));
+ }
+ exports.inDoc = inDoc;
+ exports.UNDEFINED = "__vue_devtool_undefined__";
+ exports.INFINITY = "__vue_devtool_infinity__";
+ exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY = "__vue_devtool_negative_infinity__";
+ exports.NAN = "__vue_devtool_nan__";
+ exports.SPECIAL_TOKENS = {
+ true: true,
+ false: false,
+ undefined: exports.UNDEFINED,
+ null: null,
+ "-Infinity": exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
+ Infinity: exports.INFINITY,
+ NaN: exports.NAN
+ };
+ exports.MAX_STRING_SIZE = 1e4;
+ exports.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 5e3;
+ function specialTokenToString(value) {
+ if (value === null) {
+ return "null";
+ } else if (value === exports.UNDEFINED) {
+ return "undefined";
+ } else if (value === exports.NAN) {
+ return "NaN";
+ } else if (value === exports.INFINITY) {
+ return "Infinity";
+ } else if (value === exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
+ return "-Infinity";
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ exports.specialTokenToString = specialTokenToString;
+ class EncodeCache {
+ constructor() {
+ this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a result unique to each input data
+ * @param {*} data Input data
+ * @param {*} factory Function used to create the unique result
+ */
+ cache(data, factory) {
+ const cached2 = this.map.get(data);
+ if (cached2) {
+ return cached2;
+ } else {
+ const result = factory(data);
+ this.map.set(data, result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ clear() {
+ this.map.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ const encodeCache = new EncodeCache();
+ class ReviveCache {
+ constructor(maxSize) {
+ this.maxSize = maxSize;
+ this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ this.index = 0;
+ this.size = 0;
+ }
+ cache(value) {
+ const currentIndex = this.index;
+ this.map.set(currentIndex, value);
+ this.size++;
+ if (this.size > this.maxSize) {
+ this.map.delete(currentIndex - this.size);
+ this.size--;
+ }
+ this.index++;
+ return currentIndex;
+ }
+ read(id) {
+ return this.map.get(id);
+ }
+ }
+ const reviveCache = new ReviveCache(1e3);
+ const replacers = {
+ internal: replacerForInternal,
+ user: replaceForUser
+ };
+ function stringify(data, target = "internal") {
+ encodeCache.clear();
+ return (0, transfer_1.stringifyCircularAutoChunks)(data, replacers[target]);
+ }
+ exports.stringify = stringify;
+ function replacerForInternal(key) {
+ var _a;
+ const val = this[key];
+ const type = typeof val;
+ if (Array.isArray(val)) {
+ const l = val.length;
+ if (l > exports.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) {
+ return {
+ _isArray: true,
+ length: l,
+ items: val.slice(0, exports.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE)
+ };
+ }
+ return val;
+ } else if (typeof val === "string") {
+ if (val.length > exports.MAX_STRING_SIZE) {
+ return val.substring(0, exports.MAX_STRING_SIZE) + `... (${val.length} total length)`;
+ } else {
+ return val;
+ }
+ } else if (type === "undefined") {
+ return exports.UNDEFINED;
+ } else if (val === Infinity) {
+ return exports.INFINITY;
+ } else if (val === -Infinity) {
+ return exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ } else if (type === "function") {
+ return getCustomFunctionDetails(val);
+ } else if (type === "symbol") {
+ return `[native Symbol ${Symbol.prototype.toString.call(val)}]`;
+ } else if (val !== null && type === "object") {
+ const proto = Object.prototype.toString.call(val);
+ if (proto === "[object Map]") {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => getCustomMapDetails(val));
+ } else if (proto === "[object Set]") {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => getCustomSetDetails(val));
+ } else if (proto === "[object RegExp]") {
+ return `[native RegExp ${RegExp.prototype.toString.call(val)}]`;
+ } else if (proto === "[object Date]") {
+ return `[native Date ${Date.prototype.toString.call(val)}]`;
+ } else if (proto === "[object Error]") {
+ return `[native Error ${val.message}<>${val.stack}]`;
+ } else if (val.state && val._vm) {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => (0, backend_1.getCustomStoreDetails)(val));
+ } else if (val.constructor && val.constructor.name === "VueRouter") {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => (0, backend_1.getCustomRouterDetails)(val));
+ } else if ((0, backend_1.isVueInstance)(val)) {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => (0, backend_1.getCustomInstanceDetails)(val));
+ } else if (typeof val.render === "function") {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => getCustomComponentDefinitionDetails(val));
+ } else if (val.constructor && val.constructor.name === "VNode") {
+ return `[native VNode <${val.tag}>]`;
+ } else if (typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && val instanceof HTMLElement) {
+ return encodeCache.cache(val, () => getCustomHTMLElementDetails(val));
+ } else if (((_a = val.constructor) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) === "Store" && val._wrappedGetters) {
+ return `[object Store]`;
+ } else if (val.currentRoute) {
+ return `[object Router]`;
+ }
+ const customDetails = (0, backend_1.getCustomObjectDetails)(val, proto);
+ if (customDetails != null)
+ return customDetails;
+ } else if (Number.isNaN(val)) {
+ return exports.NAN;
+ }
+ return sanitize(val);
+ }
+ function replaceForUser(key) {
+ let val = this[key];
+ const type = typeof val;
+ if ((val === null || val === void 0 ? void 0 : val._custom) && "value" in val._custom) {
+ val = val._custom.value;
+ }
+ if (type !== "object") {
+ if (val === exports.UNDEFINED) {
+ return void 0;
+ } else if (val === exports.INFINITY) {
+ return Infinity;
+ } else if (val === exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
+ return -Infinity;
+ } else if (val === exports.NAN) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ return val;
+ }
+ return sanitize(val);
+ }
+ function getCustomMapDetails(val) {
+ const list = [];
+ val.forEach((value, key) => list.push({
+ key,
+ value
+ }));
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "map",
+ display: "Map",
+ value: list,
+ readOnly: true,
+ fields: {
+ abstract: true
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomMapDetails = getCustomMapDetails;
+ function reviveMap(val) {
+ const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ const list = val._custom.value;
+ for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ const {
+ key,
+ value
+ } = list[i];
+ result.set(key, revive(value));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ exports.reviveMap = reviveMap;
+ function getCustomSetDetails(val) {
+ const list = Array.from(val);
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "set",
+ display: `Set[${list.length}]`,
+ value: list,
+ readOnly: true
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomSetDetails = getCustomSetDetails;
+ function reviveSet(val) {
+ const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
+ const list = val._custom.value;
+ for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ const value = list[i];
+ result.add(revive(value));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ exports.reviveSet = reviveSet;
+ function basename(filename, ext) {
+ return path_1.default.basename(filename.replace(/^[a-zA-Z]:/, "").replace(/\\/g, "/"), ext);
+ }
+ function getComponentName(options) {
+ const name = options.displayName || options.name || options._componentTag;
+ if (name) {
+ return name;
+ }
+ const file = options.__file;
+ if (file) {
+ return (0, exports.classify)(basename(file, ".vue"));
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getComponentName = getComponentName;
+ function getCustomComponentDefinitionDetails(def) {
+ let display = getComponentName(def);
+ if (display) {
+ if (def.name && def.__file) {
+ display += ` <span>(${def.__file})</span>`;
+ }
+ } else {
+ display = "<i>Unknown Component</i>";
+ }
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "component-definition",
+ display,
+ tooltip: "Component definition",
+ ...def.__file ? {
+ file: def.__file
+ } : {}
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomComponentDefinitionDetails = getCustomComponentDefinitionDetails;
+ function getCustomFunctionDetails(func) {
+ let string = "";
+ let matches = null;
+ try {
+ string = Function.prototype.toString.call(func);
+ matches = String.prototype.match.call(string, /\([\s\S]*?\)/);
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ const match = matches && matches[0];
+ const args = typeof match === "string" ? match : "(?)";
+ const name = typeof func.name === "string" ? func.name : "";
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "function",
+ display: `<span style="opacity:.5;">function</span> ${escape(name)}${args}`,
+ tooltip: string.trim() ? `<pre>${string}</pre>` : null,
+ _reviveId: reviveCache.cache(func)
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomFunctionDetails = getCustomFunctionDetails;
+ function getCustomHTMLElementDetails(value) {
+ try {
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "HTMLElement",
+ display: `<span class="opacity-30"><</span><span class="text-blue-500">${value.tagName.toLowerCase()}</span><span class="opacity-30">></span>`,
+ value: namedNodeMapToObject(value.attributes),
+ actions: [{
+ icon: "input",
+ tooltip: "Log element to console",
+ action: () => {
+ console.log(value);
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ };
+ } catch (e) {
+ return {
+ _custom: {
+ type: "HTMLElement",
+ display: `<span class="text-blue-500">${String(value)}</span>`
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ exports.getCustomHTMLElementDetails = getCustomHTMLElementDetails;
+ function namedNodeMapToObject(map) {
+ const result = {};
+ const l = map.length;
+ for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ const node = map.item(i);
+ result[node.name] = node.value;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function getCustomRefDetails(instance, key, ref) {
+ let value;
+ if (Array.isArray(ref)) {
+ value = ref.map((r) => getCustomRefDetails(instance, key, r)).map((data) => data.value);
+ } else {
+ let name;
+ if (ref._isVue) {
+ name = getComponentName(ref.$options);
+ } else {
+ name = ref.tagName.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ value = {
+ _custom: {
+ display: `<${name}` + (ref.id ? ` <span class="attr-title">id</span>="${ref.id}"` : "") + (ref.className ? ` <span class="attr-title">class</span>="${ref.className}"` : "") + ">",
+ uid: instance.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_UID__,
+ type: "reference"
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ type: "$refs",
+ key,
+ value,
+ editable: false
+ };
+ }
+ exports.getCustomRefDetails = getCustomRefDetails;
+ function parse(data, revive2 = false) {
+ return revive2 ? (0, transfer_1.parseCircularAutoChunks)(data, reviver) : (0, transfer_1.parseCircularAutoChunks)(data);
+ }
+ exports.parse = parse;
+ const specialTypeRE = /^\[native (\w+) (.*?)(<>((.|\s)*))?\]$/;
+ const symbolRE = /^\[native Symbol Symbol\((.*)\)\]$/;
+ function reviver(key, val) {
+ return revive(val);
+ }
+ function revive(val) {
+ if (val === exports.UNDEFINED) {
+ return void 0;
+ } else if (val === exports.INFINITY) {
+ return Infinity;
+ } else if (val === exports.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
+ return -Infinity;
+ } else if (val === exports.NAN) {
+ return NaN;
+ } else if (val && val._custom) {
+ const {
+ _custom: custom
+ } = val;
+ if (custom.type === "component") {
+ return (0, backend_1.getInstanceMap)().get(custom.id);
+ } else if (custom.type === "map") {
+ return reviveMap(val);
+ } else if (custom.type === "set") {
+ return reviveSet(val);
+ } else if (custom._reviveId) {
+ return reviveCache.read(custom._reviveId);
+ } else {
+ return revive(custom.value);
+ }
+ } else if (symbolRE.test(val)) {
+ const [, string] = symbolRE.exec(val);
+ return Symbol.for(string);
+ } else if (specialTypeRE.test(val)) {
+ const [, type, string, , details] = specialTypeRE.exec(val);
+ const result = new env_1.target[type](string);
+ if (type === "Error" && details) {
+ result.stack = details;
+ }
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ return val;
+ }
+ }
+ exports.revive = revive;
+ function sanitize(data) {
+ if (!isPrimitive(data) && !Array.isArray(data) && !isPlainObject(data)) {
+ return Object.prototype.toString.call(data);
+ } else {
+ return data;
+ }
+ }
+ function isPlainObject(obj) {
+ return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Object]";
+ }
+ exports.isPlainObject = isPlainObject;
+ function isPrimitive(data) {
+ if (data == null) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const type = typeof data;
+ return type === "string" || type === "number" || type === "boolean";
+ }
+ function searchDeepInObject(obj, searchTerm) {
+ const seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ const result = internalSearchObject(obj, searchTerm.toLowerCase(), seen, 0);
+ seen.clear();
+ return result;
+ }
+ exports.searchDeepInObject = searchDeepInObject;
+ const SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH = 10;
+ function internalSearchObject(obj, searchTerm, seen, depth) {
+ if (depth > SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let match = false;
+ const keys = Object.keys(obj);
+ let key, value;
+ for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ value = obj[key];
+ match = internalSearchCheck(searchTerm, key, value, seen, depth + 1);
+ if (match) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return match;
+ }
+ function internalSearchArray(array, searchTerm, seen, depth) {
+ if (depth > SEARCH_MAX_DEPTH) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let match = false;
+ let value;
+ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ value = array[i];
+ match = internalSearchCheck(searchTerm, null, value, seen, depth + 1);
+ if (match) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return match;
+ }
+ function internalSearchCheck(searchTerm, key, value, seen, depth) {
+ let match = false;
+ let result;
+ if (key === "_custom") {
+ key = value.display;
+ value = value.value;
+ }
+ (result = specialTokenToString(value)) && (value = result);
+ if (key && compare(key, searchTerm)) {
+ match = true;
+ seen.set(value, true);
+ } else if (seen.has(value)) {
+ match = seen.get(value);
+ } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ seen.set(value, null);
+ match = internalSearchArray(value, searchTerm, seen, depth);
+ seen.set(value, match);
+ } else if (isPlainObject(value)) {
+ seen.set(value, null);
+ match = internalSearchObject(value, searchTerm, seen, depth);
+ seen.set(value, match);
+ } else if (compare(value, searchTerm)) {
+ match = true;
+ seen.set(value, true);
+ }
+ return match;
+ }
+ function compare(value, searchTerm) {
+ return ("" + value).toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm) !== -1;
+ }
+ function sortByKey(state) {
+ return state && state.slice().sort((a, b) => {
+ if (a.key < b.key)
+ return -1;
+ if (a.key > b.key)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ });
+ }
+ exports.sortByKey = sortByKey;
+ function simpleGet(object, path) {
+ const sections = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split(".");
+ for (let i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
+ object = object[sections[i]];
+ if (!object) {
+ return void 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return object;
+ }
+ exports.simpleGet = simpleGet;
+ function focusInput(el) {
+ el.focus();
+ el.setSelectionRange(0, el.value.length);
+ }
+ exports.focusInput = focusInput;
+ function openInEditor(file) {
+ const fileName = file.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\");
+ const src = `fetch('${shared_data_1.SharedData.openInEditorHost}__open-in-editor?file=${encodeURI(file)}').then(response => {
+ if (response.ok) {
+ console.log('File ${fileName} opened in editor')
+ } else {
+ const msg = 'Opening component ${fileName} failed'
+ const target = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : {}
+ if (target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_TOAST__) {
+ target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_TOAST__(msg, 'error')
+ } else {
+ console.log('%c' + msg, 'color:red')
+ }
+ console.log('Check the setup of your project, see https://devtools.vuejs.org/guide/open-in-editor.html')
+ }
+ })`;
+ if (env_1.isChrome) {
+ env_1.target.chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval(src);
+ } else {
+ [eval][0](src);
+ }
+ }
+ exports.openInEditor = openInEditor;
+ const ESC = {
+ "<": "<",
+ ">": ">",
+ '"': """,
+ "&": "&"
+ };
+ function escape(s) {
+ return s.replace(/[<>"&]/g, escapeChar);
+ }
+ exports.escape = escape;
+ function escapeChar(a) {
+ return ESC[a] || a;
+ }
+ function copyToClipboard(state) {
+ let text;
+ if (typeof state !== "object") {
+ text = String(state);
+ } else {
+ text = stringify(state, "user");
+ }
+ if (typeof document === "undefined")
+ return;
+ const dummyTextArea = document.createElement("textarea");
+ dummyTextArea.textContent = text;
+ document.body.appendChild(dummyTextArea);
+ dummyTextArea.select();
+ document.execCommand("copy");
+ document.body.removeChild(dummyTextArea);
+ }
+ exports.copyToClipboard = copyToClipboard;
+ function isEmptyObject(obj) {
+ return obj === exports.UNDEFINED || !obj || Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
+ }
+ exports.isEmptyObject = isEmptyObject;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/events/events.js": (
+ /*!*******************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/events/events.js ***!
+ \*******************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module) => {
+ var R = typeof Reflect === "object" ? Reflect : null;
+ var ReflectApply = R && typeof R.apply === "function" ? R.apply : function ReflectApply2(target, receiver, args) {
+ return Function.prototype.apply.call(target, receiver, args);
+ };
+ var ReflectOwnKeys;
+ if (R && typeof R.ownKeys === "function") {
+ ReflectOwnKeys = R.ownKeys;
+ } else if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ ReflectOwnKeys = function ReflectOwnKeys2(target) {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target));
+ };
+ } else {
+ ReflectOwnKeys = function ReflectOwnKeys2(target) {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target);
+ };
+ }
+ function ProcessEmitWarning(warning) {
+ if (console && console.warn)
+ console.warn(warning);
+ }
+ var NumberIsNaN = Number.isNaN || function NumberIsNaN2(value) {
+ return value !== value;
+ };
+ function EventEmitter() {
+ EventEmitter.init.call(this);
+ }
+ module.exports = EventEmitter;
+ module.exports.once = once;
+ EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
+ EventEmitter.prototype._events = void 0;
+ EventEmitter.prototype._eventsCount = 0;
+ EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = void 0;
+ var defaultMaxListeners = 10;
+ function checkListener(listener) {
+ if (typeof listener !== "function") {
+ throw new TypeError('The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof listener);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(EventEmitter, "defaultMaxListeners", {
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: function() {
+ return defaultMaxListeners;
+ },
+ set: function(arg) {
+ if (typeof arg !== "number" || arg < 0 || NumberIsNaN(arg)) {
+ throw new RangeError('The value of "defaultMaxListeners" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + arg + ".");
+ }
+ defaultMaxListeners = arg;
+ }
+ });
+ EventEmitter.init = function() {
+ if (this._events === void 0 || this._events === Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events) {
+ this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ this._eventsCount = 0;
+ }
+ this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || void 0;
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function setMaxListeners(n) {
+ if (typeof n !== "number" || n < 0 || NumberIsNaN(n)) {
+ throw new RangeError('The value of "n" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + n + ".");
+ }
+ this._maxListeners = n;
+ return this;
+ };
+ function _getMaxListeners(that) {
+ if (that._maxListeners === void 0)
+ return EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners;
+ return that._maxListeners;
+ }
+ EventEmitter.prototype.getMaxListeners = function getMaxListeners() {
+ return _getMaxListeners(this);
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(type) {
+ var args = [];
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
+ args.push(arguments[i]);
+ var doError = type === "error";
+ var events = this._events;
+ if (events !== void 0)
+ doError = doError && events.error === void 0;
+ else if (!doError)
+ return false;
+ if (doError) {
+ var er;
+ if (args.length > 0)
+ er = args[0];
+ if (er instanceof Error) {
+ throw er;
+ }
+ var err = new Error("Unhandled error." + (er ? " (" + er.message + ")" : ""));
+ err.context = er;
+ throw err;
+ }
+ var handler = events[type];
+ if (handler === void 0)
+ return false;
+ if (typeof handler === "function") {
+ ReflectApply(handler, this, args);
+ } else {
+ var len = handler.length;
+ var listeners = arrayClone(handler, len);
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+ ReflectApply(listeners[i], this, args);
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ function _addListener(target, type, listener, prepend) {
+ var m;
+ var events;
+ var existing;
+ checkListener(listener);
+ events = target._events;
+ if (events === void 0) {
+ events = target._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ target._eventsCount = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (events.newListener !== void 0) {
+ target.emit(
+ "newListener",
+ type,
+ listener.listener ? listener.listener : listener
+ );
+ events = target._events;
+ }
+ existing = events[type];
+ }
+ if (existing === void 0) {
+ existing = events[type] = listener;
+ ++target._eventsCount;
+ } else {
+ if (typeof existing === "function") {
+ existing = events[type] = prepend ? [listener, existing] : [existing, listener];
+ } else if (prepend) {
+ existing.unshift(listener);
+ } else {
+ existing.push(listener);
+ }
+ m = _getMaxListeners(target);
+ if (m > 0 && existing.length > m && !existing.warned) {
+ existing.warned = true;
+ var w = new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. " + existing.length + " " + String(type) + " listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit");
+ w.name = "MaxListenersExceededWarning";
+ w.emitter = target;
+ w.type = type;
+ w.count = existing.length;
+ ProcessEmitWarning(w);
+ }
+ }
+ return target;
+ }
+ EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function addListener(type, listener) {
+ return _addListener(this, type, listener, false);
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener;
+ EventEmitter.prototype.prependListener = function prependListener(type, listener) {
+ return _addListener(this, type, listener, true);
+ };
+ function onceWrapper() {
+ if (!this.fired) {
+ this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn);
+ this.fired = true;
+ if (arguments.length === 0)
+ return this.listener.call(this.target);
+ return this.listener.apply(this.target, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ function _onceWrap(target, type, listener) {
+ var state = { fired: false, wrapFn: void 0, target, type, listener };
+ var wrapped = onceWrapper.bind(state);
+ wrapped.listener = listener;
+ state.wrapFn = wrapped;
+ return wrapped;
+ }
+ EventEmitter.prototype.once = function once2(type, listener) {
+ checkListener(listener);
+ this.on(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener));
+ return this;
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.prependOnceListener = function prependOnceListener(type, listener) {
+ checkListener(listener);
+ this.prependListener(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener));
+ return this;
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(type, listener) {
+ var list, events, position, i, originalListener;
+ checkListener(listener);
+ events = this._events;
+ if (events === void 0)
+ return this;
+ list = events[type];
+ if (list === void 0)
+ return this;
+ if (list === listener || list.listener === listener) {
+ if (--this._eventsCount === 0)
+ this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ else {
+ delete events[type];
+ if (events.removeListener)
+ this.emit("removeListener", type, list.listener || listener);
+ }
+ } else if (typeof list !== "function") {
+ position = -1;
+ for (i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (list[i] === listener || list[i].listener === listener) {
+ originalListener = list[i].listener;
+ position = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (position < 0)
+ return this;
+ if (position === 0)
+ list.shift();
+ else {
+ spliceOne(list, position);
+ }
+ if (list.length === 1)
+ events[type] = list[0];
+ if (events.removeListener !== void 0)
+ this.emit("removeListener", type, originalListener || listener);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener;
+ EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(type) {
+ var listeners, events, i;
+ events = this._events;
+ if (events === void 0)
+ return this;
+ if (events.removeListener === void 0) {
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ this._eventsCount = 0;
+ } else if (events[type] !== void 0) {
+ if (--this._eventsCount === 0)
+ this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ else
+ delete events[type];
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ var keys = Object.keys(events);
+ var key;
+ for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ if (key === "removeListener")
+ continue;
+ this.removeAllListeners(key);
+ }
+ this.removeAllListeners("removeListener");
+ this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
+ this._eventsCount = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ listeners = events[type];
+ if (typeof listeners === "function") {
+ this.removeListener(type, listeners);
+ } else if (listeners !== void 0) {
+ for (i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ this.removeListener(type, listeners[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ function _listeners(target, type, unwrap) {
+ var events = target._events;
+ if (events === void 0)
+ return [];
+ var evlistener = events[type];
+ if (evlistener === void 0)
+ return [];
+ if (typeof evlistener === "function")
+ return unwrap ? [evlistener.listener || evlistener] : [evlistener];
+ return unwrap ? unwrapListeners(evlistener) : arrayClone(evlistener, evlistener.length);
+ }
+ EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(type) {
+ return _listeners(this, type, true);
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.rawListeners = function rawListeners(type) {
+ return _listeners(this, type, false);
+ };
+ EventEmitter.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) {
+ if (typeof emitter.listenerCount === "function") {
+ return emitter.listenerCount(type);
+ } else {
+ return listenerCount.call(emitter, type);
+ }
+ };
+ EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = listenerCount;
+ function listenerCount(type) {
+ var events = this._events;
+ if (events !== void 0) {
+ var evlistener = events[type];
+ if (typeof evlistener === "function") {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (evlistener !== void 0) {
+ return evlistener.length;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ EventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() {
+ return this._eventsCount > 0 ? ReflectOwnKeys(this._events) : [];
+ };
+ function arrayClone(arr, n) {
+ var copy = new Array(n);
+ for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+ copy[i] = arr[i];
+ return copy;
+ }
+ function spliceOne(list, index) {
+ for (; index + 1 < list.length; index++)
+ list[index] = list[index + 1];
+ list.pop();
+ }
+ function unwrapListeners(arr) {
+ var ret = new Array(arr.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i) {
+ ret[i] = arr[i].listener || arr[i];
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ function once(emitter, name) {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ function errorListener(err) {
+ emitter.removeListener(name, resolver);
+ reject(err);
+ }
+ function resolver() {
+ if (typeof emitter.removeListener === "function") {
+ emitter.removeListener("error", errorListener);
+ }
+ resolve([].slice.call(arguments));
+ }
+ eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, name, resolver, { once: true });
+ if (name !== "error") {
+ addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(emitter, errorListener, { once: true });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter(emitter, handler, flags) {
+ if (typeof emitter.on === "function") {
+ eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, "error", handler, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ function eventTargetAgnosticAddListener(emitter, name, listener, flags) {
+ if (typeof emitter.on === "function") {
+ if (flags.once) {
+ emitter.once(name, listener);
+ } else {
+ emitter.on(name, listener);
+ }
+ } else if (typeof emitter.addEventListener === "function") {
+ emitter.addEventListener(name, function wrapListener(arg) {
+ if (flags.once) {
+ emitter.removeEventListener(name, wrapListener);
+ }
+ listener(arg);
+ });
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError('The "emitter" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type ' + typeof emitter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_Symbol.js": (
+ /*!********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/_Symbol.js ***!
+ \********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ var root = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./_root */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_root.js"
+ );
+ var Symbol2 = root.Symbol;
+ module.exports = Symbol2;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_baseGetTag.js": (
+ /*!************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/_baseGetTag.js ***!
+ \************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ var Symbol2 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./_Symbol */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_Symbol.js"
+ ), getRawTag = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./_getRawTag */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_getRawTag.js"
+ ), objectToString = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./_objectToString */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_objectToString.js"
+ );
+ var nullTag = "[object Null]", undefinedTag = "[object Undefined]";
+ var symToStringTag = Symbol2 ? Symbol2.toStringTag : void 0;
+ function baseGetTag(value) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return value === void 0 ? undefinedTag : nullTag;
+ }
+ return symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value) ? getRawTag(value) : objectToString(value);
+ }
+ module.exports = baseGetTag;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_baseTrim.js": (
+ /*!**********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/_baseTrim.js ***!
+ \**********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ var trimmedEndIndex = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./_trimmedEndIndex */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_trimmedEndIndex.js"
+ );
+ var reTrimStart = /^\s+/;
+ function baseTrim(string) {
+ return string ? string.slice(0, trimmedEndIndex(string) + 1).replace(reTrimStart, "") : string;
+ }
+ module.exports = baseTrim;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_freeGlobal.js": (
+ /*!************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/_freeGlobal.js ***!
+ \************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ var freeGlobal = typeof __webpack_require__2.g == "object" && __webpack_require__2.g && __webpack_require__2.g.Object === Object && __webpack_require__2.g;
+ module.exports = freeGlobal;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_getRawTag.js": (
+ /*!***********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/_getRawTag.js ***!
+ \***********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ var Symbol2 = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./_Symbol */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_Symbol.js"
+ );
+ var objectProto = Object.prototype;
+ var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;
+ var nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString;
+ var symToStringTag = Symbol2 ? Symbol2.toStringTag : void 0;
+ function getRawTag(value) {
+ var isOwn = hasOwnProperty.call(value, symToStringTag), tag = value[symToStringTag];
+ try {
+ value[symToStringTag] = void 0;
+ var unmasked = true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ var result = nativeObjectToString.call(value);
+ if (unmasked) {
+ if (isOwn) {
+ value[symToStringTag] = tag;
+ } else {
+ delete value[symToStringTag];
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ module.exports = getRawTag;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_objectToString.js": (
+ /*!****************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/_objectToString.js ***!
+ \****************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module) => {
+ var objectProto = Object.prototype;
+ var nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString;
+ function objectToString(value) {
+ return nativeObjectToString.call(value);
+ }
+ module.exports = objectToString;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_root.js": (
+ /*!******************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/_root.js ***!
+ \******************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ var freeGlobal = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./_freeGlobal */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_freeGlobal.js"
+ );
+ var freeSelf = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self;
+ var root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function("return this")();
+ module.exports = root;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_trimmedEndIndex.js": (
+ /*!*****************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/_trimmedEndIndex.js ***!
+ \*****************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module) => {
+ var reWhitespace = /\s/;
+ function trimmedEndIndex(string) {
+ var index = string.length;
+ while (index-- && reWhitespace.test(string.charAt(index))) {
+ }
+ return index;
+ }
+ module.exports = trimmedEndIndex;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/debounce.js": (
+ /*!*********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/debounce.js ***!
+ \*********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ var isObject = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./isObject */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/isObject.js"
+ ), now = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./now */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/now.js"
+ ), toNumber = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./toNumber */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/toNumber.js"
+ );
+ var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = "Expected a function";
+ var nativeMax = Math.max, nativeMin = Math.min;
+ function debounce(func, wait, options) {
+ var lastArgs, lastThis, maxWait, result, timerId, lastCallTime, lastInvokeTime = 0, leading = false, maxing = false, trailing = true;
+ if (typeof func != "function") {
+ throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);
+ }
+ wait = toNumber(wait) || 0;
+ if (isObject(options)) {
+ leading = !!options.leading;
+ maxing = "maxWait" in options;
+ maxWait = maxing ? nativeMax(toNumber(options.maxWait) || 0, wait) : maxWait;
+ trailing = "trailing" in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;
+ }
+ function invokeFunc(time) {
+ var args = lastArgs, thisArg = lastThis;
+ lastArgs = lastThis = void 0;
+ lastInvokeTime = time;
+ result = func.apply(thisArg, args);
+ return result;
+ }
+ function leadingEdge(time) {
+ lastInvokeTime = time;
+ timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);
+ return leading ? invokeFunc(time) : result;
+ }
+ function remainingWait(time) {
+ var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime, timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime, timeWaiting = wait - timeSinceLastCall;
+ return maxing ? nativeMin(timeWaiting, maxWait - timeSinceLastInvoke) : timeWaiting;
+ }
+ function shouldInvoke(time) {
+ var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime, timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime;
+ return lastCallTime === void 0 || timeSinceLastCall >= wait || timeSinceLastCall < 0 || maxing && timeSinceLastInvoke >= maxWait;
+ }
+ function timerExpired() {
+ var time = now();
+ if (shouldInvoke(time)) {
+ return trailingEdge(time);
+ }
+ timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, remainingWait(time));
+ }
+ function trailingEdge(time) {
+ timerId = void 0;
+ if (trailing && lastArgs) {
+ return invokeFunc(time);
+ }
+ lastArgs = lastThis = void 0;
+ return result;
+ }
+ function cancel() {
+ if (timerId !== void 0) {
+ clearTimeout(timerId);
+ }
+ lastInvokeTime = 0;
+ lastArgs = lastCallTime = lastThis = timerId = void 0;
+ }
+ function flush() {
+ return timerId === void 0 ? result : trailingEdge(now());
+ }
+ function debounced() {
+ var time = now(), isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time);
+ lastArgs = arguments;
+ lastThis = this;
+ lastCallTime = time;
+ if (isInvoking) {
+ if (timerId === void 0) {
+ return leadingEdge(lastCallTime);
+ }
+ if (maxing) {
+ clearTimeout(timerId);
+ timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);
+ return invokeFunc(lastCallTime);
+ }
+ }
+ if (timerId === void 0) {
+ timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ debounced.cancel = cancel;
+ debounced.flush = flush;
+ return debounced;
+ }
+ module.exports = debounce;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/isObject.js": (
+ /*!*********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/isObject.js ***!
+ \*********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module) => {
+ function isObject(value) {
+ var type = typeof value;
+ return value != null && (type == "object" || type == "function");
+ }
+ module.exports = isObject;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/isObjectLike.js": (
+ /*!*************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/isObjectLike.js ***!
+ \*************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module) => {
+ function isObjectLike(value) {
+ return value != null && typeof value == "object";
+ }
+ module.exports = isObjectLike;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/isSymbol.js": (
+ /*!*********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/isSymbol.js ***!
+ \*********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ var baseGetTag = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./_baseGetTag */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_baseGetTag.js"
+ ), isObjectLike = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./isObjectLike */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/isObjectLike.js"
+ );
+ var symbolTag = "[object Symbol]";
+ function isSymbol(value) {
+ return typeof value == "symbol" || isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == symbolTag;
+ }
+ module.exports = isSymbol;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/now.js": (
+ /*!****************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/now.js ***!
+ \****************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ var root = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./_root */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_root.js"
+ );
+ var now = function() {
+ return root.Date.now();
+ };
+ module.exports = now;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/throttle.js": (
+ /*!*********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/throttle.js ***!
+ \*********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ var debounce = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./debounce */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/debounce.js"
+ ), isObject = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./isObject */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/isObject.js"
+ );
+ var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = "Expected a function";
+ function throttle(func, wait, options) {
+ var leading = true, trailing = true;
+ if (typeof func != "function") {
+ throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);
+ }
+ if (isObject(options)) {
+ leading = "leading" in options ? !!options.leading : leading;
+ trailing = "trailing" in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing;
+ }
+ return debounce(func, wait, {
+ "leading": leading,
+ "maxWait": wait,
+ "trailing": trailing
+ });
+ }
+ module.exports = throttle;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/toNumber.js": (
+ /*!*********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/lodash/toNumber.js ***!
+ \*********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ var baseTrim = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./_baseTrim */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/_baseTrim.js"
+ ), isObject = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./isObject */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/isObject.js"
+ ), isSymbol = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./isSymbol */
+ "../../node_modules/lodash/isSymbol.js"
+ );
+ var NAN = 0 / 0;
+ var reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;
+ var reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i;
+ var reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i;
+ var freeParseInt = parseInt;
+ function toNumber(value) {
+ if (typeof value == "number") {
+ return value;
+ }
+ if (isSymbol(value)) {
+ return NAN;
+ }
+ if (isObject(value)) {
+ var other = typeof value.valueOf == "function" ? value.valueOf() : value;
+ value = isObject(other) ? other + "" : other;
+ }
+ if (typeof value != "string") {
+ return value === 0 ? value : +value;
+ }
+ value = baseTrim(value);
+ var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value);
+ return isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value) ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8) : reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value;
+ }
+ module.exports = toNumber;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/path-browserify/index.js": (
+ /*!***************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/path-browserify/index.js ***!
+ \***************************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module) => {
+ function assertPath(path) {
+ if (typeof path !== "string") {
+ throw new TypeError("Path must be a string. Received " + JSON.stringify(path));
+ }
+ }
+ function normalizeStringPosix(path, allowAboveRoot) {
+ var res = "";
+ var lastSegmentLength = 0;
+ var lastSlash = -1;
+ var dots = 0;
+ var code;
+ for (var i = 0; i <= path.length; ++i) {
+ if (i < path.length)
+ code = path.charCodeAt(i);
+ else if (code === 47)
+ break;
+ else
+ code = 47;
+ if (code === 47) {
+ if (lastSlash === i - 1 || dots === 1)
+ ;
+ else if (lastSlash !== i - 1 && dots === 2) {
+ if (res.length < 2 || lastSegmentLength !== 2 || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 1) !== 46 || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 2) !== 46) {
+ if (res.length > 2) {
+ var lastSlashIndex = res.lastIndexOf("/");
+ if (lastSlashIndex !== res.length - 1) {
+ if (lastSlashIndex === -1) {
+ res = "";
+ lastSegmentLength = 0;
+ } else {
+ res = res.slice(0, lastSlashIndex);
+ lastSegmentLength = res.length - 1 - res.lastIndexOf("/");
+ }
+ lastSlash = i;
+ dots = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (res.length === 2 || res.length === 1) {
+ res = "";
+ lastSegmentLength = 0;
+ lastSlash = i;
+ dots = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allowAboveRoot) {
+ if (res.length > 0)
+ res += "/..";
+ else
+ res = "..";
+ lastSegmentLength = 2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (res.length > 0)
+ res += "/" + path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i);
+ else
+ res = path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i);
+ lastSegmentLength = i - lastSlash - 1;
+ }
+ lastSlash = i;
+ dots = 0;
+ } else if (code === 46 && dots !== -1) {
+ ++dots;
+ } else {
+ dots = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ function _format(sep, pathObject) {
+ var dir = pathObject.dir || pathObject.root;
+ var base = pathObject.base || (pathObject.name || "") + (pathObject.ext || "");
+ if (!dir) {
+ return base;
+ }
+ if (dir === pathObject.root) {
+ return dir + base;
+ }
+ return dir + sep + base;
+ }
+ var posix = {
+ // path.resolve([from ...], to)
+ resolve: function resolve() {
+ var resolvedPath = "";
+ var resolvedAbsolute = false;
+ var cwd;
+ for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {
+ var path;
+ if (i >= 0)
+ path = arguments[i];
+ else {
+ if (cwd === void 0)
+ cwd = process.cwd();
+ path = cwd;
+ }
+ assertPath(path);
+ if (path.length === 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ resolvedPath = path + "/" + resolvedPath;
+ resolvedAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === 47;
+ }
+ resolvedPath = normalizeStringPosix(resolvedPath, !resolvedAbsolute);
+ if (resolvedAbsolute) {
+ if (resolvedPath.length > 0)
+ return "/" + resolvedPath;
+ else
+ return "/";
+ } else if (resolvedPath.length > 0) {
+ return resolvedPath;
+ } else {
+ return ".";
+ }
+ },
+ normalize: function normalize(path) {
+ assertPath(path);
+ if (path.length === 0)
+ return ".";
+ var isAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === 47;
+ var trailingSeparator = path.charCodeAt(path.length - 1) === 47;
+ path = normalizeStringPosix(path, !isAbsolute);
+ if (path.length === 0 && !isAbsolute)
+ path = ".";
+ if (path.length > 0 && trailingSeparator)
+ path += "/";
+ if (isAbsolute)
+ return "/" + path;
+ return path;
+ },
+ isAbsolute: function isAbsolute(path) {
+ assertPath(path);
+ return path.length > 0 && path.charCodeAt(0) === 47;
+ },
+ join: function join() {
+ if (arguments.length === 0)
+ return ".";
+ var joined;
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
+ var arg = arguments[i];
+ assertPath(arg);
+ if (arg.length > 0) {
+ if (joined === void 0)
+ joined = arg;
+ else
+ joined += "/" + arg;
+ }
+ }
+ if (joined === void 0)
+ return ".";
+ return posix.normalize(joined);
+ },
+ relative: function relative(from, to) {
+ assertPath(from);
+ assertPath(to);
+ if (from === to)
+ return "";
+ from = posix.resolve(from);
+ to = posix.resolve(to);
+ if (from === to)
+ return "";
+ var fromStart = 1;
+ for (; fromStart < from.length; ++fromStart) {
+ if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart) !== 47)
+ break;
+ }
+ var fromEnd = from.length;
+ var fromLen = fromEnd - fromStart;
+ var toStart = 1;
+ for (; toStart < to.length; ++toStart) {
+ if (to.charCodeAt(toStart) !== 47)
+ break;
+ }
+ var toEnd = to.length;
+ var toLen = toEnd - toStart;
+ var length = fromLen < toLen ? fromLen : toLen;
+ var lastCommonSep = -1;
+ var i = 0;
+ for (; i <= length; ++i) {
+ if (i === length) {
+ if (toLen > length) {
+ if (to.charCodeAt(toStart + i) === 47) {
+ return to.slice(toStart + i + 1);
+ } else if (i === 0) {
+ return to.slice(toStart + i);
+ }
+ } else if (fromLen > length) {
+ if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i) === 47) {
+ lastCommonSep = i;
+ } else if (i === 0) {
+ lastCommonSep = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ var fromCode = from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i);
+ var toCode = to.charCodeAt(toStart + i);
+ if (fromCode !== toCode)
+ break;
+ else if (fromCode === 47)
+ lastCommonSep = i;
+ }
+ var out = "";
+ for (i = fromStart + lastCommonSep + 1; i <= fromEnd; ++i) {
+ if (i === fromEnd || from.charCodeAt(i) === 47) {
+ if (out.length === 0)
+ out += "..";
+ else
+ out += "/..";
+ }
+ }
+ if (out.length > 0)
+ return out + to.slice(toStart + lastCommonSep);
+ else {
+ toStart += lastCommonSep;
+ if (to.charCodeAt(toStart) === 47)
+ ++toStart;
+ return to.slice(toStart);
+ }
+ },
+ _makeLong: function _makeLong(path) {
+ return path;
+ },
+ dirname: function dirname(path) {
+ assertPath(path);
+ if (path.length === 0)
+ return ".";
+ var code = path.charCodeAt(0);
+ var hasRoot = code === 47;
+ var end = -1;
+ var matchedSlash = true;
+ for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= 1; --i) {
+ code = path.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (code === 47) {
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ end = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ matchedSlash = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (end === -1)
+ return hasRoot ? "/" : ".";
+ if (hasRoot && end === 1)
+ return "//";
+ return path.slice(0, end);
+ },
+ basename: function basename(path, ext) {
+ if (ext !== void 0 && typeof ext !== "string")
+ throw new TypeError('"ext" argument must be a string');
+ assertPath(path);
+ var start = 0;
+ var end = -1;
+ var matchedSlash = true;
+ var i;
+ if (ext !== void 0 && ext.length > 0 && ext.length <= path.length) {
+ if (ext.length === path.length && ext === path)
+ return "";
+ var extIdx = ext.length - 1;
+ var firstNonSlashEnd = -1;
+ for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var code = path.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (code === 47) {
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ start = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (firstNonSlashEnd === -1) {
+ matchedSlash = false;
+ firstNonSlashEnd = i + 1;
+ }
+ if (extIdx >= 0) {
+ if (code === ext.charCodeAt(extIdx)) {
+ if (--extIdx === -1) {
+ end = i;
+ }
+ } else {
+ extIdx = -1;
+ end = firstNonSlashEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (start === end)
+ end = firstNonSlashEnd;
+ else if (end === -1)
+ end = path.length;
+ return path.slice(start, end);
+ } else {
+ for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if (path.charCodeAt(i) === 47) {
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ start = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (end === -1) {
+ matchedSlash = false;
+ end = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (end === -1)
+ return "";
+ return path.slice(start, end);
+ }
+ },
+ extname: function extname(path) {
+ assertPath(path);
+ var startDot = -1;
+ var startPart = 0;
+ var end = -1;
+ var matchedSlash = true;
+ var preDotState = 0;
+ for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var code = path.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (code === 47) {
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ startPart = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (end === -1) {
+ matchedSlash = false;
+ end = i + 1;
+ }
+ if (code === 46) {
+ if (startDot === -1)
+ startDot = i;
+ else if (preDotState !== 1)
+ preDotState = 1;
+ } else if (startDot !== -1) {
+ preDotState = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (startDot === -1 || end === -1 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot
+ preDotState === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..'
+ preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return path.slice(startDot, end);
+ },
+ format: function format(pathObject) {
+ if (pathObject === null || typeof pathObject !== "object") {
+ throw new TypeError('The "pathObject" argument must be of type Object. Received type ' + typeof pathObject);
+ }
+ return _format("/", pathObject);
+ },
+ parse: function parse(path) {
+ assertPath(path);
+ var ret = { root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: "" };
+ if (path.length === 0)
+ return ret;
+ var code = path.charCodeAt(0);
+ var isAbsolute = code === 47;
+ var start;
+ if (isAbsolute) {
+ ret.root = "/";
+ start = 1;
+ } else {
+ start = 0;
+ }
+ var startDot = -1;
+ var startPart = 0;
+ var end = -1;
+ var matchedSlash = true;
+ var i = path.length - 1;
+ var preDotState = 0;
+ for (; i >= start; --i) {
+ code = path.charCodeAt(i);
+ if (code === 47) {
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ startPart = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (end === -1) {
+ matchedSlash = false;
+ end = i + 1;
+ }
+ if (code === 46) {
+ if (startDot === -1)
+ startDot = i;
+ else if (preDotState !== 1)
+ preDotState = 1;
+ } else if (startDot !== -1) {
+ preDotState = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (startDot === -1 || end === -1 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot
+ preDotState === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..'
+ preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1) {
+ if (end !== -1) {
+ if (startPart === 0 && isAbsolute)
+ ret.base = ret.name = path.slice(1, end);
+ else
+ ret.base = ret.name = path.slice(startPart, end);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (startPart === 0 && isAbsolute) {
+ ret.name = path.slice(1, startDot);
+ ret.base = path.slice(1, end);
+ } else {
+ ret.name = path.slice(startPart, startDot);
+ ret.base = path.slice(startPart, end);
+ }
+ ret.ext = path.slice(startDot, end);
+ }
+ if (startPart > 0)
+ ret.dir = path.slice(0, startPart - 1);
+ else if (isAbsolute)
+ ret.dir = "/";
+ return ret;
+ },
+ sep: "/",
+ delimiter: ":",
+ win32: null,
+ posix: null
+ };
+ posix.posix = posix;
+ module.exports = posix;
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/speakingurl/index.js": (
+ /*!***********************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/speakingurl/index.js ***!
+ \***********************************************/
+ /***/
+ (module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__2) => {
+ module.exports = __webpack_require__2(
+ /*! ./lib/speakingurl */
+ "../../node_modules/speakingurl/lib/speakingurl.js"
+ );
+ }
+ ),
+ /***/
+ "../../node_modules/speakingurl/lib/speakingurl.js": (
+ /*!*********************************************************!*\
+ !*** ../../node_modules/speakingurl/lib/speakingurl.js ***!
+ \*********************************************************/
+ /***/
+ function(module, exports) {
+ (function(root) {
+ var charMap = {
+ // latin
+ "À": "A",
+ "Á": "A",
+ "Â": "A",
+ "Ã": "A",
+ "Ä": "Ae",
+ "Å": "A",
+ "Æ": "AE",
+ "Ç": "C",
+ "È": "E",
+ "É": "E",
+ "Ê": "E",
+ "Ë": "E",
+ "Ì": "I",
+ "Í": "I",
+ "Î": "I",
+ "Ï": "I",
+ "Ð": "D",
+ "Ñ": "N",
+ "Ò": "O",
+ "Ó": "O",
+ "Ô": "O",
+ "Õ": "O",
+ "Ö": "Oe",
+ "Ő": "O",
+ "Ø": "O",
+ "Ù": "U",
+ "Ú": "U",
+ "Û": "U",
+ "Ü": "Ue",
+ "Ű": "U",
+ "Ý": "Y",
+ "Þ": "TH",
+ "ß": "ss",
+ "à": "a",
+ "á": "a",
+ "â": "a",
+ "ã": "a",
+ "ä": "ae",
+ "å": "a",
+ "æ": "ae",
+ "ç": "c",
+ "è": "e",
+ "é": "e",
+ "ê": "e",
+ "ë": "e",
+ "ì": "i",
+ "í": "i",
+ "î": "i",
+ "ï": "i",
+ "ð": "d",
+ "ñ": "n",
+ "ò": "o",
+ "ó": "o",
+ "ô": "o",
+ "õ": "o",
+ "ö": "oe",
+ "ő": "o",
+ "ø": "o",
+ "ù": "u",
+ "ú": "u",
+ "û": "u",
+ "ü": "ue",
+ "ű": "u",
+ "ý": "y",
+ "þ": "th",
+ "ÿ": "y",
+ "ẞ": "SS",
+ // language specific
+ // Arabic
+ "ا": "a",
+ "أ": "a",
+ "إ": "i",
+ "آ": "aa",
+ "ؤ": "u",
+ "ئ": "e",
+ "ء": "a",
+ "ب": "b",
+ "ت": "t",
+ "ث": "th",
+ "ج": "j",
+ "ح": "h",
+ "خ": "kh",
+ "د": "d",
+ "ذ": "th",
+ "ر": "r",
+ "ز": "z",
+ "س": "s",
+ "ش": "sh",
+ "ص": "s",
+ "ض": "dh",
+ "ط": "t",
+ "ظ": "z",
+ "ع": "a",
+ "غ": "gh",
+ "ف": "f",
+ "ق": "q",
+ "ك": "k",
+ "ل": "l",
+ "م": "m",
+ "ن": "n",
+ "ه": "h",
+ "و": "w",
+ "ي": "y",
+ "ى": "a",
+ "ة": "h",
+ "ﻻ": "la",
+ "ﻷ": "laa",
+ "ﻹ": "lai",
+ "ﻵ": "laa",
+ // Persian additional characters than Arabic
+ "گ": "g",
+ "چ": "ch",
+ "پ": "p",
+ "ژ": "zh",
+ "ک": "k",
+ "ی": "y",
+ // Arabic diactrics
+ "َ": "a",
+ "ً": "an",
+ "ِ": "e",
+ "ٍ": "en",
+ "ُ": "u",
+ "ٌ": "on",
+ "ْ": "",
+ // Arabic numbers
+ "٠": "0",
+ "١": "1",
+ "٢": "2",
+ "٣": "3",
+ "٤": "4",
+ "٥": "5",
+ "٦": "6",
+ "٧": "7",
+ "٨": "8",
+ "٩": "9",
+ // Persian numbers
+ "۰": "0",
+ "۱": "1",
+ "۲": "2",
+ "۳": "3",
+ "۴": "4",
+ "۵": "5",
+ "۶": "6",
+ "۷": "7",
+ "۸": "8",
+ "۹": "9",
+ // Burmese consonants
+ "က": "k",
+ "ခ": "kh",
+ "ဂ": "g",
+ "ဃ": "ga",
+ "င": "ng",
+ "စ": "s",
+ "ဆ": "sa",
+ "ဇ": "z",
+ "စျ": "za",
+ "ည": "ny",
+ "ဋ": "t",
+ "ဌ": "ta",
+ "ဍ": "d",
+ "ဎ": "da",
+ "ဏ": "na",
+ "တ": "t",
+ "ထ": "ta",
+ "ဒ": "d",
+ "ဓ": "da",
+ "န": "n",
+ "ပ": "p",
+ "ဖ": "pa",
+ "ဗ": "b",
+ "ဘ": "ba",
+ "မ": "m",
+ "ယ": "y",
+ "ရ": "ya",
+ "လ": "l",
+ "ဝ": "w",
+ "သ": "th",
+ "ဟ": "h",
+ "ဠ": "la",
+ "အ": "a",
+ // consonant character combos
+ "ြ": "y",
+ "ျ": "ya",
+ "ွ": "w",
+ "ြွ": "yw",
+ "ျွ": "ywa",
+ "ှ": "h",
+ // independent vowels
+ "ဧ": "e",
+ "၏": "-e",
+ "ဣ": "i",
+ "ဤ": "-i",
+ "ဉ": "u",
+ "ဦ": "-u",
+ "ဩ": "aw",
+ "သြော": "aw",
+ "ဪ": "aw",
+ // numbers
+ "၀": "0",
+ "၁": "1",
+ "၂": "2",
+ "၃": "3",
+ "၄": "4",
+ "၅": "5",
+ "၆": "6",
+ "၇": "7",
+ "၈": "8",
+ "၉": "9",
+ // virama and tone marks which are silent in transliteration
+ "္": "",
+ "့": "",
+ "း": "",
+ // Czech
+ "č": "c",
+ "ď": "d",
+ "ě": "e",
+ "ň": "n",
+ "ř": "r",
+ "š": "s",
+ "ť": "t",
+ "ů": "u",
+ "ž": "z",
+ "Č": "C",
+ "Ď": "D",
+ "Ě": "E",
+ "Ň": "N",
+ "Ř": "R",
+ "Š": "S",
+ "Ť": "T",
+ "Ů": "U",
+ "Ž": "Z",
+ // Dhivehi
+ "ހ": "h",
+ "ށ": "sh",
+ "ނ": "n",
+ "ރ": "r",
+ "ބ": "b",
+ "ޅ": "lh",
+ "ކ": "k",
+ "އ": "a",
+ "ވ": "v",
+ "މ": "m",
+ "ފ": "f",
+ "ދ": "dh",
+ "ތ": "th",
+ "ލ": "l",
+ "ގ": "g",
+ "ޏ": "gn",
+ "ސ": "s",
+ "ޑ": "d",
+ "ޒ": "z",
+ "ޓ": "t",
+ "ޔ": "y",
+ "ޕ": "p",
+ "ޖ": "j",
+ "ޗ": "ch",
+ "ޘ": "tt",
+ "ޙ": "hh",
+ "ޚ": "kh",
+ "ޛ": "th",
+ "ޜ": "z",
+ "ޝ": "sh",
+ "ޞ": "s",
+ "ޟ": "d",
+ "ޠ": "t",
+ "ޡ": "z",
+ "ޢ": "a",
+ "ޣ": "gh",
+ "ޤ": "q",
+ "ޥ": "w",
+ "ަ": "a",
+ "ާ": "aa",
+ "ި": "i",
+ "ީ": "ee",
+ "ު": "u",
+ "ޫ": "oo",
+ "ެ": "e",
+ "ޭ": "ey",
+ "ޮ": "o",
+ "ޯ": "oa",
+ "ް": "",
+ // Georgian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Georgian
+ // National system (2002)
+ "ა": "a",
+ "ბ": "b",
+ "გ": "g",
+ "დ": "d",
+ "ე": "e",
+ "ვ": "v",
+ "ზ": "z",
+ "თ": "t",
+ "ი": "i",
+ "კ": "k",
+ "ლ": "l",
+ "მ": "m",
+ "ნ": "n",
+ "ო": "o",
+ "პ": "p",
+ "ჟ": "zh",
+ "რ": "r",
+ "ს": "s",
+ "ტ": "t",
+ "უ": "u",
+ "ფ": "p",
+ "ქ": "k",
+ "ღ": "gh",
+ "ყ": "q",
+ "შ": "sh",
+ "ჩ": "ch",
+ "ც": "ts",
+ "ძ": "dz",
+ "წ": "ts",
+ "ჭ": "ch",
+ "ხ": "kh",
+ "ჯ": "j",
+ "ჰ": "h",
+ // Greek
+ "α": "a",
+ "β": "v",
+ "γ": "g",
+ "δ": "d",
+ "ε": "e",
+ "ζ": "z",
+ "η": "i",
+ "θ": "th",
+ "ι": "i",
+ "κ": "k",
+ "λ": "l",
+ "μ": "m",
+ "ν": "n",
+ "ξ": "ks",
+ "ο": "o",
+ "π": "p",
+ "ρ": "r",
+ "σ": "s",
+ "τ": "t",
+ "υ": "y",
+ "φ": "f",
+ "χ": "x",
+ "ψ": "ps",
+ "ω": "o",
+ "ά": "a",
+ "έ": "e",
+ "ί": "i",
+ "ό": "o",
+ "ύ": "y",
+ "ή": "i",
+ "ώ": "o",
+ "ς": "s",
+ "ϊ": "i",
+ "ΰ": "y",
+ "ϋ": "y",
+ "ΐ": "i",
+ "Α": "A",
+ "Β": "B",
+ "Γ": "G",
+ "Δ": "D",
+ "Ε": "E",
+ "Ζ": "Z",
+ "Η": "I",
+ "Θ": "TH",
+ "Ι": "I",
+ "Κ": "K",
+ "Λ": "L",
+ "Μ": "M",
+ "Ν": "N",
+ "Ξ": "KS",
+ "Ο": "O",
+ "Π": "P",
+ "Ρ": "R",
+ "Σ": "S",
+ "Τ": "T",
+ "Υ": "Y",
+ "Φ": "F",
+ "Χ": "X",
+ "Ψ": "PS",
+ "Ω": "O",
+ "Ά": "A",
+ "Έ": "E",
+ "Ί": "I",
+ "Ό": "O",
+ "Ύ": "Y",
+ "Ή": "I",
+ "Ώ": "O",
+ "Ϊ": "I",
+ "Ϋ": "Y",
+ // Latvian
+ "ā": "a",
+ // 'č': 'c', // duplicate
+ "ē": "e",
+ "ģ": "g",
+ "ī": "i",
+ "ķ": "k",
+ "ļ": "l",
+ "ņ": "n",
+ // 'š': 's', // duplicate
+ "ū": "u",
+ // 'ž': 'z', // duplicate
+ "Ā": "A",
+ // 'Č': 'C', // duplicate
+ "Ē": "E",
+ "Ģ": "G",
+ "Ī": "I",
+ "Ķ": "k",
+ "Ļ": "L",
+ "Ņ": "N",
+ // 'Š': 'S', // duplicate
+ "Ū": "U",
+ // 'Ž': 'Z', // duplicate
+ // Macedonian
+ "Ќ": "Kj",
+ "ќ": "kj",
+ "Љ": "Lj",
+ "љ": "lj",
+ "Њ": "Nj",
+ "њ": "nj",
+ "Тс": "Ts",
+ "тс": "ts",
+ // Polish
+ "ą": "a",
+ "ć": "c",
+ "ę": "e",
+ "ł": "l",
+ "ń": "n",
+ // 'ó': 'o', // duplicate
+ "ś": "s",
+ "ź": "z",
+ "ż": "z",
+ "Ą": "A",
+ "Ć": "C",
+ "Ę": "E",
+ "Ł": "L",
+ "Ń": "N",
+ "Ś": "S",
+ "Ź": "Z",
+ "Ż": "Z",
+ // Ukranian
+ "Є": "Ye",
+ "І": "I",
+ "Ї": "Yi",
+ "Ґ": "G",
+ "є": "ye",
+ "і": "i",
+ "ї": "yi",
+ "ґ": "g",
+ // Romanian
+ "ă": "a",
+ "Ă": "A",
+ "ș": "s",
+ "Ș": "S",
+ // 'ş': 's', // duplicate
+ // 'Ş': 'S', // duplicate
+ "ț": "t",
+ "Ț": "T",
+ "ţ": "t",
+ "Ţ": "T",
+ // Russian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Russian
+ // ICAO
+ "а": "a",
+ "б": "b",
+ "в": "v",
+ "г": "g",
+ "д": "d",
+ "е": "e",
+ "ё": "yo",
+ "ж": "zh",
+ "з": "z",
+ "и": "i",
+ "й": "i",
+ "к": "k",
+ "л": "l",
+ "м": "m",
+ "н": "n",
+ "о": "o",
+ "п": "p",
+ "р": "r",
+ "с": "s",
+ "т": "t",
+ "у": "u",
+ "ф": "f",
+ "х": "kh",
+ "ц": "c",
+ "ч": "ch",
+ "ш": "sh",
+ "щ": "sh",
+ "ъ": "",
+ "ы": "y",
+ "ь": "",
+ "э": "e",
+ "ю": "yu",
+ "я": "ya",
+ "А": "A",
+ "Б": "B",
+ "В": "V",
+ "Г": "G",
+ "Д": "D",
+ "Е": "E",
+ "Ё": "Yo",
+ "Ж": "Zh",
+ "З": "Z",
+ "И": "I",
+ "Й": "I",
+ "К": "K",
+ "Л": "L",
+ "М": "M",
+ "Н": "N",
+ "О": "O",
+ "П": "P",
+ "Р": "R",
+ "С": "S",
+ "Т": "T",
+ "У": "U",
+ "Ф": "F",
+ "Х": "Kh",
+ "Ц": "C",
+ "Ч": "Ch",
+ "Ш": "Sh",
+ "Щ": "Sh",
+ "Ъ": "",
+ "Ы": "Y",
+ "Ь": "",
+ "Э": "E",
+ "Ю": "Yu",
+ "Я": "Ya",
+ // Serbian
+ "ђ": "dj",
+ "ј": "j",
+ // 'љ': 'lj', // duplicate
+ // 'њ': 'nj', // duplicate
+ "ћ": "c",
+ "џ": "dz",
+ "Ђ": "Dj",
+ "Ј": "j",
+ // 'Љ': 'Lj', // duplicate
+ // 'Њ': 'Nj', // duplicate
+ "Ћ": "C",
+ "Џ": "Dz",
+ // Slovak
+ "ľ": "l",
+ "ĺ": "l",
+ "ŕ": "r",
+ "Ľ": "L",
+ "Ĺ": "L",
+ "Ŕ": "R",
+ // Turkish
+ "ş": "s",
+ "Ş": "S",
+ "ı": "i",
+ "İ": "I",
+ // 'ç': 'c', // duplicate
+ // 'Ç': 'C', // duplicate
+ // 'ü': 'u', // duplicate, see langCharMap
+ // 'Ü': 'U', // duplicate, see langCharMap
+ // 'ö': 'o', // duplicate, see langCharMap
+ // 'Ö': 'O', // duplicate, see langCharMap
+ "ğ": "g",
+ "Ğ": "G",
+ // Vietnamese
+ "ả": "a",
+ "Ả": "A",
+ "ẳ": "a",
+ "Ẳ": "A",
+ "ẩ": "a",
+ "Ẩ": "A",
+ "đ": "d",
+ "Đ": "D",
+ "ẹ": "e",
+ "Ẹ": "E",
+ "ẽ": "e",
+ "Ẽ": "E",
+ "ẻ": "e",
+ "Ẻ": "E",
+ "ế": "e",
+ "Ế": "E",
+ "ề": "e",
+ "Ề": "E",
+ "ệ": "e",
+ "Ệ": "E",
+ "ễ": "e",
+ "Ễ": "E",
+ "ể": "e",
+ "Ể": "E",
+ "ỏ": "o",
+ "ọ": "o",
+ "Ọ": "o",
+ "ố": "o",
+ "Ố": "O",
+ "ồ": "o",
+ "Ồ": "O",
+ "ổ": "o",
+ "Ổ": "O",
+ "ộ": "o",
+ "Ộ": "O",
+ "ỗ": "o",
+ "Ỗ": "O",
+ "ơ": "o",
+ "Ơ": "O",
+ "ớ": "o",
+ "Ớ": "O",
+ "ờ": "o",
+ "Ờ": "O",
+ "ợ": "o",
+ "Ợ": "O",
+ "ỡ": "o",
+ "Ỡ": "O",
+ "Ở": "o",
+ "ở": "o",
+ "ị": "i",
+ "Ị": "I",
+ "ĩ": "i",
+ "Ĩ": "I",
+ "ỉ": "i",
+ "Ỉ": "i",
+ "ủ": "u",
+ "Ủ": "U",
+ "ụ": "u",
+ "Ụ": "U",
+ "ũ": "u",
+ "Ũ": "U",
+ "ư": "u",
+ "Ư": "U",
+ "ứ": "u",
+ "Ứ": "U",
+ "ừ": "u",
+ "Ừ": "U",
+ "ự": "u",
+ "Ự": "U",
+ "ữ": "u",
+ "Ữ": "U",
+ "ử": "u",
+ "Ử": "ư",
+ "ỷ": "y",
+ "Ỷ": "y",
+ "ỳ": "y",
+ "Ỳ": "Y",
+ "ỵ": "y",
+ "Ỵ": "Y",
+ "ỹ": "y",
+ "Ỹ": "Y",
+ "ạ": "a",
+ "Ạ": "A",
+ "ấ": "a",
+ "Ấ": "A",
+ "ầ": "a",
+ "Ầ": "A",
+ "ậ": "a",
+ "Ậ": "A",
+ "ẫ": "a",
+ "Ẫ": "A",
+ // 'ă': 'a', // duplicate
+ // 'Ă': 'A', // duplicate
+ "ắ": "a",
+ "Ắ": "A",
+ "ằ": "a",
+ "Ằ": "A",
+ "ặ": "a",
+ "Ặ": "A",
+ "ẵ": "a",
+ "Ẵ": "A",
+ "⓪": "0",
+ "①": "1",
+ "②": "2",
+ "③": "3",
+ "④": "4",
+ "⑤": "5",
+ "⑥": "6",
+ "⑦": "7",
+ "⑧": "8",
+ "⑨": "9",
+ "⑩": "10",
+ "⑪": "11",
+ "⑫": "12",
+ "⑬": "13",
+ "⑭": "14",
+ "⑮": "15",
+ "⑯": "16",
+ "⑰": "17",
+ "⑱": "18",
+ "⑲": "18",
+ "⑳": "18",
+ "⓵": "1",
+ "⓶": "2",
+ "⓷": "3",
+ "⓸": "4",
+ "⓹": "5",
+ "⓺": "6",
+ "⓻": "7",
+ "⓼": "8",
+ "⓽": "9",
+ "⓾": "10",
+ "⓿": "0",
+ "⓫": "11",
+ "⓬": "12",
+ "⓭": "13",
+ "⓮": "14",
+ "⓯": "15",
+ "⓰": "16",
+ "⓱": "17",
+ "⓲": "18",
+ "⓳": "19",
+ "⓴": "20",
+ "Ⓐ": "A",
+ "Ⓑ": "B",
+ "Ⓒ": "C",
+ "Ⓓ": "D",
+ "Ⓔ": "E",
+ "Ⓕ": "F",
+ "Ⓖ": "G",
+ "Ⓗ": "H",
+ "Ⓘ": "I",
+ "Ⓙ": "J",
+ "Ⓚ": "K",
+ "Ⓛ": "L",
+ "Ⓜ": "M",
+ "Ⓝ": "N",
+ "Ⓞ": "O",
+ "Ⓟ": "P",
+ "Ⓠ": "Q",
+ "Ⓡ": "R",
+ "Ⓢ": "S",
+ "Ⓣ": "T",
+ "Ⓤ": "U",
+ "Ⓥ": "V",
+ "Ⓦ": "W",
+ "Ⓧ": "X",
+ "Ⓨ": "Y",
+ "Ⓩ": "Z",
+ "ⓐ": "a",
+ "ⓑ": "b",
+ "ⓒ": "c",
+ "ⓓ": "d",
+ "ⓔ": "e",
+ "ⓕ": "f",
+ "ⓖ": "g",
+ "ⓗ": "h",
+ "ⓘ": "i",
+ "ⓙ": "j",
+ "ⓚ": "k",
+ "ⓛ": "l",
+ "ⓜ": "m",
+ "ⓝ": "n",
+ "ⓞ": "o",
+ "ⓟ": "p",
+ "ⓠ": "q",
+ "ⓡ": "r",
+ "ⓢ": "s",
+ "ⓣ": "t",
+ "ⓤ": "u",
+ "ⓦ": "v",
+ "ⓥ": "w",
+ "ⓧ": "x",
+ "ⓨ": "y",
+ "ⓩ": "z",
+ // symbols
+ "“": '"',
+ "”": '"',
+ "‘": "'",
+ "’": "'",
+ "∂": "d",
+ "ƒ": "f",
+ "™": "(TM)",
+ "©": "(C)",
+ "œ": "oe",
+ "Œ": "OE",
+ "®": "(R)",
+ "†": "+",
+ "℠": "(SM)",
+ "…": "...",
+ "˚": "o",
+ "º": "o",
+ "ª": "a",
+ "•": "*",
+ "၊": ",",
+ "။": ".",
+ // currency
+ "$": "USD",
+ "€": "EUR",
+ "₢": "BRN",
+ "₣": "FRF",
+ "£": "GBP",
+ "₤": "ITL",
+ "₦": "NGN",
+ "₧": "ESP",
+ "₩": "KRW",
+ "₪": "ILS",
+ "₫": "VND",
+ "₭": "LAK",
+ "₮": "MNT",
+ "₯": "GRD",
+ "₱": "ARS",
+ "₲": "PYG",
+ "₳": "ARA",
+ "₴": "UAH",
+ "₵": "GHS",
+ "¢": "cent",
+ "¥": "CNY",
+ "元": "CNY",
+ "円": "YEN",
+ "﷼": "IRR",
+ "₠": "EWE",
+ "฿": "THB",
+ "₨": "INR",
+ "₹": "INR",
+ "₰": "PF",
+ "₺": "TRY",
+ "؋": "AFN",
+ "₼": "AZN",
+ "лв": "BGN",
+ "៛": "KHR",
+ "₡": "CRC",
+ "₸": "KZT",
+ "ден": "MKD",
+ "zł": "PLN",
+ "₽": "RUB",
+ "₾": "GEL"
+ };
+ var lookAheadCharArray = [
+ // burmese
+ "်",
+ // Dhivehi
+ "ް"
+ ];
+ var diatricMap = {
+ // Burmese
+ // dependent vowels
+ "ာ": "a",
+ "ါ": "a",
+ "ေ": "e",
+ "ဲ": "e",
+ "ိ": "i",
+ "ီ": "i",
+ "ို": "o",
+ "ု": "u",
+ "ူ": "u",
+ "ေါင်": "aung",
+ "ော": "aw",
+ "ော်": "aw",
+ "ေါ": "aw",
+ "ေါ်": "aw",
+ "်": "်",
+ // this is special case but the character will be converted to latin in the code
+ "က်": "et",
+ "ိုက်": "aik",
+ "ောက်": "auk",
+ "င်": "in",
+ "ိုင်": "aing",
+ "ောင်": "aung",
+ "စ်": "it",
+ "ည်": "i",
+ "တ်": "at",
+ "ိတ်": "eik",
+ "ုတ်": "ok",
+ "ွတ်": "ut",
+ "ေတ်": "it",
+ "ဒ်": "d",
+ "ိုဒ်": "ok",
+ "ုဒ်": "ait",
+ "န်": "an",
+ "ာန်": "an",
+ "ိန်": "ein",
+ "ုန်": "on",
+ "ွန်": "un",
+ "ပ်": "at",
+ "ိပ်": "eik",
+ "ုပ်": "ok",
+ "ွပ်": "ut",
+ "န်ုပ်": "nub",
+ "မ်": "an",
+ "ိမ်": "ein",
+ "ုမ်": "on",
+ "ွမ်": "un",
+ "ယ်": "e",
+ "ိုလ်": "ol",
+ "ဉ်": "in",
+ "ံ": "an",
+ "ိံ": "ein",
+ "ုံ": "on",
+ // Dhivehi
+ "ައް": "ah",
+ "ަށް": "ah"
+ };
+ var langCharMap = {
+ "en": {},
+ // default language
+ "az": {
+ // Azerbaijani
+ "ç": "c",
+ "ə": "e",
+ "ğ": "g",
+ "ı": "i",
+ "ö": "o",
+ "ş": "s",
+ "ü": "u",
+ "Ç": "C",
+ "Ə": "E",
+ "Ğ": "G",
+ "İ": "I",
+ "Ö": "O",
+ "Ş": "S",
+ "Ü": "U"
+ },
+ "cs": {
+ // Czech
+ "č": "c",
+ "ď": "d",
+ "ě": "e",
+ "ň": "n",
+ "ř": "r",
+ "š": "s",
+ "ť": "t",
+ "ů": "u",
+ "ž": "z",
+ "Č": "C",
+ "Ď": "D",
+ "Ě": "E",
+ "Ň": "N",
+ "Ř": "R",
+ "Š": "S",
+ "Ť": "T",
+ "Ů": "U",
+ "Ž": "Z"
+ },
+ "fi": {
+ // Finnish
+ // 'å': 'a', duplicate see charMap/latin
+ // 'Å': 'A', duplicate see charMap/latin
+ "ä": "a",
+ // ok
+ "Ä": "A",
+ // ok
+ "ö": "o",
+ // ok
+ "Ö": "O"
+ // ok
+ },
+ "hu": {
+ // Hungarian
+ "ä": "a",
+ // ok
+ "Ä": "A",
+ // ok
+ // 'á': 'a', duplicate see charMap/latin
+ // 'Á': 'A', duplicate see charMap/latin
+ "ö": "o",
+ // ok
+ "Ö": "O",
+ // ok
+ // 'ő': 'o', duplicate see charMap/latin
+ // 'Ő': 'O', duplicate see charMap/latin
+ "ü": "u",
+ "Ü": "U",
+ "ű": "u",
+ "Ű": "U"
+ },
+ "lt": {
+ // Lithuanian
+ "ą": "a",
+ "č": "c",
+ "ę": "e",
+ "ė": "e",
+ "į": "i",
+ "š": "s",
+ "ų": "u",
+ "ū": "u",
+ "ž": "z",
+ "Ą": "A",
+ "Č": "C",
+ "Ę": "E",
+ "Ė": "E",
+ "Į": "I",
+ "Š": "S",
+ "Ų": "U",
+ "Ū": "U"
+ },
+ "lv": {
+ // Latvian
+ "ā": "a",
+ "č": "c",
+ "ē": "e",
+ "ģ": "g",
+ "ī": "i",
+ "ķ": "k",
+ "ļ": "l",
+ "ņ": "n",
+ "š": "s",
+ "ū": "u",
+ "ž": "z",
+ "Ā": "A",
+ "Č": "C",
+ "Ē": "E",
+ "Ģ": "G",
+ "Ī": "i",
+ "Ķ": "k",
+ "Ļ": "L",
+ "Ņ": "N",
+ "Š": "S",
+ "Ū": "u",
+ "Ž": "Z"
+ },
+ "pl": {
+ // Polish
+ "ą": "a",
+ "ć": "c",
+ "ę": "e",
+ "ł": "l",
+ "ń": "n",
+ "ó": "o",
+ "ś": "s",
+ "ź": "z",
+ "ż": "z",
+ "Ą": "A",
+ "Ć": "C",
+ "Ę": "e",
+ "Ł": "L",
+ "Ń": "N",
+ "Ó": "O",
+ "Ś": "S",
+ "Ź": "Z",
+ "Ż": "Z"
+ },
+ "sv": {
+ // Swedish
+ // 'å': 'a', duplicate see charMap/latin
+ // 'Å': 'A', duplicate see charMap/latin
+ "ä": "a",
+ // ok
+ "Ä": "A",
+ // ok
+ "ö": "o",
+ // ok
+ "Ö": "O"
+ // ok
+ },
+ "sk": {
+ // Slovak
+ "ä": "a",
+ "Ä": "A"
+ },
+ "sr": {
+ // Serbian
+ "љ": "lj",
+ "њ": "nj",
+ "Љ": "Lj",
+ "Њ": "Nj",
+ "đ": "dj",
+ "Đ": "Dj"
+ },
+ "tr": {
+ // Turkish
+ "Ü": "U",
+ "Ö": "O",
+ "ü": "u",
+ "ö": "o"
+ }
+ };
+ var symbolMap = {
+ "ar": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "la-nihaya",
+ "♥": "hob",
+ "&": "wa",
+ "|": "aw",
+ "<": "aqal-men",
+ ">": "akbar-men",
+ "∑": "majmou",
+ "¤": "omla"
+ },
+ "az": {},
+ "ca": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "infinit",
+ "♥": "amor",
+ "&": "i",
+ "|": "o",
+ "<": "menys que",
+ ">": "mes que",
+ "∑": "suma dels",
+ "¤": "moneda"
+ },
+ "cs": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "nekonecno",
+ "♥": "laska",
+ "&": "a",
+ "|": "nebo",
+ "<": "mensi nez",
+ ">": "vetsi nez",
+ "∑": "soucet",
+ "¤": "mena"
+ },
+ "de": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "unendlich",
+ "♥": "Liebe",
+ "&": "und",
+ "|": "oder",
+ "<": "kleiner als",
+ ">": "groesser als",
+ "∑": "Summe von",
+ "¤": "Waehrung"
+ },
+ "dv": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "kolunulaa",
+ "♥": "loabi",
+ "&": "aai",
+ "|": "noonee",
+ "<": "ah vure kuda",
+ ">": "ah vure bodu",
+ "∑": "jumula",
+ "¤": "faisaa"
+ },
+ "en": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "infinity",
+ "♥": "love",
+ "&": "and",
+ "|": "or",
+ "<": "less than",
+ ">": "greater than",
+ "∑": "sum",
+ "¤": "currency"
+ },
+ "es": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "infinito",
+ "♥": "amor",
+ "&": "y",
+ "|": "u",
+ "<": "menos que",
+ ">": "mas que",
+ "∑": "suma de los",
+ "¤": "moneda"
+ },
+ "fa": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "bi-nahayat",
+ "♥": "eshgh",
+ "&": "va",
+ "|": "ya",
+ "<": "kamtar-az",
+ ">": "bishtar-az",
+ "∑": "majmooe",
+ "¤": "vahed"
+ },
+ "fi": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "aarettomyys",
+ "♥": "rakkaus",
+ "&": "ja",
+ "|": "tai",
+ "<": "pienempi kuin",
+ ">": "suurempi kuin",
+ "∑": "summa",
+ "¤": "valuutta"
+ },
+ "fr": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "infiniment",
+ "♥": "Amour",
+ "&": "et",
+ "|": "ou",
+ "<": "moins que",
+ ">": "superieure a",
+ "∑": "somme des",
+ "¤": "monnaie"
+ },
+ "ge": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "usasruloba",
+ "♥": "siqvaruli",
+ "&": "da",
+ "|": "an",
+ "<": "naklebi",
+ ">": "meti",
+ "∑": "jami",
+ "¤": "valuta"
+ },
+ "gr": {},
+ "hu": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "vegtelen",
+ "♥": "szerelem",
+ "&": "es",
+ "|": "vagy",
+ "<": "kisebb mint",
+ ">": "nagyobb mint",
+ "∑": "szumma",
+ "¤": "penznem"
+ },
+ "it": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "infinito",
+ "♥": "amore",
+ "&": "e",
+ "|": "o",
+ "<": "minore di",
+ ">": "maggiore di",
+ "∑": "somma",
+ "¤": "moneta"
+ },
+ "lt": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "begalybe",
+ "♥": "meile",
+ "&": "ir",
+ "|": "ar",
+ "<": "maziau nei",
+ ">": "daugiau nei",
+ "∑": "suma",
+ "¤": "valiuta"
+ },
+ "lv": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "bezgaliba",
+ "♥": "milestiba",
+ "&": "un",
+ "|": "vai",
+ "<": "mazak neka",
+ ">": "lielaks neka",
+ "∑": "summa",
+ "¤": "valuta"
+ },
+ "my": {
+ "∆": "kwahkhyaet",
+ "∞": "asaonasme",
+ "♥": "akhyait",
+ "&": "nhin",
+ "|": "tho",
+ "<": "ngethaw",
+ ">": "kyithaw",
+ "∑": "paungld",
+ "¤": "ngwekye"
+ },
+ "mk": {},
+ "nl": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "oneindig",
+ "♥": "liefde",
+ "&": "en",
+ "|": "of",
+ "<": "kleiner dan",
+ ">": "groter dan",
+ "∑": "som",
+ "¤": "valuta"
+ },
+ "pl": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "nieskonczonosc",
+ "♥": "milosc",
+ "&": "i",
+ "|": "lub",
+ "<": "mniejsze niz",
+ ">": "wieksze niz",
+ "∑": "suma",
+ "¤": "waluta"
+ },
+ "pt": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "infinito",
+ "♥": "amor",
+ "&": "e",
+ "|": "ou",
+ "<": "menor que",
+ ">": "maior que",
+ "∑": "soma",
+ "¤": "moeda"
+ },
+ "ro": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "infinit",
+ "♥": "dragoste",
+ "&": "si",
+ "|": "sau",
+ "<": "mai mic ca",
+ ">": "mai mare ca",
+ "∑": "suma",
+ "¤": "valuta"
+ },
+ "ru": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "beskonechno",
+ "♥": "lubov",
+ "&": "i",
+ "|": "ili",
+ "<": "menshe",
+ ">": "bolshe",
+ "∑": "summa",
+ "¤": "valjuta"
+ },
+ "sk": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "nekonecno",
+ "♥": "laska",
+ "&": "a",
+ "|": "alebo",
+ "<": "menej ako",
+ ">": "viac ako",
+ "∑": "sucet",
+ "¤": "mena"
+ },
+ "sr": {},
+ "tr": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "sonsuzluk",
+ "♥": "ask",
+ "&": "ve",
+ "|": "veya",
+ "<": "kucuktur",
+ ">": "buyuktur",
+ "∑": "toplam",
+ "¤": "para birimi"
+ },
+ "uk": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "bezkinechnist",
+ "♥": "lubov",
+ "&": "i",
+ "|": "abo",
+ "<": "menshe",
+ ">": "bilshe",
+ "∑": "suma",
+ "¤": "valjuta"
+ },
+ "vn": {
+ "∆": "delta",
+ "∞": "vo cuc",
+ "♥": "yeu",
+ "&": "va",
+ "|": "hoac",
+ "<": "nho hon",
+ ">": "lon hon",
+ "∑": "tong",
+ "¤": "tien te"
+ }
+ };
+ var uricChars = [";", "?", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "$", ",", "/"].join("");
+ var uricNoSlashChars = [";", "?", ":", "@", "&", "=", "+", "$", ","].join("");
+ var markChars = [".", "!", "~", "*", "'", "(", ")"].join("");
+ var getSlug = function getSlug2(input, opts) {
+ var separator = "-";
+ var result = "";
+ var diatricString = "";
+ var convertSymbols = true;
+ var customReplacements = {};
+ var maintainCase;
+ var titleCase;
+ var truncate;
+ var uricFlag;
+ var uricNoSlashFlag;
+ var markFlag;
+ var symbol;
+ var langChar;
+ var lucky;
+ var i;
+ var ch;
+ var l;
+ var lastCharWasSymbol;
+ var lastCharWasDiatric;
+ var allowedChars = "";
+ if (typeof input !== "string") {
+ return "";
+ }
+ if (typeof opts === "string") {
+ separator = opts;
+ }
+ symbol = symbolMap.en;
+ langChar = langCharMap.en;
+ if (typeof opts === "object") {
+ maintainCase = opts.maintainCase || false;
+ customReplacements = opts.custom && typeof opts.custom === "object" ? opts.custom : customReplacements;
+ truncate = +opts.truncate > 1 && opts.truncate || false;
+ uricFlag = opts.uric || false;
+ uricNoSlashFlag = opts.uricNoSlash || false;
+ markFlag = opts.mark || false;
+ convertSymbols = opts.symbols === false || opts.lang === false ? false : true;
+ separator = opts.separator || separator;
+ if (uricFlag) {
+ allowedChars += uricChars;
+ }
+ if (uricNoSlashFlag) {
+ allowedChars += uricNoSlashChars;
+ }
+ if (markFlag) {
+ allowedChars += markChars;
+ }
+ symbol = opts.lang && symbolMap[opts.lang] && convertSymbols ? symbolMap[opts.lang] : convertSymbols ? symbolMap.en : {};
+ langChar = opts.lang && langCharMap[opts.lang] ? langCharMap[opts.lang] : opts.lang === false || opts.lang === true ? {} : langCharMap.en;
+ if (opts.titleCase && typeof opts.titleCase.length === "number" && Array.prototype.toString.call(opts.titleCase)) {
+ opts.titleCase.forEach(function(v) {
+ customReplacements[v + ""] = v + "";
+ });
+ titleCase = true;
+ } else {
+ titleCase = !!opts.titleCase;
+ }
+ if (opts.custom && typeof opts.custom.length === "number" && Array.prototype.toString.call(opts.custom)) {
+ opts.custom.forEach(function(v) {
+ customReplacements[v + ""] = v + "";
+ });
+ }
+ Object.keys(customReplacements).forEach(function(v) {
+ var r;
+ if (v.length > 1) {
+ r = new RegExp("\\b" + escapeChars(v) + "\\b", "gi");
+ } else {
+ r = new RegExp(escapeChars(v), "gi");
+ }
+ input = input.replace(r, customReplacements[v]);
+ });
+ for (ch in customReplacements) {
+ allowedChars += ch;
+ }
+ }
+ allowedChars += separator;
+ allowedChars = escapeChars(allowedChars);
+ input = input.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, "");
+ lastCharWasSymbol = false;
+ lastCharWasDiatric = false;
+ for (i = 0, l = input.length; i < l; i++) {
+ ch = input[i];
+ if (isReplacedCustomChar(ch, customReplacements)) {
+ lastCharWasSymbol = false;
+ } else if (langChar[ch]) {
+ ch = lastCharWasSymbol && langChar[ch].match(/[A-Za-z0-9]/) ? " " + langChar[ch] : langChar[ch];
+ lastCharWasSymbol = false;
+ } else if (ch in charMap) {
+ if (i + 1 < l && lookAheadCharArray.indexOf(input[i + 1]) >= 0) {
+ diatricString += ch;
+ ch = "";
+ } else if (lastCharWasDiatric === true) {
+ ch = diatricMap[diatricString] + charMap[ch];
+ diatricString = "";
+ } else {
+ ch = lastCharWasSymbol && charMap[ch].match(/[A-Za-z0-9]/) ? " " + charMap[ch] : charMap[ch];
+ }
+ lastCharWasSymbol = false;
+ lastCharWasDiatric = false;
+ } else if (ch in diatricMap) {
+ diatricString += ch;
+ ch = "";
+ if (i === l - 1) {
+ ch = diatricMap[diatricString];
+ }
+ lastCharWasDiatric = true;
+ } else if (
+ // process symbol chars
+ symbol[ch] && !(uricFlag && uricChars.indexOf(ch) !== -1) && !(uricNoSlashFlag && uricNoSlashChars.indexOf(ch) !== -1)
+ ) {
+ ch = lastCharWasSymbol || result.substr(-1).match(/[A-Za-z0-9]/) ? separator + symbol[ch] : symbol[ch];
+ ch += input[i + 1] !== void 0 && input[i + 1].match(/[A-Za-z0-9]/) ? separator : "";
+ lastCharWasSymbol = true;
+ } else {
+ if (lastCharWasDiatric === true) {
+ ch = diatricMap[diatricString] + ch;
+ diatricString = "";
+ lastCharWasDiatric = false;
+ } else if (lastCharWasSymbol && (/[A-Za-z0-9]/.test(ch) || result.substr(-1).match(/A-Za-z0-9]/))) {
+ ch = " " + ch;
+ }
+ lastCharWasSymbol = false;
+ }
+ result += ch.replace(new RegExp("[^\\w\\s" + allowedChars + "_-]", "g"), separator);
+ }
+ if (titleCase) {
+ result = result.replace(/(\w)(\S*)/g, function(_, i2, r) {
+ var j = i2.toUpperCase() + (r !== null ? r : "");
+ return Object.keys(customReplacements).indexOf(j.toLowerCase()) < 0 ? j : j.toLowerCase();
+ });
+ }
+ result = result.replace(/\s+/g, separator).replace(new RegExp("\\" + separator + "+", "g"), separator).replace(new RegExp("(^\\" + separator + "+|\\" + separator + "+$)", "g"), "");
+ if (truncate && result.length > truncate) {
+ lucky = result.charAt(truncate) === separator;
+ result = result.slice(0, truncate);
+ if (!lucky) {
+ result = result.slice(0, result.lastIndexOf(separator));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!maintainCase && !titleCase) {
+ result = result.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ var createSlug = function createSlug2(opts) {
+ return function getSlugWithConfig(input) {
+ return getSlug(input, opts);
+ };
+ };
+ var escapeChars = function escapeChars2(input) {
+ return input.replace(/[-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}\/]/g, "\\$&");
+ };
+ var isReplacedCustomChar = function(ch, customReplacements) {
+ for (var c in customReplacements) {
+ if (customReplacements[c] === ch) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if (module.exports) {
+ module.exports = getSlug;
+ module.exports.createSlug = createSlug;
+ } else {
+ return getSlug;
+ }).apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== void 0 && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));
+ }
+ })();
+ }
+ )
+ /******/
+ };
+ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
+ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
+ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
+ if (cachedModule !== void 0) {
+ return cachedModule.exports;
+ }
+ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
+ /******/
+ // no module.id needed
+ /******/
+ // no module.loaded needed
+ /******/
+ exports: {}
+ /******/
+ };
+ __webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
+ return module.exports;
+ }
+ (() => {
+ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => {
+ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? (
+ /******/
+ () => module["default"]
+ ) : (
+ /******/
+ () => module
+ );
+ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
+ return getter;
+ };
+ })();
+ (() => {
+ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
+ for (var key in definition) {
+ if (__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ (() => {
+ __webpack_require__.g = function() {
+ if (typeof globalThis === "object")
+ return globalThis;
+ try {
+ return this || new Function("return this")();
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (typeof window === "object")
+ return window;
+ }
+ }();
+ })();
+ (() => {
+ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop);
+ })();
+ (() => {
+ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {
+ if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.toStringTag) {
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" });
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+ };
+ })();
+ var __webpack_exports__ = {};
+ (() => {
+ /*!************************!*\
+ !*** ./src/backend.ts ***!
+ \************************/
+ __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
+ var _back_index__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(
+ /*! @back/index */
+ "../app-backend-core/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ var _vue_devtools_shared_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(
+ /*! @vue-devtools/shared-utils */
+ "../shared-utils/lib/index.js"
+ );
+ _vue_devtools_shared_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_ON_SOCKET_READY__(() => {
+ const socket = _vue_devtools_shared_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_SOCKET__;
+ const connectedMessage = () => {
+ if (_vue_devtools_shared_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_TOAST__) {
+ _vue_devtools_shared_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_TOAST__("Remote Devtools Connected", "normal");
+ }
+ };
+ const disconnectedMessage = () => {
+ if (_vue_devtools_shared_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_TOAST__) {
+ _vue_devtools_shared_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_TOAST__("Remote Devtools Disconnected", "error");
+ }
+ };
+ socket.on("connect", () => {
+ connectedMessage();
+ (0, _back_index__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.initBackend)(bridge);
+ socket.emit("vue-devtools-init");
+ });
+ socket.on("disconnect", () => {
+ socket.disconnect();
+ disconnectedMessage();
+ });
+ socket.on("vue-devtools-disconnect-backend", () => {
+ socket.disconnect();
+ });
+ const bridge = new _vue_devtools_shared_utils__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.Bridge({
+ listen(fn) {
+ socket.on("vue-message", (data) => fn(data));
+ },
+ send(data) {
+ socket.emit("vue-message", data);
+ }
+ });
+ bridge.on("shutdown", () => {
+ socket.disconnect();
+ disconnectedMessage();
+ });
+ });
+ })();
Promise.resolve("./app.css.js").then(() => {